Exotic Craftable Medium Cleric Armor
The emblazoned armor using the Cleric’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia is what you are looking for I believe.
Uses elaborate totems.
I’m not sure.. but you may have to purchase the insignia recipe from the vendor.
You need Cleric Insignia. Note that the Cleric insignia recipe is not unlockable via discovery panel. You need to buy the recipe with karma from an armor crafting vendor. All recipes available at karma vendors(master crafters or renown heart verndors) are not unlockable via discovery.
Thanks for the solid replies, gentlemen.
I noticed that the Emblazoned pieces are soulbound on acquire. I presume this means that I cannot buy them, but have to craft them myself? That’s quite a pain.
I bought my Cleric set from tradepost a few months ago because i wasn’t level 400 leatherworking when I reached level 80. I’m pretty sure they are still tradeable.
I just checked GW2Spidey, and it seems they are indeed for sale.
Thank you for your time, Shark. Much appreciated.
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