Dusk and twillight, any tips?
Hey there!
Good luck on the journey you are about to embark upon!
Short answer – possibly. The mystic forge is one way of obtaining Dusk, other ways include the large chests at the end of the temple events in Orr.
With regards to the videos you have seen, the chances of acquiring a precursor via the forge have been upped since the posting of most forge attempts (allegedly). However, I am yet to see this myself as I am attempting to get Dawn to finish Sunrise (I reckon I could have bought Dawn by now).
My advice: gather the rest of your materials first, get your clovers, obsidian shards (you’ll need at least 1 million points of karma), ectos, gift of might and magic, Lodestones are expensive also so be prepared to be in for the long haul – perseverence will pay off. Worry about all that other stuff first, by this time, the elusive ‘scavenger’ hunt may have been released and you may find it a much cheaper way of getting Dusk.
Thank you for an good answer
Well I’m 2/5 on the badges
And farming charged lodestones to sell and buy onyx
I’ll do what you say and start farming like —-- :P
As for the ore needed for gift of metal/darkness:
Platinum is rather cheap (although you will need a jeweller to make the platinum ingots for you). Mithril drops like crazy from bags etc. As for Orichalcum (1000 ore required for 500 ingots) use orrmaps.com/servername – (i.e orrmaps.com/blacktide this is usually pretty good and up-to-date) – do daily runs picking up Orichalcum, Ancient Wood and Omnomberries, put the berries and wood on the TP.
After you’ve got the 500 ingots, you can sell excess ore acquired via dailes for more cash. You’ll also need a leatherworker to convert 500 hardened leather sections into 250 cured squares. Gift of Ascalon np – always plenty of groups going for daily AC runs, possibly do TA for chance at Onyx Lodestones.
Thats me pretty much advised out! Good Luck!
Ye I’m at about 300 ori ore, using orrmaps already ^^
I’ll buy the cured squares, takes less money than leveling leather working to 400