Experimenting on low lvl not possible
It does not show the (25) or whatever because it means you CAN make things with those items at your level. The problem probably is that you have already discovered all the recipes for that item at your current level.
Now I have discovered with crafting that you can pretty much ALWAYS “Discover” new recipes to get to the next Tier level in crafting. So don’t be shy, grab all your materials from the bank that it says you can use for that craft and try and discover new recipes with them.
If you can’t, take a look at the recipes for stuff you have already made, there are always hints in there for what you should be able to also make in other items. Example lets say you have disvovered a master recipe for 1 particular weapon. Check it’s recipe let’s say it was a “mighty” Longbow. It will say you needed 8 bloods of some kind and the usual items you need for a longbow (string and longbow stave). There is your hint, use 8 bloods now with all the other weapon matrials – example 8 bloods and a shortbow stave and string. Do this for all weapons.
Pretty much the idea is to make every weapon/armour with each of the insignias/inscriptions. That’s how you do it
Doing this you will always go up in levels and unlock most of the recipes.
Good luck!
You missed my point entirely
I can’t experiment with ANY of my materials. They are all red, meaning that there is no possible recipe that i can use at my level. If i put in two red still, then it shows that i need lvl 25 or 50 to experiment with those specific materials, even while they all show that i could use them, as they have no (25) or higher in their descriptions.
There is not a single recipe that i found out on my own.. all the ones i have already were given instantly as soon as i learned the crafting profession.
In order to do something you have to speak with a crafter that can teach you that profession. The first thing you do is use the materials to level up some by say taking logs and make wood planks, this then gives you materials to craft the next thing.
If you do not like this crafting profession you can then pay a minimal fee (since you will be very low leveled) to switch to another.
I did not miss your point, I stated if they are red then you can make everything with those particular items at your current level. There will be plenty more you can discover. In order for me to give you some starting tips please tell me what craft you are talking about and what your current level is.
The skill level on the items is the minimum level at which they’re useful for a profession and doesn’t necessarily reflect the level of discovery. Bronze ingots will show just “Armorer” for example because starting recipes all use them for armorer but any discovery will be 25-50 or higher using them. Almost every profession has at least 1-2 recipes you can discover below 25 skill, but since you have to churn out components and refine materials, you’re expected to hit 25 fairly quickly anyway.
The skill level on the items is the minimum level at which they’re useful for a profession and doesn’t necessarily reflect the level of discovery. Bronze ingots will show just “Armorer” for example because starting recipes all use them for armorer but any discovery will be 25-50 or higher using them.
Thank you, that’s what i wanted to know… so the levels requirements state if i can use a material at all for recipes, not that i can discover new recipes with it.
I like crafting mainly for the discovery part… i like to find out new things, i like RNG and stuff like that, so this seems fun. I was just a bit disappointed that below lvl25 i couldn’t do experimenting yet.