Cooking and hearts?
I assume it refers to using karma to receive cooking ingredients from renown heart vendors, but this is 100% a guess.
Crafting is designed for gear accessibility, not profit.
It has to do with the percent of karma bought ingredients used. From as much as possible with the all hearts way to none with the no hearts option.
Btw, if you don’t want to run around to get all the hearts, you can currently stock up on the ingredients for cheap in Labyrinthine Cliffs.
There are certain ingredients you can only get via Karma (usually from Heart vendors in the Open World). The guide was offering the option of recipes that require some, all or none of those ingredients.
NOTE: All of those Karma ingredients are now available from vendors at the start of the Lab Cliffs area during the 4 Winds Festival. Keeps you from having to travel all over the Map to get them.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances