Easy farming of Cotton scraps.

Easy farming of Cotton scraps.

in Crafting

Posted by: Alaric.6125


Anyone have any ideas where the best place to farm for cotton scraps is as i need to get to 225 tailoring but i have run out of bolts of cotton and so i need to find a lot of cotton scraps fast.

Easy farming of Cotton scraps.

in Crafting

Posted by: Field Marshal.7946

Field Marshal.7946

Orr. I am getting a ton of drops for these.

Easy farming of Cotton scraps.

in Crafting

Posted by: Alaric.6125


The only problem is that my Elementalist is only level 57 so i cannot go to the ruins of Orr as i will be squashed like a bug.

Easy farming of Cotton scraps.

in Crafting

Posted by: dzanikken.2193


My suggestion to you is that you try and enjoy/explore the game as much as you can. There’s going to be plenty of time for farming later, trust me.

Easy farming of Cotton scraps.

in Crafting

Posted by: Yasocim.4326


Go to Harathi Hinterlands, repeatedly run the event chain Seraph Assault on Centaur Camps, collect all the Supply Bags (contain Cotton) the centaurs drop, salvage all the white armors for cotton as well, sell blues & greens, gain XP and $$!