Each crafting professions costs to 400

Each crafting professions costs to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: B Rad.5416

B Rad.5416

I was thinking about crafting from 1-80 so I was wondering the costs of each crafting profession. I’ve done jewel crafting, leather working, cooking, and artificer already and found those to be 4g, 3g, 1.5g, and 3g. Anyone get different results? And what were your costs crafting the other professions to 400? (Post a guide if you found a cheap one)

B Rad 80 Thief | Scrúbs 80 Guardian | Aquaholic 80 Elementalist |
Keyser Soze 80 Warrior | Muted 80 Mesmer | Crim De La Crim 80 Necro |
Server: Jade Quarry

Each crafting professions costs to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: Esrever.8613


People have said that it costs about 30-40g to craft to 80 before wintersday. I don’t know the breakdown and prices have probably changed.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Each crafting professions costs to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Its probably hard to predict as most of them you save alot by having alot of the materials. Ive crafted all the way to 400 on some chars without spending any coin, whilst on others I have spent upwards of 6g because I ran out of mats. I recall Jeweller being one of the more expensive and armorsmith and huntsman being quite cheap (didnt spend anything on huntsman until around 325). But it could be skewed because of the materials I had.

Each crafting professions costs to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: Daulnay.4971


I’ve crafted every profession to 400. I’ve made money crafting up all of them except Cooking, so IMO, none of them cost anything to craft up. You need to:
1. Buy raw materials, processed materials, or parts using offers, not direct buys, and be patient.
2. Make things that you can sell at a profit or the smallest loss. And sell with an order, not to someone’s offer.
3. Spend karma for the rare inscription/insignia recipes from the master craftsman, and make the profitable items

Most of your experience comes from discovery, so you want to minimize your costs per discovery. Certain parts are often less expensive than the processed materials they require to make, particularly parts that get made ‘to craft up’. Insignias and inscriptions are sometimes less expensive than their parts, too, so check those also.

Each crafting professions costs to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: penatbater.4710


My friend spent like 35g to level up 4 crafts. Jeweler, artificer, weapon/armor smith and something else I forgot >.>

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Each crafting professions costs to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817


Given the price of crafting materials at this point in time I believe it’s much more expensive to lvl any crafting profession now than at few months ago. Anyway, been there done that so I don’t really care.

Each crafting professions costs to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


3 day head start here, I made Master Crafter for the grand total of 3g.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Each crafting professions costs to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: Qorthos.9782


It generally costs about 1.5g to do jewelry, chef and artificer. Tailor, Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Huntsman and Leatherworker are about 6gp each.

I have guides up for most of them explaining the costs. See my chef’s guide here: