Crystalline Dust drop rates?

Crystalline Dust drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: Virtus Draco.8936

Virtus Draco.8936

Given that drop and salvage rates for Crystalline Dust seem low (to me) and yet more and more crafting requires more and more Crystalline Dust, especially when the Ascended crafting update goes live, will the drop rates for Crystalline Dust be adjusted to account for the additional need? As it is it seems like the lack/high price of Crystalline Dust will be a blocking factor.

There is of course the Mystic Forge recipe for creating more Crystalline Dust, but since that burns skill points and skill points are needed for the Ascended gear crafting, it would seem that would create a secondary blocking factor.

I’d love for someone from ANET to comment on this, or should I be prepared to pay 100g or more for 1 pile of Crystalline Dust in the BLT soon…

Crystalline Dust drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: Varonth.5830


The T5 → T6 dust conversion isn’t really worth it, because it takes 250 T5 dust.

Crystalline Dust drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: Craziplaya.2103


Given that drop and salvage rates for Crystalline Dust seem low (to me) and yet more and more crafting requires more and more Crystalline Dust, especially when the Ascended crafting update goes live, will the drop rates for Crystalline Dust be adjusted to account for the additional need? As it is it seems like the lack/high price of Crystalline Dust will be a blocking factor.

There is of course the Mystic Forge recipe for creating more Crystalline Dust, but since that burns skill points and skill points are needed for the Ascended gear crafting, it would seem that would create a secondary blocking factor.

I’d love for someone from ANET to comment on this, or should I be prepared to pay 100g or more for 1 pile of Crystalline Dust in the BLT soon…

Salvage your ectos for Crystalline Dust