I assume the goal was to keep exotic prices stable or slightly inflated even with the influx of newly crafted exotics from people leveling to 450/500
1. you’re still getting a superior rune/sigil …that will after this initial wave of salvaging-mania turns into routinely salvaging at a much slower pace….will go back up…an dperhaps…b/c of the ascended wep ppl are buying/crafting…the sup’r sigils just might… go UP in price :“D that would be aweeeesome! *look out runes! You’re not the only high price upgrade!” :P
2. I’ve …iirc… cough*kitten coughs FURBALL kittencough* cough… never gotten anything under a t5 material from high-end rares&Exotics….so… this being said… you’re ALSO getting a few t5-t6(PLZ!) materials…for sale..for collections…for…idk… maybe you like to send out t6 mat’s as “SURPRISE!!! HAPPY WEDNESDAY SEPT. 3rd!” gifts… idk…not a bad idea thou ponders to the kitten…"hmm… if i send out 250 ori ores total to 25 ppl (10 per person)… I WONDER WHAT I MIGHT GET IN RETURN ??
D * *tries tries
3. AND…not to mention… you still get the chance at salvaging ecto’s……this dark matter acquisition is ON TOP of all that….. and yet you complain??.. do you really want to get rich in 2 hrs of salvaging exotics?:…c’mon… play the gameD
4. DARKmattER
Yeah, it also shocked me. I got an Exotic in CoF, and I kept it for SAB for some dark matter. Second Exotic I ever got as a drop :p Still, I salvaged it after SAB started with a Mistic Kit and GUESS WHAT! 2 Globs. I think you should salvage drops instead of buy and salvage. OR you are just extremely unlucky
3. AND…not to mention… you still get the chance at salvaging ecto’s……this dark matter acquisition is ON TOP of all that….. and yet you complain??.. do you really want to get rich in 2 hrs of salvaging exotics?:…c’mon… play the gameD
… perhaps you may have misread EVERYTHING i wrote, I have no illusions of getting “rich” as you say say… and oh yes i did get a few ectos out of the deal, and a few T6 mats…so I may have made back a gold coin or 2…I guess thats pretty good considering the 10 exotics could have made me 20-25 gold….
but i guess you are right, i should just “play” the game, stop complaining about throwing my hard earned gold away and hope someday i get “lucky” if my gold lasts longer than my patience….
…Would it have been so horrible to at least guarantee us 1 glob of dark matter per exotic salvaged,?? Even that makes collecting 12 for a recipe kinda pricey….
Has the return rate changed? Today I got 35 globs of dark matter from salvaging 20 of the cheapest exotic weapons I could buy.
I ate a bunch of the shiny yellow luck enhancers before starting. Maybe that was the difference.
I used the exotics which I made to get my crafting skill up to 500 and used Black Lion Salvage kits received from my personal story and monthly achieve rewards.
I ended up with 32 Dark Matter Globs, per skill I took to 500 taking this route. This is enough for 3 ascended weapons right off the bat, + regular ectos + other mats such as T6 wood and ori ore. So overall, its actually a good return, you sir unfortunately got struck with bad RNG luck.
Also, I know its been stated that the kit quality doesnt matter for the dark matter globs, but this is a-net programming we’re talking about and I tend to err on the side of caution. Black Lion Kits worked very well for me.
(edited by Tongku.5326)
Exotics are easy to get!
Do champ Zergs, World Boss Events, Orr temple events.
Just doing Shadow Behemoth in Queensdale once a day will get you one!
You could always use dungeon tokens (3 runs and some extra tokens) to get the cheapest lvl 80 exotic and salvage it. Most dungeon(except CoF obviously) weapons also drops Orichalcum imbued inscriptions when salvaged, which help a ton to lvl up 400-500 crafting or you can sell them from 4g to 6g a piece iirc.
I had a bad run just before making my last ascended weapon but since then I’ve been getting 2 or 3 dark matter each time. You are probably just getting the worst luck from random sequence and hopefully you will pick up too.
Quick check:
- do you get dark matter from salvaging items less than level 80?
- do you get the same amount of dark matter from jewelry, weapons, and armor?
Also, I know its been stated that the kit quality doesnt matter for the dark matter globs
Is there some source for this because I’ve been using Black Lion Kits and would prefer not to.
Also, I know its been stated that the kit quality doesnt matter for the dark matter globs
Is there some source for this because I’ve been using Black Lion Kits and would prefer not to.
