Gathering Crafting materials (rules?)
Aren’t allowed? They might monitor you if they see you gathering nodes 8-10 hours a day for 6-8 days straight, but there is no rule against going back to a low level zone to farm.
You’re not allowed to use a bot to gather crafting materials. That generally means you can’t use a program that automates part or all of the game.
You can go gather stuff as much as you like. You can kill mobs for loot as much as you like.
After a little while, if you sit there and kill the same bunch of mobs in the same spot, some in-game code will kick in that will cause you to get a diminishing amount of loot from those mobs. We don’t know exactly what triggers this set of diminishing returns. Most people report that if they make some minimal effort to rotate what they are killing and to wander around the zone, then the effects of the anti-farm diminishing returns are minimal. If you sit around and farm one event, the code kicks in quite fast.
You aren’t going to get banned for normal play with the intent of harvesting craft materials. You will likely get banned if you use a bot program or an exploit. You won’t be banned if you trigger the diminishing returns code through normal play, you’ll just get less loot.
I have a feeling you’re confusing the anti-farming mechanism with ‘not being allowed to’