Entitled to Legendaries?

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Azi.2045


First off, i do not have a legendary weapon yet, but every day im abit closer then
the day before, and even tho it’s slow, its steady. This post isnt coming from
a legendary-owner wanting to “bashthosenubs” that havent got one

So, no matter where i go and which post im reading on this forum concerning legendaries,
and in particular their precursors i can’t help but get the feeling that the general
opinion, or rather the general “mindset” of this game’s community is that they are all
entitled to a legendary. I really cannot understand how this could be the case, as
legendary weapons do not give any bonuses at all, and most importantly does not give
any player an edge over others. Legendary weapons are simply a cool looking weapon,
and that it looks cool and different is the only thing that differs these weapons from
other weapons. The day your character is wielding a legendary weapon, it displays to
other players that you are a really active player which have sacrificed alot of time
to obtain something that looks amazing. I personally come from other games where the road to getting top-of-the-line gear takes ages, getting the best weapons are something that doesnt happen to some players no matter how much they play, and the endless farm for gear needs to be done for every single armor-piece from all different sets. And if you dont do this farm, you will have really bad stats compared to other people.
Coming to this game, and being able to fully gear up my character with best-in-slot gear withing a couple of days of hitting lvl 80, then reading hundreds of posts of people
complaining about the only single thing in this game which requires grinding, and only
gives you a “visual edge” is simply mindblowing.

And then i go on and read about people that have used 100-200-300g on rares/exotics to throw in the mystic forge without getting anything, which puts me in a place where i am unsure of wheter i should laugh or cry. This amount of money is more then most people in this game have obtained by now, and if you’ve managed to come up with that amount of money in this short amount of time, you are far “better” then most players at making money. So what you should do is continue that, buy the precursor, make the legendary, AND THEN you can gamble with the mystic forge and sell whatever you get for profit.

So my question to you guys, is looking at other games where grinding is actually mandatory to be on par with not only others but with what the game’s content requires, how come there is so much whining in this game about a visually different weapon? Typing this actually feels stupid, but do people actually feel entitled to a legendary weapon? And if the answer is yes my question is; WHY?

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Good lord. This again?

No. People aren’t “entitled.” They just dislike RNG because they want to feel rewarded for their time and effort. If you’re unlucky, you don’t get that feeling. If everyone took your advice and just farmed gold and ignored the Mystic Forge, then there’d be even fewer precursors and the price would keep soaring faster than many people can make money.

GG on repeating the same argument that’s been brought up a hundred times already in the sticky.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Aphix.9846


I don’t mind if its hard to get, but it should NOT involve 400-500g prices (precursor) or korean type RNG, 0.01% and 0.1% chance rates. That does not belong to this game, neither has RNG nothing to do with being legendary.

Am I entitled to a legendary ? (I really feel like this is a stupid question)
Yes I bought the game I am entitled to everything in the game, I am farming for my weapon slowly and working hard and I deserve it. That’s it.

The moaning is about RNG. RNG is what ruins it. Horrible system. Remove the RNG and no one should moan. Make a 100% recipe which requires some sort of achievements, dungeon master title, personal story completion, karma, gold whatever.

Tbh for me the weapon is mandatory, I have all the armor and weapon skins I want besides a legendary weapon skin. If it weren’t for the legendaries I would have quit since there is really not much to do after level 80. Few dungeons and wvw – that’s about it. Legendary is keeping me busy untill events like halloween and expansions/content releases, which then will keep me playing longer and probably go for another legendary weapon.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Azi.2045


im not trying to argue wheter the way to obtain a legendary as it is, is perfect or not, cause its always improvements to be made, in all aspects of a game. Im simply asking a question; if/why people feel they are entitled to a legendary (if this is the case), so no need to be a kitten rain

and i did say that you could throw in weps in MF after you’ve gotten your legendary to try and make some profit, which is something i personally plan to do atleast, which would still keep precursors on the TP.

and btw is funny that you start with “this again?” on a post that doesnt whine and QQ about precursor droprates <3

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


and btw is funny that you start with “this again?” on a post that doesnt whine and QQ about precursor droprates <3

True, I’m just as tired of that because it doesn’t accomplish anything, either. One half goes “lolz entitlement” and the other half goes “nuh uh <insert what I just said>.” However, did you really, REALLY think this question needed a brand new thread?

