Copper nodes should be in 15-25 zones

Copper nodes should be in 15-25 zones

in Crafting

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Considering that you can’t use any crafted items using Iron or Silver until level 25, requiring Copper for everything below that, Copper nodes should be fairly prominent in the 15-25 zones instead of Iron and Silver taking over immediately.
This is one of the big reasons Copper costs so much in the Trading Post right now. In order to keep Weapon/Armorsmithing and Jeweler up with your level, people have to either go to 1-15 zones that they outlevel, which they don’t want to do, or spend a lot of money buying it at the Trading Post, while Iron and Silver cost very little, despite being a higher level material. Iron’s low cost is also due to it being used for 2 different tiers, thus being found in a much larger level range, I’m aware, but both it and Silver are low in part due to the fact that you start getting it LONG before your crafting level will be high enough, if you’re keeping your crafting level up with your character level, and the bottleneck caused by being cut off from Copper.
Green Wood is technically affected by this as well, but it’s only particularly used for 2 professions instead of 3 like Copper, and those 2 (Huntsman and Artificer) most likely aren’t going to be on the same character, while Weaponsmithing and Armorsmithing are quite likely.

(edited by gimmethegepgun.1284)

Copper nodes should be in 15-25 zones

in Crafting

Posted by: Locuus.1950


Was thinking about posting the same here actually.
makes no sense to have Copper available in the 1-15 zones only, while iron is available up to lvl 60ish area.
Yes iron is used to make steel, but the level range is still way too wide.

Copper could be in the 1-25 then Iron in the 25-60 if you like, but not the way it is now.

Copper nodes should be in 15-25 zones

in Crafting

Posted by: aeonZgamer.5307


Leave it alone folks there’s 5 Starter zones and I can flat out guarantee you that the Human and Charr start zones have a TON of Copper ore allll over the joint
Besides I’m enjoying my 15-25 zone romps collecting up Iron & Silver
Armorsmiths can create Iron Boxes 10 Slot container to hold stuff

Copper nodes should be in 15-25 zones

in Crafting

Posted by: mulch.2586


I could’ve sworn you get copper/green-wood/jute/rawhide up to lvl 20, i.e. half way thru the 15-25 zones. That’s what would make the most sense to me. You don’t want iron etc. to start at 25, cuz you want to bank up a bit of mats before you can craft/equip it.

Copper nodes should be in 15-25 zones

in Crafting

Posted by: Victus.9631


Ever stop and think that maybe they’re having you farm the materials BEFORE you can use the gear it produces as a way to prepare you for the next zone? If anything, being able to farm materials BEFORE you need them is better than getting them WHEN you need them. Leave it as is, if you need more ore after 100% clearing a zone, go to the next zone at the same rank. Also helps you level progress and makes main story quests easier to deal with as sometimes you’ll slowly fall behind.

Copper nodes should be in 15-25 zones

in Crafting

Posted by: ladyosheep.3548


I’m pretty sure ore will come down once the majority of people level up their crafting, there’s just a skewed demand for low level mats at the moment.