Cooking - Worth it?

Cooking - Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Kaii.6805


I’ve not done much crafting and I’ve been considering giving cooking a try. What are your opinions on it? Is it worth trying? How does it perform at 80?

Cooking - Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Vayra.3290


It’s ok, you’ll save some money by making your own food (at least for some of the food types) and it’s a nice stat boost while leveling.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Cooking - Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Lite Ning Girl.7958

Lite Ning Girl.7958

I haven’t done much in cooking but in the little I have done I’ve realized how addictive it is. I’ve been running back and forth between the station and trading post, depleting my saved up money, just to have enough ingredients to make something new or try to get better at it so I can make something that is levels above me. Still, I think it is the most fun craft and worth it despite it taking up all my inventory space.

Cooking - Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Hadouken.4209


I’d say about the same as any craft. But a tad more challenging. As far as leveling it up, its the hardest. Discovering new recipes is not obvious, and there’s no pattern to it like the others. Can be fun though, the recipes make sense, so combining different ingrediants often return expected results.

As far as making money, you have to do your homework. compare prices vs materials. As with any craft, there’s lots of money to be made, but you can’t just blindly craft things and sell for profit. What makes profit today, will be different tomarrow. The economy is in a constant state of flux.

It’s fun though for sure. The lack of patterns in discovery leads to more exploration and trail and error. If you like the idea of playing around in a virtual kitchen, definetly give it a shot.

Cooking - Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I don’t really see it as much of a money maker, but being able to craft whatever food you want from stuff you’ll likely be gathering as you’re out and about is very convenient, and saves you from having to buy food. In that sense, I guess it’s a money saver, as well as allowing you to be flexible with what you want for consumables.

It might seem like a money sink early on while you’re leveling it up, but I actually feel it’s the least costly of the crafting professions, especially since the materials can be reliably found (although not always in large quantities). It was a bit more of a pain before they awarded karma jugs for daily achievements since some materials must be purchased with karma, but that’s not really much of a concern now.

It will take up a bunch of inventory room though. There’s a lot of intermediary components you might want to keep that cannot be stored in the collectibles tab. I’d suggest making very deliberate use of the wiki to track exactly what you’ll need for new recipe discoveries if your inventory gets bloated. Some level 80 food can require very low level crafting components, so it can be a little counter-intuitive and inconsistent with other crafting professions.

If you’re like me and you don’t like to throw your consumables away or sell them, you’ll probably find your inventory is chock full of so much food that you can’t even eat it quickly enough. I’ve been able to munch down on everything I’ve crafted over the past few weeks so I don’t have any inventory problems anymore, but it was painful for awhile.

It’s can be handy for leveling alts as well, since you can produce some low cost food to give them a nice little booster. Serious WvWers will also be using high level foods as well as other consumables.

I’ve found it’s also really fun. The discovery system works really nicely with the cooking profession.

EDIT: You can also craft dyes, which can be a good source of profit, but it’s very luck based. You can craft the rare version of the dye recipes, but I’ve always gotten a common grade dye whenever doing that (I have an uncanny sense of poor luck).

(edited by Yamsandjams.3267)

Cooking - Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Mechanix.5719


10 levels for around 1g 30s and like 3k karma i adore cooking

Cooking - Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


I’d say yes, it’s worth it. Made over 10 gold in the past 2 weeks on cooking alone