Crafting is a boring, tedious chore.
Since its Account Bound so yes players like us gotta level up our Crafting which is more like playing the game Their Way isnt it.
And loots? lolz just lolz!
Since launch i got only 2 exotics loot. Yes sir and i aint kidding.
Kitten crafting and whoever thought it was a good idea to turn into a mandatory thing.
Its the worst gameplay MMO can offer
Then dont do it, dont get Ascended Gear, and dont think you need it. Cause you dont. Most of my crafting is not very high.
Then dont do it, dont get Ascended Gear, and dont think you need it. Cause you dont. Most of my crafting is not very high.
You didnt need to post, but you did.
They should time gate posts….
It’s an interesting feature, and should allow players to have a source of income where they can craft and sell things…but to lock the best stuff behind it kinda has me scratching my head.
but to lock the best stuff behind it kinda has me scratching my head.
- “Colin Johanson to Eurogamer: Everyone, including casual gamers,
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Just one out of a thousand broken promises. Uh, I mean, lies.
You want both gw1 player base/the ones who listened to your manifesto, and the locusts from WoW? You’ll end up with neither. The locusts will move on to the next buzz mmo and the non-locust will have stopped playing long before the locust moved on.
Then dont do it, dont get Ascended Gear, and dont think you need it. Cause you dont. Most of my crafting is not very high.
So intelligent! So insightful! Yes! Simply don’t progress in the game! They added this for game progression, their entire “end game” is based on these items. The end game of a company that decided their slogan should be to play the way you want, but ignore that, simply don’t do it!
With this incredible way of thinking, perhaps we’ll never need to implement content again in a way that multiple types of players can access it. Just think of how easy that will make things.
Perhaps next time, the new items can come from Liadri style fights. I’d like that personally, I know I could beat the content. Who cares if a large portion of the player base most likely wouldn’t be able to, right? That’s fair eh?
Refusing to think sure makes things easy.
but it isn’t a matter of being a Casual Player. i don’t consider myself to be a casual player. not 10-hour a day Hardcore, but not casual either.
I just don’t like Crafting as an ingame activity. in ANY MMO, not just this one. I NEVER craft, I always just take whatever gathering professions there are and do those. I can do those while I am playing the game normally, rather than having to sit at a craft station for hours on end doing nothing but watching the progress bar.
I’ll happily pay someone else for their crafted goods, even if it costs me a little extra. cause Crafting sucks(to me). I’m wondering why it is so important that you craft a Legendary or Ascended item yourself. why not be able to gather all the Materials and give them to a Crafter to craft for you for a fee, like in most other MMOs. standard was that you either gathered the mats and took em to a crafter and paid a set fee based on the item, or you paid extra if the Crafter had to get the mats himself. what’s wrong with that?
I liken this to a staunch PVE-only, despises PVP player being forced to do PVP against his will. or vice-versa.
(edited by JMadFour.9730)
It takes 30 minutes to level a craft to 500.
Getting the material to level to 500 however take forever.
Crafting isn’t even the focus. The focus is getting money and doing dungeon/jp/world event/wvw.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
Then dont do it, dont get Ascended Gear, and dont think you need it. Cause you dont. Most of my crafting is not very high.
So intelligent! So insightful! Yes! Simply don’t progress in the game! They added this for game progression, their entire “end game” is based on these items. The end game of a company that decided their slogan should be to play the way you want, but ignore that, simply don’t do it!
With this incredible way of thinking, perhaps we’ll never need to implement content again in a way that multiple types of players can access it. Just think of how easy that will make things.
Perhaps next time, the new items can come from Liadri style fights. I’d like that personally, I know I could beat the content. Who cares if a large portion of the player base most likely wouldn’t be able to, right? That’s fair eh?
Refusing to think sure makes things easy.
My point is, people are acting like you NEED these items to succeed in the game, but you dont. People are putting themself though more stress over it instead of enjoying the game and having fun. Having fun is more important than anything in this, a game. I enjoy this game alot more by not fretting over having the best possible gear with the best possible little stat for each thing. I seem to be doing fine enough. Maybe I die a couple more times than others, but its no huge loss.
