Forbidden Mystic Forge recipes

Forbidden Mystic Forge recipes

in Crafting

Posted by: Macros.8715


250 Summoned Necromancer pets(any will do)
250 Elonian Wines
250 Fake Gold Chain Necklaces
1 Exploding Rubber chicken
The Harbringer

The Harbringer would spring forth from the Forge, and consume all, destroying all civilized culture. Only a hero of great wealth and tremendous ability will be able to create, “The exodus” a weapon of such power, no man could wield it, it would wield itself, and it was said to contain.

250 Sunrise
250 Twilight
250 The Bifrost
250 The Predator
The Exodus

Forbidden Mystic Forge recipes

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethics.4519


kitten? I dont even…. ugh.

RIP in peace Robert