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Archer.6485


I totally understand the “this again” comment since believe it or not, you’re not saying anything new OP. The post rainshine made didn’t say anything new either but whose fault is that? If we have to keep explaining the same stuff over and over again because people refuse to understand our complaints then obviously there’s going to be repetition.

Your arguments are actually well thought out and make perfect sense, I would even go as far as saying that you’re quite right about the issue. The issue being about “entitled” players. The issue that doesn’t really exist here.

Anyone can make an easy argument about why entitled players are bad, so congratulations for that feat. Now how about you try making a point about the actual specific complaints that we had about obtaining the precursors for the past few weeks? I’m sure you know what those complaints are since you’ve apparently been reading long enough to get the feeling of the general “mindset” of this game’s community.

Let’s see how well your arguments hold up when you’re not dealing with “overentitled” strawmen.

Edit: just so we’re clear, since you felt that your post was entitled to a brand new thread, I’m expecting some fresh new stuff coming from you.

(edited by Archer.6485)

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: phys.7689


The problem is not entitlement, its just poorly implemented.

First of all, anet expects every long term player to try to get a legendary, they have this big box as soon as you log in, saying whether any charachter in your account has equipped a legendary.

second of all, even if they gave you the precursor for doing nothing, the legendary would still require a large amount of dedication and show mastery of the game.

legendary requires;
2 crafts at 400
map completion
500 badges from WvWvW
minimum 100 gold for icy lodestones
250 of every rare crafting material
512000 karma
a minimum of 9 successful explorable dungeon successes

It basically requires you to be heavily involved in every aspect of the game.

The only thing precursors add is a part of the game that doesnt involve the achievements and abilities of the player, and instead involves luck. The only way to get a precursor is to get lucky, or buy it from someone else who got lucky.

precursor should not be the hardest part of getting a legendary, currently it is.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Azi.2045


First off, english not being my main language, I’d want to make sure that in saying
“entitled to a legendary” i mean players that feel its their right to get one, that
they have kind of a claim to it.

And it seems you guys didnt get my point, i didnt want to just start an opposive thread
to all the threads about precursor drop-rates, i just wanted some input or discussion
going on the general idea behind legendaries, so to speak. What i tried to ask above, is when 50%ish of the legendary is RnG (getting the precursor from mystic forge), why do people feel they have a right to get it, if they dont get it from the mystic forge?

In other games where you got raids for instance, you got specific items that only drops
from certain bosses in the raid instance, and there is no other way to get it than from that boss-drop. Ive personally raided alot in other games, and some raid-instances i’ve been raiding regurarly for more than a year without getting the weapon i need from last boss, cause it simply wont drop. Then im on vacation for a week and the new guy in guild gets in on his first raid. This is an example of how things work in many other games, and there is only one reality, that if it doesnt drop, i wont get it.

Obviously we can all shout and scream about how bad RnG is, but at the moment the fact is that you can only get it from being lucky in the mystic forge, unless you got 300g to spend at the TP. And very few post have
touched on this subject, but one that has is the OP at the sticky which makes some great points. The “legendary” in a legendary weapon doesnt only translate to it looking cool, it translate to the quality of the weapon, and most importantly the rarity. Legendary weapons are not only the hardest weapons to get, but its the rarest weapons out there, and with a set recipe they wouldnt be rare anymore, only require alot of time.

I just wanted to see some other posts than “RnG stinks, kitten RnG kitten, give us a
recipe now” etc. Id like to see why people think they should get it if it doesnt “drop”
for them. I wanted to see peoples thoughts on the subject they are complaining
about, and not an endless list of how to improve how it currently is, which is why
“i felt entitled to make a new thread”.

(edited by Azi.2045)

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


As a user who plans on getting 3 legendary weapons all I’ve got to say is “man, Anet why did you have to make the RNG such a pain in this process?”.

Sure I’ll do it but it’s gonna take forever and it’s not gonna be enjoyable. I’m gonna get mad.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: NoOneShotU.3479


I think part of the problem is that big hole when you log into character select where it reminds you that you have 3 max level characters, have pvp’d your heart out and still no legendary.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Cerise.9045


The legendary hunt is horrible game design because it rewards dumb luck instead of effort and skill.

