Devs, how does Eternity stand out from Sunrise and Twilight?
Analyzing the thought process behind and Twilight and Sunrise so far, it will be mind-boggling awesome. It is a Greatsword, after all, and none of the legendary swords are second or third-rate so far, unlike other legendary weapons.
Main: Hunter.
There’s day time and night time? Seem’s like every zone is the same amount of light no matter what time it is.
From what i understand of the rumors i’ve heard they all share in the fact Eternity has the effects of both Sunrise and Twilight it just depends on the time of day as to which effects show up. Other than that its hard to say as the dev’s most likely wont commit till its actually been created.
Based on the icon, the top half of Eternity’s hilt comes from Sunrise, and the bottom half from Twilight. We have dev comments indicating that Eternity changes to look like Twilight during the night and Sunrise during the day. That’s all we really know about it.
i highly doubt eternity would look bad considering anet used the majority of their design team budget to design cool looking greatswords
Devs, how does Eternity stand out from Sunrise and Twilight?
in Crafting
Posted by: Abaddons Acolyte.7438
Eternity…was said just to be …..
Sunrise skin/effects in the day time…….
Twilight skin/effects in the night time……