Crafting and supplies in bank
I daresay that for most people, especially people starting out and being strapped for bank/inventory space, the current setup is plain more convenient. While I understand your frustration, this is a matter of the greatest possible amount of good for the greatest possible amount of people. The greatest possible amount of people being people who are at middling crafting levels and want to invent and craft a lot to raise their skill.
I can kinda understand your problem.
But on the other hand I’ve had so many Discovery’s of things I hadnt thought off since they launched the patch yesterday, so I want it to be like it is.
Maybe a ‘compromise’ with somekind of ‘Tickbox’ you can toggle to switch it on and off.
But I have to admit that I loove that I can just click the button “Send to Central Warehouse”, and after I’ve done that I can craft from any Toon anywhere with a minimum of fuzz. =) Only problem is keeping that “Central Warehouse” stocked at all times… but that’s a problem for another thread. ;-)
So no AN should not remove it. I know it’s tempting to use it when it’s there, but you have to restrain yourself if you’re trying to save up for something.. ;-)
Just put the mats you dont want to use in your Guildbank. Since you can be in multiple guilds and its quite easy to reach the IP required for the first Bank Tab its quite easy.
There’s also the possibility to store the materials to be saved within an alternate character’s inventory (it may get complex but surely not complicated).
I think over time you will get used to the new system and be able to better manage your resources.
The main issue I run into with this is when other people send me materials to craft for them. While it behooves you to know exactly how many mats you should be expecting, it’s a little tedious having to remember (1) the exact mats needed to craft and (2) the exact mats you happen to have sitting around.
I will adapt either way, but it can be a bit frustrating, especially if you inadvertently craft raw mats that you would rather sell (say, because they sell for more).