Ectoplasm salvage rates drop yet again

Ectoplasm salvage rates drop yet again

in Crafting

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Are you surprised OP? They clearly want to nerf the rewards in the game to the point where you’re forced to buy gems and convert to gold to meet any goal in the game, no matter how small.

They’ve been consistently nerfing every method of income, rare drop rates etc. into the ground with every patch.

Oh but I forgot, “there’s minimal grind”. Because we all know three days of hardcore farming for a single rare is “minimal grind”.

Ectoplasm salvage rates drop yet again

in Crafting

Posted by: NoOneShotU.3479


Anyone else notice crafted stuff tends to have higher yields? (Could be RNG I’ve only recorded about 300 salvages).

what crafted items are worth to mass produce in a cost effective way to salvage for ectos?

Whichever one has the cheapest mats. Honestly none of them might be. If thats the case the price of ectos goes up.