Crafting Eternity- Need Staff Help (T_T)

Crafting Eternity- Need Staff Help (T_T)

in Crafting

Posted by: Andre Teixeira.7581

Andre Teixeira.7581

Hello Guys,

I think is was like 4 months ago, when I got my Twilight in the game and I didn’t know about it not being able to be transmuted and losing the quality of a Legendary weapon, and I did it.
After a lot of patchs you guys fixed it so it looks Purple, with Twilight name again and all that.
Today, I just finally finished my Sunrise.

I gone to the mystic forge to make my Eternity, and it isn`t allowing me (which I believe is because of the fact my Twilight is considered as transmuted).

Is there any chance, a staff can exchange both weapons for me into an Eternity?
Do I need to open a ticket anywhere? Or i’m totally doomed T_T

Thank you very much.


Slashy The Sieger – Mesmer
Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast
Also Known as .. The Hottest Asura evah .. True Story

Crafting Eternity- Need Staff Help (T_T)

in Crafting

Posted by: ryndaris.2975


Oh wow, I hope you get a favorable resolution to this. That is one kittenty situation

Crafting Eternity- Need Staff Help (T_T)

in Crafting

Posted by: Unknown.2796


I think you’re better off in the bug section with this one. Also send in a ticket here; and put the ticket number in the forum post so it’s easier to trace for the people that will work on your problem.

Location, location, location.

Crafting Eternity- Need Staff Help (T_T)

in Crafting

Posted by: Andre Teixeira.7581

Andre Teixeira.7581

Well, I don’t wanna re-post it in a different section. (So i don’t make 2 same topics about the problem hehehehe)
Can any moderator transfer it for me to the Bug Section then ???

I just didn’t post there, cause I thought here in the crafting would fit better hehe.

I sent a ticket though: Crafting Eternity Legendary [Incident: 130317-000292]

Lets see … Lets hope I can get it sorted out.

Thanks once again.

Slashy The Sieger – Mesmer
Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast
Also Known as .. The Hottest Asura evah .. True Story

(edited by Andre Teixeira.7581)

Crafting Eternity- Need Staff Help (T_T)

in Crafting

Posted by: Andre Teixeira.7581

Andre Teixeira.7581

I just received a fast reply from one of the GM’s.
Thank you very much GM Onyx <3.

Just have to wait now

For those having the same problem, here is the answer.


I’m sorry to hear about the issues you’ve been having with crafting Eternity. But thank you very much for letting us know about this. It looks like our Quality Assurance team has already been notified of the issues with transmuted Legendary items being ineligible to be used in recipes such as Eternity and are working to get this resolved as soon as possible.

Be sure to keep posted at ( and the forums () for any updates on this issue.

But if you have any other concerns, feel free to let us know.

GM Onyx

Slashy The Sieger – Mesmer
Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast
Also Known as .. The Hottest Asura evah .. True Story

Crafting Eternity- Need Staff Help (T_T)

in Crafting

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


That is basically the issue as the third point at

After transmuting the forge only sees the base item(whatever is providing the stats).