People want it to be a fun process, but instead they got something that stinks of anti-fun, hence the complaints.

In case you were wondering, I already have a legendary and enough money to get a 2nd one, but that doesn’t blind me from seeing how horribly designed the whole aspect of the game is.

Something can be rare without relying on winning the lottery, just because you don’t know of a way for something to be rare without a random lottery doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Just because you think something has to be based on dumb luck for it to be rare doesn’t mean something can be rare and require effort and skill.

(edited by Cerise.9045)

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: phys.7689


First off, english not being my main language, I’d want to make sure that in saying
“entitled to a legendary” i mean players that feel its their right to get one, that
they have kind of a claim to it.

And it seems you guys didnt get my point, i didnt want to just start an opposive thread
to all the threads about precursor drop-rates, i just wanted some input or discussion
going on the general idea behind legendaries, so to speak. What i tried to ask above, is when 50%ish of the legendary is RnG (getting the precursor from mystic forge), why do people feel they have a right to get it, if they dont get it from the mystic forge?

In other games where you got raids for instance, you got specific items that only drops
from certain bosses in the raid instance, and there is no other way to get it than from that boss-drop. Ive personally raided alot in other games, and some raid-instances i’ve been raiding regurarly for more than a year without getting the weapon i need from last boss, cause it simply wont drop. Then im on vacation for a week and the new guy in guild gets in on his first raid. This is an example of how things work in many other games, and there is only one reality, that if it doesnt drop, i wont get it.

Obviously we can all shout and scream about how bad RnG is, but at the moment the fact is that you can only get it from being lucky in the mystic forge, unless you got 300g to spend at the TP. And very few post have
touched on this subject, but one that has is the OP at the sticky which makes some great points. The “legendary” in a legendary weapon doesnt only translate to it looking cool, it translate to the quality of the weapon, and most importantly the rarity. Legendary weapons are not only the hardest weapons to get, but its the rarest weapons out there, and with a set recipe they wouldnt be rare anymore, only require alot of time.

I just wanted to see some other posts than “RnG stinks, kitten RnG kitten, give us a
recipe now” etc. Id like to see why people think they should get it if it doesnt “drop”
for them. I wanted to see peoples thoughts on the subject they are complaining
about, and not an endless list of how to improve how it currently is, which is why
“i felt entitled to make a new thread”.

thing is, anet said they didnt want to be like the other games where you grind and get nothing, they said they wanted more incremental gains. not only is mystic forge a gamble, but it needs a large investment to see a return. needing to invest 1 month of gold, with a decent chance of being no coser to your goal, is counter to there design, see people may not like mystic clovers, but they are a lot better than precursors, where you can spend 100 gold and get nothing, AND with probability, you are no closer, probabilty is instaneous, so right after you havent got the drop for 100 gold, your chance of not getting anything with the next 100 gold is essentially the same.

its kind of bad for a system that is supposed to be something players actually aim for.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


why do people feel they have a right to get it, if they dont get it from the mystic forge?

In other games where you got raids for instance

Yes, and Anet said they were changing that RNG nonsense that we have put up with in other games. Raids, lockouts and RNG combine for Skinner Box tactics. That’s all the Mystic Forge is, too. And a big bunch of us were excited for GW2 because we thought Anet wasn’t going to use these tactics.

They understood it sucked and they took it away from dungeons (steady progress toward what you want via tokens there) but decided it belonged in the legendaries process somehow.

I just wanted to see some other posts than “RnG stinks, kitten RnG kitten, give us a recipe now” etc. Id like to see why people think they should get it if it doesnt “drop”

Because…RNG stinks. Here’s why: 5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted.

Also: EVERYthing you’ve brought up has been asked, and answered, over and over and over in the sticky.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

(edited by Rainshine.5493)

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Echo.7634


On on hand, yes people are “entitled” to a legendary weapon. They DID pay for it.

