Feedback about Crafting Professions
Good for lazy leveling.
That’s all I use it for.
Cooking is continuously used for omnoms and special consumables to improve damage.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
What exactly are your objectives with crafting?
Would you like to use your crafting profession to gear your character?
-It’s perfectly possible to use crafting to gear your character. My most recent character to reach level 80 (warrior), I’ve used both weaponsmithing and armorsmithing to gear him from 2 to 80. Crafted weapons and armor of rare quality are usually better than most karma stuff that you get from the heart guys.
By using crafted gear I was able to limit my karma and TP purchases and found that usually a rare quality item would be competitive up to 10 levels from the requirements. After hitting level 80, all the epic armor / weapons that you craft are as good as anything else that you might acquire with karma / dungeon tokens / drops, with the exception of ascended gear.
Would you like to use your crafting profession to make profit?
Also possible, at least as a weaponsmith / armorsmith. Not all the items that you can craft are profitable, but if you take the time to study the market you find plenty of opportunities to make a quick profit. In fact, I’ve done and continue doing healthy profits with weaponsmithing at every level.
So, what exactly do you think is wrong with crafting?
I asked a few people that manage to make money of crafting, the answer they gave me is always the same… use a spreadsheet.
So my guess is it is possible to make money. It is just not for everyone. And you need to watch the market closely.