Crafting Materials

Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: BloodyEvevle.8439



I just want to put this out there as a suggestion regarding crafting materials, mainly what seems to be an unfair gathering system in regards to Leather working and Tailoring Materials. It seems odd to me that all the other crafts can get their mats from foraging yet the only way leather workers and tailors can get materials is to salvage items seems rather unfair. why cant we have it so when you harvest a plant or kill an animal you could have leather or cloth scraps have a chance of dropping from an animal or cloth scraps drop from a plant or tree in the same way we get ore and gems from different rock types.

Whats anybody else think i pitty anyone trying to get to 500 in tailoring these days
I’d like to here What Arena Net Thinks of the idea

(edited by BloodyEvevle.8439)

Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: conradpedalo.5381


I concur. There are hides & scraps that do drop from mobs for leather & cloth. To combat this I harvest the metal nodes to sell & buy the mats I need. The prices are close together that you won’t lose much if any. Also salvage salvage salvage

Just let me die so I can waypoint out this mess

Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: alwinp.2791


the only thing that needs balancing are clothing scraps. Linen scraps are hard to obtain at lvl 80. We need silk scraps twice as much compared to leather/ingots.

Leatherworking is the cheapest of all anyway, probably because there’s such a big supply on the mats. Armor is becomming balanced aswell. Just that you require a good ammount of iron ore to get things done.

Tailoring tho, the costs for silk scrap & linen scrap already exceed the price for a full deldrimor ingot or elonian square. Then we have to invest in cotton scrap to get the last piece of the puzzle. Its the reason bolts are so expensive.

I tried farming some flame legion events, they are a good source but still not compared to gold/h ratio in dungeons/fractals/zerg trains

Silk scrap drops at a decent rate, but they overpressed it by 100 bolts instead of 50 like the other. Completely lame and makes no sense to me at all.

Linen scrap will adjust by itself anyway. now that grinding is abit longer on lower levels the supply might increase a little. Still tho, i’d like to see some more linen scrap in my 80 bags.

If they don’t plan on changing craft requirements, then increase the scraps we gain from frayed garments. 1-3 is silly, 3-5 should balance it more.

Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: PhantomRenegade.9354


I completely agree with the original poster, I’ve just started playing the game and i have three characters, on is level 11 one is level 8 and one is 7.
I’ve been salvaging every piece of gear I found and I’d noted that leather for leathercrafting might become a problem but i just naturally assumed that the amount of materials used in leatherworking would be low to compensate for that fact.
As it stands I can craft three rawhide leather packs before I run out. Now that takes a fair amount of leather to craft but I could also craft 7 of the armorsmithing bags, and I’ve actually been using my bronze to craft weapons too.

Now, I get that I can just buy more leather on the market but personally I’d much rather just gather it, I like playing the game, and they should be finding ways to get me to spend more time playing it, not forcing me into taking the market shortcut.

Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I do agree that cloth prices do need to be looked at a bit. I’d reduce the requirements for Damask to 50 Bolts of Silk (down from 100), and also change the salvage tables so that salvaging cloth items gives back 50% more scraps. (e.g. from 1 – 3 to 2 – 4 for gloves/helms/shoulders/boots, and 3 – 5 to 5 – 7 for chest/leggings.)

Technically leather should also get the same salvage tweak, although it’s in a pretty decent price range due to less demand.

Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: cougo.3189


I completely agree!