My biggest gripe is the insance amount of resources it actually takes to get.
200 Skill Points
525,000 (250 Obsidian Shards)
120 Gold.
1 Gift of Exploration (100% World Completion)
77 Mystic Clovers (see below how to aquire them)
500 Badges of Honor
250 Globs of Ectoplasm
250 Vicious Fangs
250 Vicious Claws
250 Vials of Powerful Blood
250 Elaborate Totems
250 Armored Scales
250 Ancient Bones
250 Piles of Crystalline Dust
250 Powerful Venom Sacs

The 77 mystic clovers:
140+ Skill points
500,000 Karma
238 Mystic Coins
238 Glob of Ectoplasms.

And here is the problem with that list.
Most of those items have ABYSMALLY low drop rates. They are items that require extraordinary means in order to obtain. It is IMPOSSIBLE to acquire them simply by “playing the game”.

Take the Armrored scales for instance. 1 costs just over 4 silver. you need 250. thats 10g there alone.

Look at the lodestones that you need. They are 1g+ each and you need 100’s of them.

Look at the RNG that you have to fight to get the precursor weapon.
(What they should so is make the precursor 4 parts. You run 4 different dungeons get 500 tokens from each of those dungeons and then plop those 4 pieces in the mystic forge and poof, precursor weapon. Heck. Make a new dungon that has 4 paths that each one leads to a piece of your legendary. Either way.)
I Am almost convinced that they should have just left the mystif forge broken for the chance to get one. No, I am convinced.

And 120 gold. You do NOT get 120 simply by playing the game.

As cerise stated the legendary hunt is all about dumb luck and has nothing to do with effort and/or skill.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Archer.6485


First off, english not being my main language, I’d want to make sure that in saying
“entitled to a legendary” i mean players that feel its their right to get one, that
they have kind of a claim to it.

To help you with your english, even when you phrase it like that, the word “entitled” is kind of a negative word, so by calling us entitled you’re basically insulting us right off the bat.

Like others have posted, Anet’s plans was to make an mmo that doesn’t have the frustrating elements of other mmos. They even talked about RNG specifically. They basically said they hated the idea of not getting anything from dungeons and raids because of low RNG, which is why they implemented the token system in dungeons.

Some RNG exists of course but the numbers are always reasonable enough to reach a normal average and there’s no problem with that. The only crazy low RNG chance are the precursors. It doesn’t seem to make much sense why Anet would make such a different design choice in this case.

Also, when you were raiding in those other games, at least you weren’t loosing large amounts of money doing it. Worst case scenario, you came out empty handed. With the Mystic Forge your progress can literally go backwards.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Cerise.9045


Fun fact: base weapons used to be about 10 times more common from the mystic forge, so they were only valued around 30G instead of 300G.

Anet made a change to this when they “fixed” an exploit related to lower level weapons in the forge, but this “fix” affected the chance of getting a base weapon using level 80 weapons as well, causing them to become far rarer and skyrocket in price.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: lackofcheese.5617


Cerise, your figure of being 10 times more likely to come out is unevidenced, as is your idea that the chance of getting a precursor with level 80 rares is lower than it was.

The price being 30g had to do with quite a lot of different factors; to suggest that it was 10x lower simply because the forge was 10 times more likely to spit one out is ridiculous.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Echo.7634


Cerise, your figure of being 10 times more likely to come out is unevidenced, as is your idea that the chance of getting a precursor with level 80 rares is lower than it was.

The price being 30g had to do with quite a lot of different factors; to suggest that it was 10x lower simply because the forge was 10 times more likely to spit one out is ridiculous.

Cerise is correct.
There was specific set of 4 level 68 rares that would reliably spit out a precursor for you.
Literally 1 in 10 attempts would net you one.

Then they fixed the “exploit” and now the precursors are about a 1/100 chance to get once now. And thats using level 80 exotics.

30g originally at 1/10 odds.
300g currently at 1/100 odds.

Looks mathematically sounds to me.

And on a more personal note. They should have left the exploit in. The current chance to get one is miserable and rather unsatisfactory. They really need to change this.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: lackofcheese.5617


If you’re talking about the Godskull exploit, I think what people used was 2 level 65 weapons and 2 level 80 weapons, not 4 level 68 weapons.

If you have good evidence that the chance was 1 in 10 by using 4 rares, I’d like to see it; that number is, frankly, laughable.

