Farms have a maximum productivity?

Farms have a maximum productivity?

in Crafting

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


On a couple occasions, I’ve been at a farm (lettuce field, strawberry patch, etc) and noticed as I gather that, before I finish, the other nodes disappear.

Now, I know back in BWE, with overflow servers and the like these were great—between multiple servers you could rack up a ton of exp and harvestables.

It seems that in the relatively recent past they were changed so that after harvesting the number of nodes on the map, they all disappear. While I don’t mind the bug with overflow servers (and, in the future, this would likely affect guesting) being closed, this does mean that when I have a 30% chance of getting extra harvests, it actually means I have 0% on these concentrations of crops.

Does anybody know of any word on this being intended or not?

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]