I’d rather collect X amount of tokens than have to craft to get the ascended weapons, but we didn’t get that option. I’m not a big fan of crafting myself.
Even with a guide it took me at least an hour each to level crafting to 400. No way half hour. If you hav to buy things add another hour. By the time i finished leveling each to max i wanted to not turn on the game for a week. I agree with the OP …hate crafting. So i know i will never have ascended weapons and it burns me that this stuff is account bound. It’s like rubbing salt in a wound.
Then dont do it, dont get Ascended Gear, and dont think you need it. Cause you dont. Most of my crafting is not very high.
So intelligent! So insightful! Yes! Simply don’t progress in the game! They added this for game progression, their entire “end game” is based on these items. The end game of a company that decided their slogan should be to play the way you want, but ignore that, simply don’t do it!
With this incredible way of thinking, perhaps we’ll never need to implement content again in a way that multiple types of players can access it. Just think of how easy that will make things.
Perhaps next time, the new items can come from Liadri style fights. I’d like that personally, I know I could beat the content. Who cares if a large portion of the player base most likely wouldn’t be able to, right? That’s fair eh?
Refusing to think sure makes things easy.
My point is, people are acting like you NEED these items to succeed in the game, but you dont. People are putting themself though more stress over it instead of enjoying the game and having fun. Having fun is more important than anything in this, a game. I enjoy this game alot more by not fretting over having the best possible gear with the best possible little stat for each thing. I seem to be doing fine enough. Maybe I die a couple more times than others, but its no huge loss.
I understand that. What you need to understand is, not everyone is like you. A lot of people don’t enjoy being sub par players. Many are competitive and wish to progress in the game, which is why this set of gear was put in by the way.
I don’t blame you for not being able to understand that. You’re just a player and by your own admission, not a very good one. I expect developers to know better. The same way they refuse to force PvE players to PvP, they shouldn’t force any player to craft.
Would not be so bad, if you didn’t have to locate the various parts in a menu that is constantly resorting itself.
And the whole discovery subsystem is yet another artsy “people like to explore” fallacy. Yep, people like to explore. When there is nothing else to do! When you have done every quest, every dungeon, and anything else to the point that you can play it with your eyes closed, then you go exploring or you abandon the game.
Never mind cramming one sub-tier of recipes inside the crafting vendor, while the rest shows up as you progress, and it has one word in 5-6 as the only thing to distinguish them from the ones you get automatically.
I have sometimes seen a + next to icons, but they only seem to apply to refined parts. Would love it if the interface allowed me to branch the whole parts tree of a item and hit go.
Even with a guide it took me at least an hour each to level crafting to 400. No way half hour. If you hav to buy things add another hour. By the time i finished leveling each to max i wanted to not turn on the game for a week. I agree with the OP …hate crafting. So i know i will never have ascended weapons and it burns me that this stuff is account bound. It’s like rubbing salt in a wound.
I can totally understand some people just don’t like crafting and they felt forced to do something they don’t like to do.
It’s definately possible to level crafting quite fast. Just google and see how fast people level to 80. But I suppose if it’s your first time leveling a craft, there’s some learning phase.
What I’m suprised is people complain about crafting and not the “getting material which take forever” part.
But I suppose people can just play and get the material. So they dont’ felt forced.
I find crafting fun as I am a collector of sorts. I don’t just stand there and craft the same item over and over because THAT is boring. I use the discovery method and “unlock” each and every recipe so that I know I have “collected” or “earned” them all. Doing crafting this way is a lot more fun imo.
I have spreadsheets and such of course so I know what recipes I still need to unlock and how many mats etc to do so. Of course this sort of takes the surprise out of it all but it makes the process more precise and kind of turns the whole thing into a planning or strategic thing.
It’s something to get people to sink their time and money into. Crafting is useless for the individual. Anything you need can be bought for cheaper than it is to make it, but it drives the economy. But, they made legendaries require it to add additional grind, and now they’ve tied ascended weapons to it to make everyone else invest in it.
