Easiest way to craft ???

Easiest way to craft ???

in Crafting

Posted by: NooNoo.1325



Thanks in advance,

As quite a new player I seem, not to have difficulty crafting, But I seem to be spending a hell of a lot of money on items to craft mainly for armour and weaponsmith. I know i find stuff to craft but never seems to be enough

What’s the easiest way to up my XP on these subjects.

Also Is it worth making your own weapons?

thanks from a GW2 noob


Easiest way to craft ???

in Crafting

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

If you are wanting to craft to make some money, there are lots of guides that tell you exactly what materials you need (buy / harvest) and what to craft so you don’t have left over components (that tend to cause storage issues) (Google: GW2 crafting guide). Most crafts follow a very specific tier formula (Cooking is the major exception) but obtaining the needed materials either require a good bit of gold or access to higher level areas (than you can currently safely access) and time to harvest them.

If you are trying to craft for your own character equipment, this is kind of hard to do without higher level alt characters (or friends / guildies) supporting your crafting by donating higher zone materials and / or providing money. One way around this is to buy gems, convert to gold and buy the needed materials (a major topic of “dicsussion” is that with the current gem store and crafting structure, you can BUY a level 80 character with RL money thru crafting and never set foot out of a major city).

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)

Easiest way to craft ???

in Crafting

Posted by: Phantom.8179


@ NooNoo,
I don’t think there is a faster way than to buy your materials from the Trading Post. So what I do is I travel around the maps for completion, doing dailies, killing things. Always have your tools with you, and collect on the way. Before you know it, you’ll have accumulated a lot of materials to craft and completed other achievements.

@ Brother Grimm,
I agree. It doesn’t seem right that you can “buy” your way to level 80. It especially becomes problematic when botters can use this to their advantage. Could you link me to the threads with these discussions? Or is this more of a recent development?
