I want to take a moment to discuss something about Cooking that has really bothered me from the get go. I don’t mean to bash whoever conceived it because it clearly was designed by someone who really loves cooking, but I think game-play wise it’s really cumbersome.
Cooking is used to provide bufffood which offers us powerful, yet limit duration power increases to our character. They are essentially consumables comparable to those found in almost all RPGs.
My problem with Cooking however is just how convoluted it is.
We have to juggle more than 50 different base ingredients, some of which are account bound and only purchasable from random NPCs and other which can be farmed.
Based on these 50+ base ingredients we have another 30 or so components like Dough, Sauces etc.
Then we have the 20 or so ingredients that the Cooking NPC sells directly.
Then, depending on the recipe we might have a few more intermediate items to juggle.
As an example, let’s see what it takes to produce a Bowl of Curry Butternut Squash Soup
It requires:
1 Coconut – purchased from a World Karma merchant
1 Butternut Squash – farmed item
1 Jar of Red Curry Paste – intermediate item
1 Bowl of Herbed Vegetable – intermediate item
Now the Jar of Red Curry Requires
1 Lemongrass – farmed item
1 Lime – World Karma merchant
1 Cayenne Pepper -farmed item
1 Pile of Stirfry Mix – intermediate item
Now the Pile of Stirfry Mix requires:
1 Onion – farmed item
1 Head of Garlic – farmed item
1 Ginger Root – farmed item
1 Chili Pepper – farmed item
Now the Bowl of Herbed Vegetables requires
1 Rosemary Sprig – farmed item
1 Sage Leaf – - farmed item
1 Pile of Simple Herb Stews – intermediate item
1 Bowl of Vegetable Stock – intermediate item
Now the Pile of Simple Herb Stew requires
1 Thyme Leaf – farmed item
1 Bay Leaf – farmed item
The Bowl of Vegetable Stock requires
1 Jug of Water
1 Celery Stalk
2 Onions
2 Carrots
The End.
Holy crap that’s almost as complicated as crafting a Legendary item. I know most of these ingredients aren’t very expensive but the fact that you have to go through so many lairs and juggle so many items is just really unnecessary. Let alone all the inventory space it takes just to cook like that.
But we’re talking about bufffood here that lasts for a mere 30 minutes. It should really not be such an inconvenience to cook such food.
It’s especially hard to understand since many of the other recipes are comparatively simple. Omnomberry Pie for example “only” requires the Omnomberry Filling and the Dough, most of which can be purchased straight from the Cooking merchant.
I really hope ANet revises some of these recipes over time and removes some of the unnecessary bloat from cooking. The ingredients bought from the merchant for example really don’t add anything to the game.
(edited by Dee Jay.2460)