Besides that, the 30g figure is also flawed; before the fix Dusks had already hit 60g, and they even hit ~100g before the exploit was fixed.

Moreover, if one were to believe your hypothesis that the price is always a precise reflection of the odds (I don’t), you would also have to consider the price of the items you put in. The cost for 4 exotics is currently ~4g, while 2×65 and 2×80 rares would’ve been ~50s. If you combine an 8x higher combine cost with 10x higher odds, you get 80x higher price, and so the “correct math” would be more like this:
60g originally at 1/10 odds with 50s cost per attempt.
4800g currently at 1/100 odds with 4g cost per attempt.
I don’t see precursors at 4800g, do you?

If you want to be convincing on an issue like this one, you need to provide evidence.

(edited by lackofcheese.5617)

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: oZii.2864


I kind of agree with what the op is saying after reading it. Yes its been said a ton of time. Yes the way Anet is doing is different. Is RNG involved yea but people say they hate the RNG because they don’t like the drop rate. The the 12 dusks (which is what everyone focuses on) are not the only 12 dusks that have ever appeared on the TP.

If there was 50 dusks on the TP I would think everyone is going to have one of those.

Its a skin thats what makes this process different the other games. Your grinding for cosmetics. Other games your grinding for cosmetics and better stats to squeeze out your min/max so you are reading for the next tier. Thats not the case here..

From looking at the market I think its going to only get easier to chuck rares in the forge. The player base is getting richer. I mean you really don’t have to spend any money from 1-80 if you did thats on you. So you need to find a way to make money and there are several. Your just not flipping 25s into 5g off 1 item. I think its impatience imo. People want it now, now, now.

You have 2 ways to get a precursor from a Drop and From the forge. Its a drop off of anything basically on cursed shore. I saw a post where someone said it dropped in wvw from a player in a loot bag. So if that is true Anet has made it so basically anything in a lets say 78-80 zone can drop a precursor so I can understand the drop rate being low because basically everytime you kill something you have a chance to get a precursor or any other exotic.

If you could get it from 1 type of enemy people would farm it on end. I don’t know I see it as as skin with effects and not necessary its just people want it. Being upset about a item that does nothing but make you look cooler doesn’t make sense to me either.

If I had to have a legendary to do arah dungeon then I would be upset but I don’t i can run in with my level 78, krait slayer and do just fine.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Echo.7634


Thanks for making my point for me lackofcheese.

I didnt know what the exploit was. I never used it.
I am not saying you used the exploit, but you know what the exploit was.

My point is that with the exploit the cost of getting dusk or dawn or whatever was rasonable. 50g, 70g, 100g. fine.

300+g is not reasonable. and I am sure the price is going to go up….significantly too. The reality is very very very few even have 300g that they can try to spend on one in the first place. The “Gift of fortune” costs 100g already.

There is already PLENTY of RNG in getting the clovers.
They just need to make the pre-cursors account bound and make how they are obtained complety different.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: lackofcheese.5617


Next time you want to make a point, make it from the start instead of making up numbers about odds and claiming things like

Literally 1 in 10 attempts would net you one.

Still, if 300g+ is not reasonable, then it’s not just precursors you should complain about, but everything that goes into a legendary; as you have said, plenty of other components are very expensive, and it makes sense for the precursor to be the most expensive component.

If ArenaNet chooses to introduce an alternative method for getting precursors, that’s okay, but I don’t see why making them account bound would help with that.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Crainlairich.1870


I am NOT entitled to a legendary.
I will get one (or more) eventually, but it will take me longer than many and I dont care.
What would be the point of making such a thing easy to get? It would only devalue it in the process by making it less of an achievement (a REAL achievement and not one of those stupid picture ones).

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


The value of a legendary is what the one trying to get it makes of it and nothing more.
It’s a skin, a nice skin mind you. But it’s just a skin at the end of the day…

However for many it’s also a market driving force to gouge others of gold and with the exploits which plagued the game early on and all these botters it’s clear that something MAY have gone awry.

For the most part, I generally stop reading once I hear the term “entitlement” it’s honestly a joke just how often this is bandied around as a dirty word in MMO games at the moment as justification. So you’ll forgive me op if I just quote this poster as it was pretty much /thread after it once I read it.