Time/money sinks are a good thing. Without them people get bored and leave or have too much money.
Hmm. I don’t think crafting is all that bad. About as good as any other MMO anyway, and better in some ways due to recipes going faster the more you do. Try doing some farming/cooking in LOTRO and basically having to stand there for 30 minutes while you churn out recipes.
Assuming you have the materials, crafting goes pretty quickly. Especially if you have a booster to get the extra crit chance. Just keep doing recipe discoveries. When you get to, do a rare recipe for extra gain.
Though, I’ll agree the 400-500 grind is a bit more annoying. Just not as many things to craft past 450, and the material to craft the exotics are much rarer.
In every MMORPG I have ever played, going back to Everquest. Crafting is a boring tedious chore.
stand at a crafting station. Click the item in a menu. Watch the Progress Bar cycle. over and over. can’t do anything else while your items are crafting.
I always try crafting at first, and it always bores me so much and seems so tedious that I always just resign myself to gathering/salvaging and selling the gathered/salvaged materials to people who can put up with the tedium of MMORPG Crafting to make my money and using that money to buy my equipment or using dungeon drops.
thus, I’m disappointed greatly, when I am reading that in order to eventually get best-in-slot items in this Game, Legendary, and Ascended, I am going to be forced to level up Crafting.
Not sure why such things are being FORCED on the playerbase, a portion of which is most likely like me, and dislike crafting in general. I don’t feel you should be FORCED to partake in any particular portion of a MMORPG, be it PVP, Crafting, PVE, etc. if you don’t want to.
Exactly my sentiment on the matter.
Then dont do it, dont get Ascended Gear, and dont think you need it. Cause you dont. Most of my crafting is not very high.
So intelligent! So insightful! Yes! Simply don’t progress in the game! They added this for game progression, their entire “end game” is based on these items. The end game of a company that decided their slogan should be to play the way you want, but ignore that, simply don’t do it!
With this incredible way of thinking, perhaps we’ll never need to implement content again in a way that multiple types of players can access it. Just think of how easy that will make things.
Perhaps next time, the new items can come from Liadri style fights. I’d like that personally, I know I could beat the content. Who cares if a large portion of the player base most likely wouldn’t be able to, right? That’s fair eh?
Refusing to think sure makes things easy.
My point is, people are acting like you NEED these items to succeed in the game, but you dont. People are putting themself though more stress over it instead of enjoying the game and having fun. Having fun is more important than anything in this, a game. I enjoy this game alot more by not fretting over having the best possible gear with the best possible little stat for each thing. I seem to be doing fine enough. Maybe I die a couple more times than others, but its no huge loss.
I understand that. What you need to understand is, not everyone is like you. A lot of people don’t enjoy being sub par players. Many are competitive and wish to progress in the game, which is why this set of gear was put in by the way.
I don’t blame you for not being able to understand that. You’re just a player and by your own admission, not a very good one. I expect developers to know better. The same way they refuse to force PvE players to PvP, they shouldn’t force any player to craft.
One. Stop attacking me as a player. Its dumb. Second, my POINT is do what YOU want to do. Dont do what you dont want to. I do craft sometimes. But I get distracted by doing everything else. The person was complaining of HAVING to craft, but they dont HAVE to. Just like you dont have to attack me personally like you have been.
ooooooo early eq1 crafting, fletching! so cool.. custom arrows in demand, helping people to fit the right types etc.
you missed out on UO crafting, months and months of burning up ingots, then hanging around towns doing repairs for people, socializing. Was epic! Even running your own specialty shop out in Yew and with regular customers.
meh yeah crafting is pretty pointless now, more about the mini-game style of gameplay. Got master crafter here, but nothing like the days when crafting meant something. Yet no matter how easy it gets, even if a game just auto-gave players full crafting ability, the complaints will never stop, and devs will keep on listening to it.
(edited by Daywolf.2630)
Yet no matter how easy it gets, even if a game just auto-gave players full crafting ability, the complaints will never stop, and devs will keep on listening to it.
