Fractal 80 before Fractured, world first fractal 50 after
Crafting precursors
Fractal 80 before Fractured, world first fractal 50 after
Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Perhaps it’s something people will have to figure out, like the legendaries.
Sea of Sorrows
I really wish they would give us an update on this. The pricing for the precursors has now really gotten out of hand.
I really wish they would give us an update on this. The pricing for the precursors has now really gotten out of hand.
Been out of hand for a while now… I really hope this patch has them added into crafting…
If they become craftable, they won’t be easy to craft by any stretch. The mats will be intense I’m sure.
I’m hoping we’ll be able to combine 4 ascended weapons into a precursor in the forge, with at least moderate reliability. Though that would make people’s heads implode from the rage.
Please, no more RNG. We are almost at the point where we have RNG on RNG on RNG.
If they become craftable, they won’t be easy to craft by any stretch. The mats will be intense I’m sure.
Make them craftable and account-bound on creation.
Or give a story line/ quest chain. Still keeping them account-bound. The other precursors found in the current way (drop or MF) can be sold as they are now.
Simple. Effective.
I hope not… not craftable… aquired through gameplay yes (without stupid RNG), but craftable no please. It’s ANet after all,… its gonna cost a small legendary to craft and it will TP-gated like everything else.
Why is every one say “If” they become craftable .
I thought it was a given
I like the idea of being able to craft a precursor. I have desired The Legend for quite some time, although I have a feeling that crafting items like The Legend will be a feat in itself. From the descriptions given in the article Lisa sourced, I can only speculate that the player will have to dedicate time not only to pVe, but also WvW. This is makes me quite sad, I have yet to dive into the WvW setting and would love to stick with what I know. Despite this, I like the idea of a new tier of mats for crafting and am excited for change. I am praying to the spirits of Tyria that this process will be reasonable for someone who doesn’t have the time to grind all week.
There is no way they are gonna make obtaining a precursor as easy as doing the story quest. You know kitten well they will make it time gated with something like 500 charged quartz crystals as well as prolly a stack of every T7 mat out there which will also be time gated to make or obtain via JPs and stuff. My prediction is to craft a precursor will take you around 2 months of daily crafting.
Am I legendary yet!?
Why does everyone automatically assume a story quest will be easy?
I suggest that they look back to the original Everquest to see how players should craft their Legendary weapons.
In that game, they had really long quest chains where you had to travel all over the world to get the components you needed. The down-side was that, due to the mechanics of the game, the Mobs that spawned the items you needed where rare and their special drops were largely RNG (plus you needed to compete with other players camping the same mob). I think that these types of problems would be avoided with the way GW2’s mechanics and ‘player friendly’ grouping looting could/should/would work.
Those issues aside the EQ quest chains were massive, hard, and often required assistance from others to complete. When a player finally crafted his Epic weapon there was a real sense of accomplishment. Heck, to this day (10+ years later) I’m still proud of my Mage’s Tier 1 Epic, a spell which summoned a bad- kitten super elemental.
I don’t play that game anymore, but I remember every moment of the Epic Quest.
ANet needs to strive for giving this feeling to their players
Why does everyone automatically assume a story quest will be easy?
We don’t want it easy, at least I know I don’t. But I want a reliable way to get one. Right now it’s down to either luck or money(either real money or gold)/time(to grind for said money).
Give me something harder than fractals/AR/any new hard mini dungeon/Lidari, make it take a long time (5+ hours, with multiple instances so you don’t need 1 block of time) where you can’t just zerk everything to death, make the precursor you get account bound, and make the number of times you can do the quest limited to 1 or 2 times same as (gift of exploration). Oh, and make it solo instanced, and make any progress in it character bound. I don’t care if it’s time gated so it takes a month to complete (if you can beat it). I just want a way that doesn’t rely on rnd to get one.
If crafting is going to be the solution, I guess that’s okay, but I have concerns over the cost (and it’s not like a legendary doesn’t already cost a ton of money). If precursor crafting ends up costing more (say x2) the price of just buying it on the tp, or if it’s gated to take 3+ months (and require the same t6 mats/ectos/lodestones maybe in just smaller amounts) as a legendary, it just becomes another huge money sink. And again doesn’t relate to skill/fun really.
We don’t want it easy, at least I know I don’t. But I want a reliable way to get one. Right now it’s down to either luck or money(either real money or gold)/time(to grind for said money).
Give me something harder than fractals/AR/any new hard mini dungeon/Lidari, make it take a long time (5+ hours, with multiple instances so you don’t need 1 block of time) where you can’t just zerk everything to death, make the precursor you get account bound, and make the number of times you can do the quest limited to 1 or 2 times same as (gift of exploration). Oh, and make it solo instanced, and make any progress in it character bound. I don’t care if it’s time gated so it takes a month to complete (if you can beat it). I just want a way that doesn’t rely on rnd to get one.
If crafting is going to be the solution, I guess that’s okay, but I have concerns over the cost (and it’s not like a legendary doesn’t already cost a ton of money). If precursor crafting ends up costing more (say x2) the price of just buying it on the tp, or if it’s gated to take 3+ months (and require the same t6 mats/ectos/lodestones maybe in just smaller amounts) as a legendary, it just becomes another huge money sink. And again doesn’t relate to skill/fun really.
YES, I completely agree. FUN and achievements should be correlated. I realize that yes, it’s epic to get a Legendary because of the effort and achievements required, you reap the time and energy with the beauty of the item. BUT, not everyone has the ability to play as much as others, I think this precursor craft option should present an alternative to those players. Sure, don’t make it simple. It should be a fun process, that allows for players to attain the items in a relatively acceptable fashion. I agree also that they should be soul bound/account bound just so that it stimulates players game play towards FUN and whatnot. Not so they can throw the kitten up on the TP and inflate the economy with the mothalovas. GUYS, DO YOU REMEMBER FUN!?
Why is every one say “If” they become craftable .
I thought it was a given
I think they are referring to “if” it will be in this upcoming patch. They note the new crafting will be but not precursors (which is too significant to leave out of the patch content list if it will be).
Why is every one say “If” they become craftable .
I thought it was a given think they are referring to “if” it will be in this upcoming patch. They note the new crafting will be but not precursors (which is too significant to leave out of the patch content list if it will be).
ahhhhhh I see
The “Looking Ahead” article said we will be building a precursor, not crafting. I’m guessing it’s in the same sense we “built” a legendary. There are crafting components involved, but it is going to be built in the mystic forge, with a recipe, like the legendries are.
And it will require 1000 of each T7 mat plus 800 charged quartz crystals and a recipe you need to buy that will be 100g.
Am I legendary yet!?
The “Looking Ahead” article said we will be building a precursor, not crafting. I’m guessing it’s in the same sense we “built” a legendary. There are crafting components involved, but it is going to be built in the mystic forge, with a recipe, like the legendries are.
The looking ahead article stated they would be crafted with level 500 weapon crafting professions, might want to reread it.
Answer is no. Dev on livestream today said “we want to do it but we have nothing to say at this time.” Which is exactly what they’ve said for the past year. So basically, it’s not happening anytime soon, and expect 1000g+ precursors.