“Good lord. This again?

No. People aren’t “entitled.” They just dislike RNG because they want to feel rewarded for their time and effort. If you’re unlucky, you don’t get that feeling. If everyone took your advice and just farmed gold and ignored the Mystic Forge, then there’d be even fewer precursors and the price would keep soaring faster than many people can make money.

GG on repeating the same argument that’s been brought up a hundred times already in the sticky."

Irony…. xD

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Larlik.1532


You’re right pal but do remember that the people who QQ on the forums about precursors and legendary skins are the minority of the guild wars 2 users. Most people don’t even touch the forums, either because they aren’t aware of them or because they know that they’re inhabited by dredge who QQ about everything that doesn’t suit them.

In my opinion legendary weapons should be harder to get. I’m certainly in no rush to get one myself. I know that it will take time and I know that it should. There would be nothing legendary about the weapon if some QQing idiot could obtain it.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: neoxide.7320


I agree, all the people complaining are just mad because they have everything except RNG in their way of their legendary. Too bad, I say. I’ve spent over 100 skill points trying to craft mystic clovers and have still come up short, I also have yet to get my precursor and lodestones are also a pain. But I deal with it, and eventually I will get what I need or the prices will deflate to the point I can just buy them. It’s not a big deal sorry you lost the gamble.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Thanks for making my point for me lackofcheese.

I didnt know what the exploit was. I never used it.
I am not saying you used the exploit, but you know what the exploit was.

My point is that with the exploit the cost of getting dusk or dawn or whatever was rasonable. 50g, 70g, 100g. fine.

300+g is not reasonable. and I am sure the price is going to go up….significantly too. The reality is very very very few even have 300g that they can try to spend on one in the first place. The “Gift of fortune” costs 100g already.

There is already PLENTY of RNG in getting the clovers.
They just need to make the pre-cursors account bound and make how they are obtained complety different.

Yeah 250 ectos are a pain to collect, and I needed to sacrifice 120 or so for the forge =( On the plus side you can win 10 lodestones from attempting =)

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Ascii.9726


A legendary is a sign of pretty much game completion, its a big ive tried everything in this game weapon that looks cool and can get you respect.

Legendaries will cost you between 300 to 600 gold depending on what one your aiming for and what method you use to get your precursor. I myself estimated my Bifrost at about 320 gold as i got my precursor from the mystic forge for about 20 gold.

For me, 1 to 80 earned me 150 gold and farming the 1m karma about 85 gold. Spot farming and TP Traveler rune merchenting earned me about 50 gold. I averaged the estimated 30% chance for Mystic Clovers and got lucky on the 0.1% MF precursor chance.

Some people hate on legendaries because that kind of money is outside there range and others because it gives no “bonus” for the cost, them types of people shouldn’t be thinking about them at all.

I did write a simple step by step guide on how to farm a legendary here but its been bumped down the threads since

Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Hasek.6807


Legendar ywill cost you 300-600 g? Lol

The list of things needed for legendaries are getting so absurdly expensive. I’ve been steadily working my way towards Twilight.

I still need a precurser (350-400g), Onyx Lodestones (100 costs around 165g now), 100 icy rune stones 100g together with the recipes and the other mat.

I am not, and never will say, it should be easy, but seriously. The time it would take you to farm this lets say 8-900g is just.. I mean… I thouhgt.. I’m speechless!

Tbh these prices are encouraging 3rd party gold buying, sad sad sad state of things atm!.

First mover alfa/beta players had such a kittendedly huge advantage!

Omx – Warrior – [JuG] Desolation

(edited by Hasek.6807)

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Ascii.9726


Excel chart i made of what i paid for my mats. Add in roughly 25g for my 2 400 skills and 20g for my precursor.


Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Hasek.6807


20g for precurser.. GG

Omx – Warrior – [JuG] Desolation

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: oZii.2864


Legendar ywill cost you 300-600 g? Lol

The list of things needed for legendaries are getting so absurdly expensive. I’ve been steadily working my way towards Twilight.

I still need a precurser (350-400g), Onyx Lodestones (100 costs around 165g now), 100 icy rune stones 100g together with the recipes and the other mat.

