Cross-Discipline Special Crafting

Cross-Discipline Special Crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Irrell.3524


Not sure if I should post this here or over at the Suggestions forums, but I just wanted to put it out there for discussion. Right now with the state of crafting, we’re leveling each crafting discipline up to 400 and there’s no real incentive to have keep a certain ‘combo’ of crafting disciplines as you can easily swap one for another for a fee.

While there’s the options to further ‘discover’ for each individual crafting discipline for either the Legendary weapon ingredients, craft exotic weapons/armor, there’s just no incentive to keep two disciplines at any point. Some of the high-level recipe’s are even duplicated through different disciplines.

As much as I would hate to bring it up, in World of Warcraft, your choice of crafting profession would net players with specific bonuses, and that some profession combo’s worked better towards their role/play style. Mining/Blacksmithing would net you bonuses to your Stamina as well extra slots for Gems, and Leatherworking/Jewelcrafting would net you special wrist enchantments and the use of better gems in your armor.
(I just want it to be known that I am an avid Guild Wars 2 fanboy, and the only reason I am bringing in WoW is for reference sake. I am in no way making a direct criticism to either crafting system, or attempting to start a cross-game flame war)

I’m not suggesting that GW2 moves in a similar direction as WoW did, but I would suggest that there should be crafting alternatives that would require two specific disciplines at any given-time.

Let’s take Weaponsmithing + Artificing as an example, both dealing with the crafting of weapons, and magical items – now say if they were both maxed, it would be really cool if there are special cross-discipline ingredients that can only be crafted with both disciplines active. Possible items can be magic-imbued greatswords, hammers with tuning crystals, or the ability to change some particle effects cough ICY DRAGON SWORD cough . But this again is just the tip of the iceberg of many different possibility combinations.

Let’s look at other possible options: Armorsmithing + Jewelcrafting, you could craft special skins, ones that are coming to mind involve Guild Wars 1’s very own Diamond Aegis – but this doesn’t necessarily have to involve most PvE armor, as it can also incorporate a character’s town clothing, diamond tiara’s maybe?

But yes this is just a few of the many possible combinations I can think of, obviously the possibilities for each combination is near endless, and can provide a much needed refreshment and advancement on the crafting system.
On another note, this can provide a very interesting dynamic when it comes to crafting legendaries, as they already require two crafting disciplines to craft their respective gifts, or at least further future advancements.

Again this is just my take/suggestion/idea on expanding the crafting discipline, I’d love to hear some suggestions or what people think on this – is there any way you guys can think of advancing on my idea?

P.S. – Mods, I posted this hear in the Crafting section as a topic of discussion rather than an actual suggestion on the crafting system, though if it is deemed more of a suggestion by the moderation team – feel free to move it over.

TL;DR - What do you guys think of having unique crafting options that were dependent on your two active crafting disciplines?

(edited by Irrell.3524)

Cross-Discipline Special Crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


I was actually hoping crafting made unique skins, the fact its nearly all the same and it looks like pooh… Crafting is just a leveling tool and so you can make a legendary. Most of the materials are worth more than what you craft anyways, seems silly imo.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Cross-Discipline Special Crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


I honestly don’t like the idea of these cross-discipline recipes requiring two specific disciplines to be active, as I would prefer to have two maxed disciplines on each of four characters (to avoid yet another unnecessary gold sink). So I suggest an alternative:

Let’s say your Diamond Aegis recipe (yes, I realize it’s a HoM item, and therefore this is purely for discussion) requires a Diamond Shield Backing (weaponsmith 400) and a Diamond Shield Boss (jewelcrafter 400). ANet could make these new intermediate ingredients account-bound. This still requires the crafter to have both disciplines maxed, but prevents the need for a specific combination on any one character, and the end product would still be tradable.

With that said, the recipes would otherwise be a great addition to the game and economy. The best part would be if these recipes completely excluded the mystic toilet.

Cross-Discipline Special Crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Tierce.5370


I’m with Vick’s suggestion since I have all the disciplines maxed on different characters with the thought that future ascended items might require multiple maxed crafting skills to produce.