Finish tailoring? or drop it?

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Spiral Architect.6540

Spiral Architect.6540

Warning: crafting noob content below.

As I was leveling my mesmer, I also leveled tailoring to about 225-ish. I didn’t go any further with it because the price of fine mats was steeper than I could easily afford. So I ended up finishing leveling via Personal Story and zone completion.

So, now I have a half-finished tailor, and I’m wondering if it’s worthwhile for me to finish leveling to 400? or not? Of course, I realize “worthwhile” is a highly subjective term, but I wonder what others out there think about the matter? Is there anything that high-level tailoring is going to do for me that make it desirable?

I’m already geared in exotics, and happy with the skins I have, etc.

Thanks for any input.

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: WanderingOne.2194


Other then maybe crafting a Gift for your Legendary or help gear a lowbie alt. I would have to say ah no real point at all.

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


I use crafting to get by those levels I don’t want to do, mostly from 70 to 80, other than that like WanderingOne said, if your into making a legendary why not?

If neither, I’d stay away from crafting, better off to sell your materials and make money than to have a dime a dozen profession that offers no perks.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Spiral Architect.6540

Spiral Architect.6540

Well, heck. That’s kind of disappointing. When I played WoW, my tailor/enchanter was a good moneymaker for me — same thing when I played Rift (outfitter/runecrafter).

I guess in GW2, it’s not even worthwhile to skill up to make and sell bags?

(edited by Spiral Architect.6540)

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Switch.3917


Hey Spiral. I’ve found max tailoring useful for making high-level runes (Scholar, Undead), and occasionally for making cheap rares to salvage. Your profit on 18-slot craftsman bags will at best be 10-15s. Crafting and selling 20-slotters is a losing proposition, as there are other ways for players to obtain them.

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


Well, heck. That’s kind of disappointing. When I played WoW, my tailor/enchanter was a good moneymaker for me — same thing when I played Rift (outfitter/runecrafter).

I guess in GW2, it’s not even worthwhile to skill up to make and sell bags?

Pretty much anything you can craft, will sell at a loss, even if you farm the mats yourself since the mats are worth more than what you are making. I mean that isn’t always the case, but a lot of the times it is, browse lower level insignia’s, sometimes you can land some cash making them. (3s to 15s ea.)

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If you intend to “buy” your exotic it is cheaper to craft. Mainly due to the 15% tax fee.

So instead of buying the exotic it is more cost effective to craft. Of course you can just ask your guildmate to craft for you though.

I think you should just finish it consider you are already 225. I think the main thing is crafting really isn’t that expensive. Consider most people dont’ have a problem making 1-5 gold an hour.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Consider most people dont’ have a problem making 1-5 gold an hour.

Doing what, exactly?
I have yet to find anything profitable in crafting. Everything on the market is set at break even, at best, except the raw mats which are laughably overpriced.

Easier to just farm and leave crafting as the joke that it is, or… well… dump crafting for the joke that it is; outfitting low level alts is about the only use I see in it.

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


Consider most people dont’ have a problem making 1-5 gold an hour.

Doing what, exactly?
I have yet to find anything profitable in crafting. Everything on the market is set at break even, at best, except the raw mats which are laughably overpriced.

Easier to just farm and leave crafting as the joke that it is, or… well… dump crafting for the joke that it is; outfitting low level alts is about the only use I see in it.

FotM all day like a zombie, or buying enough gold to play the market simulator.

Just playing the game, like Anet said will yield no profit and nothing to get excited about.

“We don’t think you should have to get to level cap before the real game starts”

FotM or bust.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

It’s generally cheaper to craft a bunch of rares to salvage for ectos, rather than buying the ectos. Course you’ll have to check mat prices to see which rares are the cheapest to make. Considering how often we need 250 ectos for stuff, it’s something that a long term player will definitely get use out of repeatedly.

(edited by Minion of Vey.4398)

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Consider most people dont’ have a problem making 1-5 gold an hour.

Doing what, exactly?
I have yet to find anything profitable in crafting. Everything on the market is set at break even, at best, except the raw mats which are laughably overpriced.

Easier to just farm and leave crafting as the joke that it is, or… well… dump crafting for the joke that it is; outfitting low level alts is about the only use I see in it.

I never say making money through crafting, I say people can make 1-5 gold an hour doing whatever, dungeon, grinding, whatever.

If you think it that way crafting dont’ even cost much to level. So whats the big deal to put some money into it.

What’s the big deal to spend an hour or 2 to max a crafting profession.

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I have 400 tailor on my Mesmer and I have found it useful.
I did level my tailoring as I leveled her so I used it to gear her up with my preferred stats, I made my own exotics and I make gear for my alts.
I also make my own runes.
Occasionally I have made a nice profit making insignia and selling them when I have a lot of spare mats.
and yes you can always make rares to salvage.
I found Jewelry generally more profitable, but I find all my crafts useful to have

Gunnar’s Hold

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Spiral Architect.6540

Spiral Architect.6540

Thanks for the replies, everyone. I’ve decided to eventually finish leveling it, but only after my alts get the crafting done that they need.

Finish tailoring? or drop it?

in Crafting

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

Thank you very much for all your answers and input. Since the question seems to be answered for Spiral Architect, we proceed to close the thread now.