Crafting, MF gear, and legendaries

Crafting, MF gear, and legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Quick questions about crafting. Please bear in mind that I started playing one week ago so this may sound a bit noobish. My main is a level 27 Necromancer (all my other chars are level 5 or below and get no play time for now :P )

I have tried several crafting proficiencies, and the three I enjoyed the most for my necro are Tailor, Jeweler, and Artificier. Since I only want to level 2 of them…

- I want to be able to craft my own armour. This probably makes Tailor a must have. Crafting bags is a plus
- How useful would be Artificier and jeweller at level 80? I guess Artificier would be fine if I want to make myself a neat Staff (my preferred weapon with the Necro), and maybe with time a legendary. On the other hand, with Jeweller I can craft some jewells + gems to upgrade stuff?

What would you choose and why?


Crafting, MF gear, and legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Safari.3021


I’d go jewelry, the materials needed, jewels and metal, mainly come from the same mining nodes, and you’d be able to outfit yourself with 5 slots worth of gear (2 rings, 2 earrings and an amulet) throughout your adventure (adventure, not levelling :P ) whereas artificer will only fill a maximum of 4 if you dual wield on both your weapon choices.

Also weapons drop from creatures and chests way more than jewelry items, so I dont think you’d find yourself short of brand new weapons.

Crafting, MF gear, and legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Wazzy.5961


I agree with Safari.
The only thing crafting Weapons is good for is Legendaries and by the time you save ALL the material list for those you would have way more than enough money to do 1-400 in 15 minutes.
It is cheaper to buy armour and weapons on the TP (sound advice I think!)

The exotic jewel sets are 10-18g per set depending on stats and I personally have gathered enough to make my own ruby and opal set with gems to spare just from playing to 80. Thus saving me around 30g to spend on other stuff and more room to make profit when I gather a few more Orichs

Crafting, MF gear, and legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Galanath.5784


All the above responses give good advice…if you’re thinking of right now, short term.

Ehrnam, you can only have 2 trades active at a time, but you can switch to any trade you wish, at any time, just by talking to a master craftsman of the desired trade. It may cost you a small amount of copper or silver to do so (I think it’s 10 copper per each level you have advanced the trade).

So, you don’t need to just pick 2 trades…you can do all of them if you wish…and there’s a nifty title for mastering all of the trades.

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