Friendly warning for beginner crafters
or you could just spend a few minutes looking at how to levle your craft and determine how much you need of each item.
For example to get to lvl 75 in Huntsman one only requires the following items.
282Green Wood Logs
112 Copper Ore
60 Rawhide Leather Sections
12 Lumps of Tin
68 Tiny Venom Sacs
12 Tiny Claws
12 Tiny Scales
12 Tiny Totems
and to get to Leatherworking lvl 75 one requires the following
108 Jute Scraps
100 Rawhide Leather Sections
54 Spools of Jute
50 Tiny Venom Sacs
28 Bone Chips
12 Tiny Claws
12 Vials of Weak Blood
3 Tiny Scales
3 Tiny Totems
You make it sound like once you know how much of each item you need the drop chances are gonna increase. 118 venom sacs is a bit unrealistic number to gain through leveling in the areas they drop in without some farming sessions which is the point the op was trying to make i think. If a new player is discovering the content they probs arent gonna want to stop to farm that many so they will probs start getting the next tier of drops before their crafting needs them
Changes of items dropping are ofcourse not going to increase, just by knowing the amount needed, I never implied that. Knowing exactly how much one requires to finish a Tier in crafting helps new players in various ways.
For example they will not buy unnecessary amounts of the items or screw up by experimenting them-selfs. It saves them money in the long run as they are not wasting it on materials. They can also Sell there left over materials from a previous Tier on the Trading Post for some extra silver.
118 Venom Sacks is not a unrealistic number. There are various places one can farm more then 10 of those sacs in a relative short time of 30 minutes. They would have to spend a a couple of hours grinding mobs in a small area and when they get tired of it, buy the missing amount.
So in short, knowing how much you require optimizes your time in grinding them/spending gold on the AH for them.
Right now, I have both leatherworking and Huntsman on lvl 150. I spend 1g 60 silver on the trading post. I made mistakes in the first Tier 1-75 that costed me this amount of gold. If I hadn’t done that, I would have spend less then 1g on the TP to gain both proffessions to 150.
I am lvl 47. 4 levels of that are from crafting. in the other 43 levels I did not grind a single time for the mats I used.
Get my point.
As far as I know all professions except for jeweler and cook use totems/bones/venom sacs/etc. Just sell the mats you don’t use and buy those off the TP.
I only said that you make it sound like knowing what you need increases the drop chance of items because of the way you worded your first post. By opening your post with ‘or’ implies that knowing what you need is an alternative method to only taking 1 crafting profession that uses fine items so as to not run out of crafting materials before out leveling the area that tier of items come from as the op suggested.
Also I said that 118 was an unrealistic number to gain without farming to which you said it isn’t a unrealisitic number if you farm leading me to believe you didn’t read my post correct. In regards to farming using the numbers you gave means that farming 118 venom sacks at 10 per half hour means you would have the required number in roughly 6 hours then there are the other 96 fine items that you suggest are needed to level both those crafting skills adding another 5 hours onto that time for a total of 11 hours of farming. Now i don’t know about you but I can 100% an area in roughly 2-3 hours (don’t actually know if this is fast/slow/average) while doing any DE that i come across. I for one aren’t a fan of grinding and i certainly wouldn’t want to spend four times the amount of time in an area collecting mats than i did actually doing the area.
Your points about the trading post are valid though the sheer number o f mats available and cheap prices on them can seriously reduce the amount of time needed to farm. But not everyone can spend 1g just on leveling 2 crafting professions from 0-75.
I did read your post though. It could be that I misread something.
The thing is, if you just level your way through a zone you should have the required lesser amount of fine materials needed, in example what i posted above, having 24 of each item without grinding. Only the large amount of fine materian(the venon sacs) would require some farming to do. In the case you wont meet the 24 required amount of totems, bloods, scales etc. One would at most have to buy a few of them on the AH. Which only costs a couple of silver. but less then 20-30 silver.
it is completely possible to level 2 crafts to say lvl 150 by spending a few hours farming the larger quantities of materials(from 75-150 that are boneshards and small venom sacks. Of which you need 40-50 each per craft) and spending less then 80 silver.
As of… I gave up on crafting. Cost of items is bad, trying to make any money selling crafted items is worse. 99% of the time I am salvaging everything I make for more materials, or just vendoring it. Leveling with crafting I stoped in the 100s because my main was all ready in the 40s. Having to go back to farm low level items is a big pain in the patoot. Buying some of them is way over priced (mostly blue components).
Trying to make any profit off crafting is next to nothing. Even fast moving items like bags (hi, the rune to make that costs all most as much as you have for your buy order you !^*!!
#$ ). Even when I put them up for my own price I have to undercut 912839213819238192321 other sellers. Even by 1 copper the price is so low (plus the cost to put an item up for sale) all of that added togeather I am all most allways loosing money from crafting….
I love the idea of discovering recipies ( even more so on my chef). The idea of having to farm endlessly killing mobs hopeing they drop and then x8 crafts O.o
Some MMOs love their crafters, this one I think hates crafters lol.
It’s very true what the OP said: if you try to level up two very similar skills that share the fine materials and even the more mundane materials, you’re going to end up in a situation where you got to spend tons of time in an effort of keeping them both going.
However, crafting is pretty rewarding once the leveling period is done with. It was a gold sink for me all the way up to 400/400, but been a profit ever since. I can even buy all the materials from the TP and still turn a decent profit (something like 30 silvers per sold exotic item even after reducing the listing and selling costs that TP takes).