Discover all Chef recipes systematically

Discover all Chef recipes systematically

in Crafting

Posted by: reese.1549


I played around with ArenaNet’s API to make a list for systematic recipe discovery.
By level
Base Ingredients
Craft Order
Base Ingredients
Craft Order

Is this useful? Accurate?

If I remember correctly, there was one item, some kind of ice cream, that looked like it had 2 discoverable recipes, one with a type of snow flake, one with a sliver. I’m not sure which is listed in these documents.

If anyone wants to take over, making this into a dynamic application, or applying the same principles to other types of crafting, let me know. It was done in JavaScript.

Discover all Chef recipes systematically

in Crafting

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


The icecream is the chocolate chip cookies one, it does show twice in your sheet (last two recipes in the lvl25 group). I checked the Craft Order by level one.

This looks like something that is useful. I think I’ll check it out later (still got plenty of characters without a craft :p)

Discover all Chef recipes systematically

in Crafting

Posted by: Romek.4201


dont do this

when arenanet bring cooking lvl 500 they delete all your recipes 80+ again^^

Discover all Chef recipes systematically

in Crafting

Posted by: Pokecenter.3548


dont do this

when arenanet bring cooking lvl 500 they delete all your recipes 80+ again^^

Only those 80+
Will they make cooking and jeweler crafts to 500 for sure? and will the others go higher than 500 ?

(edited by Pokecenter.3548)

Discover all Chef recipes systematically

in Crafting

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


dont do this

when arenanet bring cooking lvl 500 they delete all your recipes 80+ again^^

You can always stop once you reach 400 and only discover those recipes you want to use during your current play time….

Discover all Chef recipes systematically

in Crafting

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

dont do this

when arenanet bring cooking lvl 500 they delete all your recipes 80+ again^^

So you can gain experience (and thus level you beyond 400) discovering them again….How DARE they!!!! << sarcasim

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Discover all Chef recipes systematically

in Crafting

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

I know why they do it, but I hate it, anyway. It’s a waste of resources to discover recipes that I previously had. I spent a lot to discover the Southsun recipes for jeweler and it’s ridiculous to have those deleted. There’s a better way to handle it.

Discover all Chef recipes systematically

in Crafting

Posted by: Mizuki Kusanagi.6584

Mizuki Kusanagi.6584

At least this listing lets you go out & farm / stockpile the required level 400 materials against the possibility of “forgetting” the receipes again (preferably before the preditable rise in TP price )

Discover all Chef recipes systematically

in Crafting

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


dont do this

when arenanet bring cooking lvl 500 they delete all your recipes 80+ again^^

Only those 80+
Will they make cooking and jeweler crafts to 500 for sure? and will the others go higher than 500 ?

If you look in the collections tab in the bank you’ll see there are storage slots for a couple of other ascended crafting materials that are not in the game yet. Those look like they are for jeweller.