Did I miss cotton?
Did you salvage the gloves/helms/pants etc? I didn’t have quite enough, and had to supplement with the trading post, but I still had enough to not only gain several levels off refinement but also 1/4 of the way towards the next material.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but being its after wool and jute, my hunch is the 35-60 zones would be your best bet. I didn’t start getting the next grade up (silk) until around level 60. maybe higher. There is a zone that has a lot of pirates thats a 35-45 zone, thats down one and over one from lions…don’t have a map handy at the moment. But they drop bags that give mats, and of course armour. Again salvage everything ‘clothy’ like gloves, helms, pants, chest pieces, etc. And dont forget medium armour and hides which will give you the leather as well.