It is very easy to drink cod liver oil. That doesn’t make it enjoyable.
The complaint is not that crafting needs to be easier, but rather that it is not enjoyable. Crafting is not being made easier to cater to those of us who do not like crafting for the simple fact that no amount of easier will make it palatable to us. We are not the target user of crafting. Just as PvP changes are not generally aimed at players who detest and are unwilling to participate in PvP so too is the evolution of crafting completely disconnected from those who detest crafting and are unwilling to participate in it.
If crafting is being made easier it is to cater to those who do want to partake of it but who do not want to have to spend large amounts of time and effort. In other words, if crafting is being made easier it is to cater to lazier crafters, not to those who are not going to use the crafting system.
Then dont do it, dont get Ascended Gear, and dont think you need it. Cause you dont. Most of my crafting is not very high.
So intelligent! So insightful! Yes! Simply don’t progress in the game! They added this for game progression, their entire “end game” is based on these items. The end game of a company that decided their slogan should be to play the way you want, but ignore that, simply don’t do it!
With this incredible way of thinking, perhaps we’ll never need to implement content again in a way that multiple types of players can access it. Just think of how easy that will make things.
Perhaps next time, the new items can come from Liadri style fights. I’d like that personally, I know I could beat the content. Who cares if a large portion of the player base most likely wouldn’t be able to, right? That’s fair eh?
Refusing to think sure makes things easy.
Jesus, I felt that from behind my computer screen…
Then dont do it, dont get Ascended Gear, and dont think you need it. Cause you dont. Most of my crafting is not very high.
So intelligent! So insightful! Yes! Simply don’t progress in the game! They added this for game progression, their entire “end game” is based on these items. The end game of a company that decided their slogan should be to play the way you want, but ignore that, simply don’t do it!
With this incredible way of thinking, perhaps we’ll never need to implement content again in a way that multiple types of players can access it. Just think of how easy that will make things.
Perhaps next time, the new items can come from Liadri style fights. I’d like that personally, I know I could beat the content. Who cares if a large portion of the player base most likely wouldn’t be able to, right? That’s fair eh?
Refusing to think sure makes things easy.
My point is, people are acting like you NEED these items to succeed in the game, but you dont. People are putting themself though more stress over it instead of enjoying the game and having fun. Having fun is more important than anything in this, a game. I enjoy this game alot more by not fretting over having the best possible gear with the best possible little stat for each thing. I seem to be doing fine enough. Maybe I die a couple more times than others, but its no huge loss.
I understand that. What you need to understand is, not everyone is like you. A lot of people don’t enjoy being sub par players. Many are competitive and wish to progress in the game, which is why this set of gear was put in by the way.
I don’t blame you for not being able to understand that. You’re just a player and by your own admission, not a very good one. I expect developers to know better. The same way they refuse to force PvE players to PvP, they shouldn’t force any player to craft.
One. Stop attacking me as a player. Its dumb. Second, my POINT is do what YOU want to do. Dont do what you dont want to. I do craft sometimes. But I get distracted by doing everything else. The person was complaining of HAVING to craft, but they dont HAVE to. Just like you dont have to attack me personally like you have been.
I don’t believe I’ve attacked you at all? I made an honest assessment of your skill as a player, based on the information you yourself provided. That’s neither here nor there though.
You don’t seem to be understanding, so I’m going to try one last time, to explain it to you.
1. Ascended is a tier of gear added to the game, specifically for progression of your character. This is not opinion, this is fact, from the mouth of the devs.
2. Currently, the only sure-fire way of obtaining an ascended of your choosing, aka, a weapon you would actually need/want, is via crafting.
3. Conclusion: this means, if players want to progress their characters, they are being forced into crafting.
Saying not to do so, is as asinine as saying not to play. The players want to play, they simply don’t want to be forced into a single type of gameplay, in order to progress.
My earlier comment stands. I stood and watched players endlessly fail to Liadri during the last living story. What if the next tier of gear required players to beat opponents of that quality to obtain them?
You know what you’d have? A back lash of complaints because there is a large part of the player base that wouldn’t be able or willing to do that in order to progress.
