Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

in Crafting

Posted by: angelarchero.4589


So, I finally managed to obtain the materials to make my Shiny Fractal Capacitor, adn when I go to dump everything into the forge, the Beta Capacitor doesn’t show up as an item that can be thrown in the forge. I tried moving it into different bags and even zoning and trying it in the WvW forge instead of the LA forge, but the problem persists. Is anyone else getting a similar problem? Might it be due to the agony change in the current patch?

Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

in Crafting

Posted by: Unlimited.5413


Yea i have encountered the same issue here last night….. kinda sucks that my back isn’t glowing yet! Anyone know if they have fixed this issue yet? or is it still an ongoing issue. This must be Anet’s way of trolling us……lol

Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

in Crafting

Posted by: amandnall.1705


same, i had problem with this 2 days and still cant make it

I Elènia I, X Elênia X ,The Undead Shadow

Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

in Crafting

Posted by: Garbadmur.6041


I am nearing completion of my shiny back as well. Please fix this so I may bask in the shining glory

Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

in Crafting

Posted by: jportell.2197


ANET Y U NO HAVE QA? Seriously Fix this I ground out 500 relics only to get to the forge and not have my Beta Fractal capacitor show up on the forge UI for being put in the forge. This is garbage.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

in Crafting

Posted by: Jillian.6253


I’ve got the same problem,my fractal backpiece just doesn’t appear in mistc forge window,i was soo mad when after collecting all needed things ,that i could not make the last upgrade…….pls Anet fix it fast ,it’s flustrating….

Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

in Crafting

Posted by: Curo.2483


I think you need to soulbind it before you can forge it. Although with the amount of people posting here, this may be some new bug.

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”

Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

in Crafting

Posted by: jportell.2197


I think you need to soulbind it before you can forge it. Although with the amount of people posting here, this may be some new bug.

It is soul bound I had it equipped then unequipped it to forge it and it wasn’t in the effing forge window

Also made a thread in game bugs forum. Anet is more likely to acknowledge there.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

in Crafting

Posted by: ReVenge ZoD.4289

ReVenge ZoD.4289

Same problem! Please repair it so I can create my final backpiece.

Fractal Backpiece Forge Bug

in Crafting

Posted by: Jillian.6253


Mine is soulbound for sure cause i’m wearing it ;] and patiently waiting till they fix it…