I am not, and never will say, it should be easy, but seriously. The time it would take you to farm this lets say 8-900g is just.. I mean… I thouhgt.. I’m speechless!

Tbh these prices are encouraging 3rd party gold buying, sad sad sad state of things atm!.

First mover alfa/beta players had such a kittendedly huge advantage!

The encouraging 3rd party gold buying is weak and is a sign of weakness. Ferrari isnt encouraging people to go to the chop shop when they price their cars neither is bmw or any automotive dealer.

If anyone goes 3rd party they would have done it anyway or bought the gems from the store. and converted which ever gave them bang for buck. 1 path will eventually lead to banning it has risks and they know those risks. It doesnt even give them unfair advantage statistically it just makes them look cool until they get banned, or hacked.

The price is right now dusk and the legend have gone up they are the most popular Legendaries With Dawn close behind. All the other legendariy precursors are dropping. I saw Zap hit 205g for about a hour of course it was scooped up and placed at 235g but last week it was 285g.

Right now a few of the precursors wont jump above 250g because there is supply. 13 zaps last I saw. When that goes does Zap goes up.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


This thread….


Irony…. xD

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Apraxas.3685


people, stop qq and play more, im finishing my second legendary (sunrise) in around 10 days, and i already have a juggernaut. really its not that hard, just learn how to make karma-gold properly.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Nope, there’s no entitlement going around, only this ridiculous straw man argument of “everyone wants precursors for nothing” when literally no one has ever said that.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Joel.6587


20g for precursor? Must be nice, I went through 42g just today. Im the kinda person who eats one thing on their plate before moving onto the next thing. I chose precursor to be my starting point. I’m 186g deep and no precursor.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


20g for precursor? Must be nice, I went through 42g just today. Im the kinda person who eats one thing on their plate before moving onto the next thing. I chose precursor to be my starting point. I’m 186g deep and no precursor.

i know that feel x.x, however after losing gold with nothing to show time and time again, i decided to just go get my 500 arah dungeon tokens first (i made 2 arah sets tht i prob shouldnt have), and 1m karma in hopes that by the time im finished something is done about precursor and if not ill just cut my losses and buy it from trading post.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Joel.6587


@Ulquiorra, Yea I wish I could go back in time and get my gold back and just buy it from TP. With a RNG i could for all we know put in 1000g for something only worth 300g with current market.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: oZii.2864


Average price of precursors is 224g thats with out adding the torch and water weapons which would lower that number more.

Perspective people perspective Precursors does not mean dusk and dawn only. Though dusk and dawn might be your obsession those are not the only ones they are popular so Im sure popularity also has something to do with their price.

But if you need a torch you can get one for 38g legendary and be world first because no one has made one as far as I know.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


That’s a pretty terrible argument to use to claim the system is fine. Just because one precursor for a legendary weapon that no one wants is super low priced doesn’t actually mean the rest of the system is just fine.

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: oZii.2864


That’s a pretty terrible argument to use to claim the system is fine. Just because one precursor for a legendary weapon that no one wants is super low priced doesn’t actually mean the rest of the system is just fine.

I didn’t make a case for or against the system with my comment did I? I don’t recall doing that nope can’t say I did.

What I was pointing out is that people are going over board making outrageous sky is falling claims.

It is fact that average price of precursors is 230g-234g. So any statement that says precursors are almost 400g is in fact wrong and the sky isnt falling. Most of these threads are like that. Its being spoiled they want dusk, dawn, or the legend and they want it so bad and the people that support their views don’t look at the whole picture.

Also your reading wasn’t to good just had to jump in with a reply quick?

The warhorn, torch, pistol, scepter, trident, spear are ALL under 200g! Most of those i just listed are under 100g.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Entitled to Legendaries?

in Crafting

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Yes, people are entitles to their Legendary if they put in the work. It should not be limited by some stupid RNG element.

1. farming a Legendary is essentially GW2’s endgame. Like it or not, but that’s what people are doing at level 80. It’s the only form of character progression, even if it’s just cosmetic.

2. It’s part of the character panel achievement list and therefor on the same page as map exploration and sPvP ranking. It’s not a “hidden” or “special” feature. It’s right there in your face. It is obviously meant for everyone to pursue.