Or what if the components for the gear only dropped in WvW? Can you even imagine the river of tears that would erupt? The PvE players would riot at being forced into a type of gameplay, in order to progress.
Your argument is flawed. People want to progress. They shouldn’t be forced to perform the menial tasks of crafting, a game aspect many do not enjoy at all, to do so.
(edited by Araris.7839)
I didn’t say it was getting easier or anything, it was already easy at launch, and has in almost every game released the past decade. Drink all the codliver you want, crafting will never be wonderful in and of itself, it’s what you do with it that makes it good. But with the TP and account bound bs, it could never be really good, no true social aspect to it, long since gone.
But sure, forcing people to do it is probably the lowest form of game play. Not only does it mess with people that think crafting is tedious (don’t we all?), but for us that endure it and yet look favorably on crafting, our experience is taken away by the overflow of crafters and their wares that really want nothing to do with it all. Just a flood of it.
Such as mentioning UO, well classic UO, basically the same thing happened there. Devs decided to give special rewards through crafting. drawing all players into it, while removing the other social aspects of it. That was around the release of AoS, and the point where UO really began to loose subs as a result of the crazy changes in many parts of the game-play. More or less the game became a grind-fest, pushing players into content they didn’t like and burning them out on the treadmill, while everything became marginalized and all in their new luck suits. Sound familiar?
You want both gw1 player base/the ones who listened to your manifesto, and the locusts from WoW? You’ll end up with neither. The locusts will move on to the next buzz mmo and the non-locust will have stopped playing long before the locust moved on.
Thank you, thank you a thousand times for saying it! Clear, concise and easy to understand. The developers have tried to stretch their focus in order to attract a wider player base, unfortunately they’ve strayed from their original direction and have push away a large chunk of their core fan base. First guild wars may have been considered a niche game but it was a game that had a purpose, with fans that loved and supported it and created a great community around it. It’s successor has almost totally polarized the community into those who love it with out question and those who increasingly hate it with each new patch. The rest of us are scratching our heads trying to figure out what the developers are ultimately trying to accomplish.
Guild wars is officially one year old and still we’re left wondering where is the story going. Tyria is a world beset by a terrifying draconic menace bent on consuming all life as we know it, but you wouldn’t think it with all the campy nonsense go in on every two weeks. I will admit that sometimes living world content is a nice diversion, it’s just that when in the ever loving grace of Dwayna are they going to start fleshing out the central plot line?
Will they ever come stop this bipolar focus on zerg groups and grind? The developers have consistently punished players for mass farming, more champs in orr, diminishing returns, daily boss chests. Just to turn around and encourage it, invaders, crown pavilion, champ loot. What’s the deal?
Can we really say the motto of the game is “Play your way”? Granted no game is ever 100% player controlled. There are limits that all users are saddled with. But over the last twelve months we’ve seen class rebalancing that has killed dozens of fun and effective builds that have placed classes into some very unique rolls and funneled them into one particular line of function. Berserker has become king when it comes to gear and the main strategy to every fight is kill your enemy fast or don’t bother. Or we get the other side of the spectrum dodge everything or your going to be one shotted. Where are the dynamics? Why do we have to conform to the basic cookie cutter builds? Why must we follow the zerg? The game has steadily gone from “play your way” to “play your way…by these guildlines”.
Gw2 is gonna have to step it up notch, because there is a slew of new mmo’s looming on the horizon. Some of which look really promising, just as promising as Guild Wars 2 when it was on the verge of release. I loved the guild wars franchise, I still do. I played the first game for years and I’ve tried to enjoy the sequel just as much. Unfortunately GW2 feels more like a step back in quality in everything from creature and area design, to story development and voice acting. If thing continue on this track I don’t see myself stayin around much longer. Nor do I see Guild Wars staying alive past the next year or two. Sure there will still be a core group of players toughing it out, there always is, but the community by and large will be dead.
All in all I must ask, what happened Anet? You used to be cool.
(edited by smezmer.1206)
Since launch i got only 2 exotics loot. Yes sir and i aint kidding.