There were several, but sorry, just dont have them bookmarked and not going to search for dev posts from months back. I just use the Black Lion Kits due to my own superstition and lack of trust in their programming and QA.
Also, I know its been stated that the kit quality doesnt matter for the dark matter globs
Is there some source for this because I’ve been using Black Lion Kits and would prefer not to.
There were several, but sorry, just dont have them bookmarked and not going to search for dev posts from months back. I just use the Black Lion Kits due to my own superstition and lack of trust in their programming and QA.
Yeah.. considering every other salvage material is affected by the type of kit used, even if they said dark matter wasn’t, it’s getting really hard to trust their extremely bug-ridden programming.
i gave up on ascended weapons, after i’ve salvaged 20 lv80 exotic longbows, without a single dark matter.
the wonders of RNG.
my little brother got 12 out of six…
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
I gave up on ascended weapons because I made one and didn’t need it to be honest. in wvw it probably makes a small difference but in pve it’s nearly useless. opinion based but I don’t need it at all.
Exotics are easy to get!
Do champ Zergs, World Boss Events, Orr temple events.
Just doing Shadow Behemoth in Queensdale once a day will get you one!
I do a selection of these every day and am lucky to get 1 exotic per week.
On dark matter my returns have been generally pretty bad, around 0.6. I think there’s a definite argument to be had about reducing the variance on the results of salvaging exotics for dark matter.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
(edited by morrolan.9608)
i have piles and piles of it… exotics became so cheap… most of them are not even worth selling or are account bound right away (lol fractals reward)-_-
[Teef] guild :>
i have piles and piles of it… exotics became so cheap… most of them are not even worth selling or are account bound right away (lol fractals reward)-_-
Last time I bought some for salvage there wasn’t a single exotic item that could be salvaged on the TP for less than 1g 15s. Given that I had to buy 15 IIRC just to get the 6 globs of dark matter I needed I would hardly call them cheap.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Exotics are easy to get!
Do champ Zergs, World Boss Events, Orr temple events.
Just doing Shadow Behemoth in Queensdale once a day will get you one!
I do a selection of these every day and am lucky to get 1 exotic per week.
On dark matter my returns have been generally pretty bad, around 0.6. I think there’s a definite argument to be had about reducing the variance on the results of salvaging exotics for dark matter.
Once a week is still significantly better than what I get. Once a month might be closer. Sometimes it seems even longer. The only events that seem to give exotics is Maw and Golem for some reason. The others are like once each since the game’s release.
Sounds like I need to do World Bosses more often. O.o I tend to do them only if it’s needed for a Daily, or if I’m in the map at the time when he spawns.
Last Exotic I got was the Commissar’s Manifesto from guess-who last week. Was a bit tempted to salvage it, but I saw it was selling for about 6g so I opted to sell it instead.
Exotics are easy to get!
Do champ Zergs, World Boss Events, Orr temple events.
Just doing Shadow Behemoth in Queensdale once a day will get you one!
One word baby, RNG. I remember a streak of several weeks where I did world bosses, some farmtrains in Frostgorge and did 0 exos. My luck is 76%. The last exo I saw was from a regular run at CoF part 1, I actually managed to get an exo with a traveler rune on it…but yeah that was 4 days ago?
My question to OP is how you expect to ever USE the Dark Matter if you don’t get your crafting to 500…..and that SHOULD be through crafting at least SOME Exotics (it CAN be done without crafting them, but it would be a horribly slow and painful process).
2 birds, one stone…
I get that it’s easy to become really upset when the RNG gods kitten on your parade, but everyone is in the same boat, so you are not being picked on.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Making Dark Matter trade-able will solve all issues. That way those with excessive can sell theirs and those who do not want to rely on rng can buy it from tp.
You can get your dark matter basically free if you have mystic salvage kits.
Look on the TP for items with high demand runes (travelers, divinity, etc). Look at the price the rune is selling for and search for ANY level of exotic armor that has the rune.
As long as you can buy the armor for 15% less than the selling price of the rune, you will get free chances at your dark matter.
I have 26 stacks of dark matter I’d like to sell you.
I get it as a by-product of making gold from salvaging exotics for inscriptions.
It does seem like BLSK gives more than MSK, but I’ve never done any direct tests as I already have more than 100 alts would ever need.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
I’ve had decent luck getting dark matter. It’s all RNG. No problem getting exos if you run a lot of dungeons.
Got 1 Dark Matter, 2 Ectos and a Magi’s Orichalcum Inscription from an Exotic dropped in Fractals last night. Good salvage.