Chili Peppers

Chili Peppers

in Crafting

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


So I heard there was an exploit involving chili peppers, your (arenanet) solution to it was all but remove them from the game. What were you thinking (if you were at all)? They have become an exotic cooking material now. I go into an area and gather and get maybe two. I think this makes the chef very unbalanced. I was lucky to have maxed my chef crafting before you took them away from the karma vendor. Do you plan to just remove everything you can’t fix? Think of the new players who can’t afford them to learn the recipes. Why not increase the drop rate for them, or just make them a node to themselves.

Chili Peppers

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


There aren’t that many recipes that require Chili Peppers, and to be honest, there are so many different recipes that a budding Chef can EASILY level past the range where Chili Peppers are a level-appropriate ingredient without needing to use them. In fact, I believe there’s a Chef guide out there that takes you from 0 – 400 without using any Chili Peppers at all.

That said, I do agree with you that Chili Peppers are abnormally hard to get. Despite playing from launch day and bringing 5 different characters through the starter Charr areas, I only have 30 or so Chili Peppers. (In comparison, I have over a stack of Vanilla Beans!) I think Chili Peppers need a tweak similar to what Vanilla Beans got, where they drop in quantities of 3 – 5 instead of 1 – 2 like they do now.