Big fat zero exotic drops since headstart for me while others get a couple a day. What a joke.
On topic. I levelled tailoring to about 200-ish on my main before I felt my brain starting to dribble out of my ears and cancelled my plans to get it or any other any higher. Nowadays I just craft a few bags or some jewellery on lower alts.
(edited by Paul.4081)
The complaint is not that crafting needs to be easier, but rather that it is not enjoyable.
Yes, exactly.
You don’t have to craft – you can buy gems.
Working as intended. Welcome to f2p.
Yes, crafting is boring. You craft less than you spend time harvest the material.
You want both gw1 player base/the ones who listened to your manifesto, and the locusts from WoW? You’ll end up with neither. The locusts will move on to the next buzz mmo and the non-locust will have stopped playing long before the locust moved on.
WoW fans have proven they are the LEAST of all locusts. They are loyal to a game longer than anyone – as long as that game is quality. That’s why so many players fled GW2 early on.
ooooooo early eq1 crafting, fletching! so cool.. custom arrows in demand, helping people to fit the right types etc.
you missed out on UO crafting, months and months of burning up ingots, then hanging around towns doing repairs for people, socializing. Was epic! Even running your own specialty shop out in Yew and with regular customers.
meh yeah crafting is pretty pointless now, more about the mini-game style of gameplay. Got master crafter here, but nothing like the days when crafting meant something. Yet no matter how easy it gets, even if a game just auto-gave players full crafting ability, the complaints will never stop, and devs will keep on listening to it.
Awesome, open a smithy in Queensdale, and I’ll buy all my ascended gear from you, and i’ll be sure to return to get repairs….
(edited by tic.7425)
Awesome, open a smithy in Queensdale, and I’ll buy all my ascended gear from you, and i’ll be sure to return to get repairs….
Yea… the day they open persistent world housing. Even in SWG (pre-nge when people played), player built towns and shops made crafting worth while. But here, it’s not really mmo crafting, there is no social aspect to it, and never will be. Even in EVE, there are social aspects to crafting, especially in logistics. Here, you gather from an instanced node, can craft in an instanced zone, post your junk on the TP from an instance, and collect your gold. If crafting were not really-really-really easy here as it is, seeing that there is 0 social aspect to it, would be just better off zerg farming with everyone else.
(edited by Daywolf.2630)
I remember role playing in WoW as a wandering troll huntsman, who came to town every other Friday to trade hides, claws and other assorted animal parts. I’d also craft armor, I even had some of the alliance only patterns in my selection of craftables. I got a fairly steady customer base and made a decent living too.
Make fun of me for it if you must but I cant say I didn’t enjoy it.
you don’t have that kind of fun with crafting here, really is a shame.
My point is, people are acting like you NEED these items to succeed in the game, but you dont. People are putting themself though more stress over it instead of enjoying the game and having fun. Having fun is more important than anything in this, a game. I enjoy this game alot more by not fretting over having the best possible gear with the best possible little stat for each thing. I seem to be doing fine enough. Maybe I die a couple more times than others, but its no huge loss.
Yay! You win the prize for being the next player who doesn’t know how competitive pvp works and spends all day spamming 1 in live events / zerg! You’ve just won a golden kitten!
I expect developers to know better. The same way they refuse to force PvE players to PvP, they shouldn’t force any player to craft.
World Completion. Jumping Puzzle achievements.
I do agree with your position that players should not be forced to play areas of the game they are not interested in, but ANet disagrees on a philosophical level, and they have since GW1.
If people pay attention to interviews, you’ll get a heads up when players will be forced into other areas. ANet likes to use the word “encourage”.
“We’ve set up the rewards in a way that will encourage players to explore parts of the game they might otherwise avoid”
(edited by arjeidi.2690)
I remember role playing in WoW as a wandering troll huntsman, who came to town every other Friday to trade hides, claws and other assorted animal parts. I’d also craft armor, I even had some of the alliance only patterns in my selection of craftables. I got a fairly steady customer base and made a decent living too.
Make fun of me for it if you must but I cant say I didn’t enjoy it.
Just like messengers in The Painted Man (The Warded Man).
So nice to see the tears when the tables are turned. Those who are either focused on crafting or are just casual players are likely recalling when all of you l337 types were saying “then don’t do it.” and “it’s not required” and “no-one is forcing you to do it” when some of us spoke up and complained about having to do Obsidian Sanctum for the POI to get world completion. It prevented them from ever obtaining a Legendary, and you spit on them with your acidic attitude.
Now that the tables are turned, suddenly the world is collapsing because you can’t have your uber-gear. Don’t expect much sympathy from the crafting community and casual types.
The MMO Vanguard tried to create a crafting system that encouraged you to make decisions while crafting. People could build their own houses and so on. Even so it was essentially repetitive and ultimately dull. Crafting in all other games has been dull from start to finish and it shouldn’t be the only way to get top line gear.
There is no skill or capability involved in getting ascended gear. It is all about sinking time into collecting money, sinking time into farming events and dungeons, and sinking time into crafting.
The MMO Vanguard tried to create a crafting system that encouraged you to make decisions while crafting. People could build their own houses and so on. Even so it was essentially repetitive and ultimately dull. Crafting in all other games has been dull from start to finish and it shouldn’t be the only way to get top line gear.
There is no skill or capability involved in getting ascended gear. It is all about sinking time into collecting money, sinking time into farming events and dungeons, and sinking time into crafting.
The issue of better-gear only through crafting is valid, especially since GW2 seems to have been marketed in the “play your way” arena. Anet would like come back and say that “Ascended weapons are also available through drops” or whatever (which, if I recall actually has not been implemented yet). They are good at twisting facts to fit their lack of effort and design thought.
Outside of that issue, crafting is simply not for everyone. Vanguard had one of the best crafting systems, in my opinion, because just like real crafting, you had a chance at failing or messing up. Risk was rewarded if successful. Or you could take moderate risk and progress slowly.
The fact is, however, crafting takes a certain mindset. Many in GW2 seem to think that rewards should only be given for fighting other players or champions. They would have gathering removed completely if not for the fact that they can make some side money by selling the materials. Crafters are often more patient, but just as goal oriented as fighters. Crafting in Vanguard and other games is what got me started on my RL hobby of jewelry-making. I’m just someone that enjoys it. I like working with my hands. Doing so virtually is fun because it doesn’t cost nearly as much (silver is not cheap these days). In the long run, I don’t think that people who enjoy crafting and people who enjoy fighting will every truly merge into one mindset.
Again, with the exception of crafting being the only method to access certain gear types, crafting itself simply is “not for everyone”, and that’s why often times it is glossed over in game development. It’s not a mainstream thing in games.
As far as I can see, the main point of this thread is blatantly false. crafting is not required for ascended OR legendaries. Ascended jewelry can be obtained via laurels, badges, drops in fractals, drops in wvw chests, guild commendations. no shortage of ways to aquire them, ascended weapons can be found already made on any champion, any world chest, camp supervisors, all champs in towers/keeps/sm, it can be found as drops in fractals as well, no shortage of places to aquire it. Legendaries can be purchased on the TP, and since it seems you dont want to earn it, you can even buy gems via RMT and trade them for gold to get your legendary. You dont have to craft, you dont even have to earn it, quit the QQ fest
You can still buy weapons and armors on TP, and it’s cheaper now that everyone level up their professions to craft ascended weapons.
I leveled my last character to 80, with 2 crafting professions up to 400, but I didn’t craft my stuff, I bought it on the TP.
People who say it is mandatory to learn crafting, to progress in the game, just like whining.
You can still buy weapons and armors on TP, and it’s cheaper now that everyone level up their professions to craft ascended weapons.
I leveled my last character to 80, with 2 crafting professions up to 400, but I didn’t craft my stuff, I bought it on the TP.
People who say it is mandatory to learn crafting, to progress in the game, just like whining.
People are talking about Ascended gear that can not be bought on the TP. It can only be crafted or found by way of rare drops in world chests and, even if you do find one, chances are it won’t be the right weapon with the right stats anyway.
As for the thread, I can see both sides of the argument. Crafting can be boring and they are basically forcing you to do it to obtain certain gear. I don’t like crafting particularly and never really do it other than some cooking stuff and now the stuff for the ascended gear. BUT, if you just follow some of the guides that tell you exactly what to do and how to do it, it shouldn’t take very long. What’s an hour or less of your time really?
To the people who complain that it takes too long: I leveled weaponsmith months ago to 400 in under 40 minutes and that was with having to buy stuff off the TP, run over and get it and sell all the left over stuff at the end. It really isn’t that bad to just follow a guide.
You can still buy weapons and armors on TP, and it’s cheaper now that everyone level up their professions to craft ascended weapons.
I leveled my last character to 80, with 2 crafting professions up to 400, but I didn’t craft my stuff, I bought it on the TP.
People who say it is mandatory to learn crafting, to progress in the game, just like whining.People are talking about Ascended gear that can not be bought on the TP. It can only be crafted or found by way of rare drops in world chests and, even if you do find one, chances are it won’t be the right weapon with the right stats anyway.
As for the thread, I can see both sides of the argument. Crafting can be boring and they are basically forcing you to do it to obtain certain gear. I don’t like crafting particularly and never really do it other than some cooking stuff and now the stuff for the ascended gear. BUT, if you just follow some of the guides that tell you exactly what to do and how to do it, it shouldn’t take very long. What’s an hour or less of your time really?
To the people who complain that it takes too long: I leveled weaponsmith months ago to 400 in under 40 minutes and that was with having to buy stuff off the TP, run over and get it and sell all the left over stuff at the end. It really isn’t that bad to just follow a guide.
only crafting and world chests? and EVERY champion in the game, AND fractals chests, AND vet supervisors in wvw, and tower lords in wvw and keep lords in wvw, there is no shortage of places to get them without crafting, and they are the same exact weapons, so there is nothing ascended wise that is only crafting
Pro-tip Ascended weapons can drop from champion chests. At which case you choose your stat combo and go.
So no you’re not forced to level crafting =P
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast
Pro-tip Ascended weapons can drop from champion chests. At which case you choose your stat combo and go.
So no you’re not forced to level crafting =P
Actually, you get a stat combo from the chest, and get to choose which weapon goes with it. And as far as I can tell, those drops are very rare.
As far as I can see, the main point of this thread is blatantly false. crafting is not required for ascended OR legendaries. Ascended jewelry can be obtained via laurels, badges, drops in fractals, drops in wvw chests, guild commendations. no shortage of ways to aquire them, ascended weapons can be found already made on any champion, any world chest, camp supervisors, all champs in towers/keeps/sm, it can be found as drops in fractals as well, no shortage of places to aquire it. Legendaries can be purchased on the TP, and since it seems you dont want to earn it, you can even buy gems via RMT and trade them for gold to get your legendary. You dont have to craft, you dont even have to earn it, quit the QQ fest
I was under the impression that obtaining a Legendary required an Account-bound component that could only be created through level 400 Crafting.
am I mistaken in this?
As far as I can see, the main point of this thread is blatantly false. crafting is not required for ascended OR legendaries. Ascended jewelry can be obtained via laurels, badges, drops in fractals, drops in wvw chests, guild commendations. no shortage of ways to aquire them, ascended weapons can be found already made on any champion, any world chest, camp supervisors, all champs in towers/keeps/sm, it can be found as drops in fractals as well, no shortage of places to aquire it. Legendaries can be purchased on the TP, and since it seems you dont want to earn it, you can even buy gems via RMT and trade them for gold to get your legendary. You dont have to craft, you dont even have to earn it, quit the QQ fest
I was under the impression that obtaining a Legendary required an Account-bound component that could only be created through level 400 Crafting.
am I mistaken in this?
Yep, all thats required is a fat wallet (irl or in game) and the abillity to type the name of the legendary you want into the TP window (assuming its not listed on the left side already)