General Ascended crafting problem

General Ascended crafting problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Lionvandepol.4238


I created this topic to share my growing concern and annoyance about the crafting system. This problem was even more highlighted with the recent release of Ascended armor. With the increasing complexity of the system, consistency (in at least the same crafting tier) would be nice, but is more and more lost.

Example #1:
1 Lump of Mithrillium: 50 Mithril Ingots, 1 Glob of Ectoplasm, 10 Thermocatalytic Reagents;
1 Glob of Elder Spirit Residue: 50 Elder Wood Logs, 1 Glob, 10 TR’s;
1 Spool of Thick Elonian Cord: 50 Cured Thick Leather Squares, 1 Glob, 10 TR’s;
1 Spool of Silk Weaving Thread: 100 Bolts of Silk, 1 Glob, 25 Spools of Gossamer Thread.

Every Ascended crafting material needs 50 Tier 5 crafting mats + 1 Ecto + 10 TR’s, but for some reason, the newly added Silk Weaving Thread needs 100 Bolts of Silk. The Ascended crafting system is obviously based on the current supply of items, and t5 Silk and t5 Leather supplies were overflowing. It is therefore logical that the new armor crafting system uses there materials to create a demand for them. It is however not logical to change the repice compared to the already existing ones, adding to the complexity. Recently, the refinement ratio of Silk Scraps —> Bolts was changed from 2 --> 1 to 3 —> 1, raising the demands even more.* Because all three armor types need Cloth (Damask) for their ascended armor, this puts too much pressure on the demands of all tiers of cloth. Side note: why would you also change the requirement of TR’s to spools of gossa thread? Again, this makes no sense and is confusing.

*The mithril and leather refinement ratio is still 2:1, while the Elder Wood ratio was already set to 3:1. Another inconsistency based on ever-changing supply/demand.

Example #2:
Every Ascended weapon requires a Vision Crystal (Augur’s Stone + 5 Dragonite Ingots + 5 Bloodstone Bricks + 5 Crystalline Ingots). Every Ascended armor piece requires a lesser verson of this crystal (needing 2 instead of 5 of everything). This was done because getting 30 of all three materials would take too long. Strangely, the Ascended Chestpiece needs a normal Vision Crystal (5 of everything). Another unnecessairy inconsistency, adding to the complexity of the crafting system.

Example #3
Another already existing inconsistency is the difference between refinement ratios. One Ori Ingot needs 2 Ori Ores, while 1 Iron Ingot needs 3 Iron Ores. 1 Ancient Plank needs 3 Ancient Logs, but 1 Soft Wood Plank requires 4 Soft Wood logs! The same crafting group (metal, wood, cloth or leather) has different refinement ratios for different tiers, based, again, on the supply and demand at the time of the update.

The Ascended crafting system brought us with new high-end armor, but many new confusing problems:
- Different amounts of t5 mats needed for Ectoplasm Refinement, confusing and unfair;
- Inconsistent requirements for certain Ascended armor pieces, compared to other Ascended armor pieces;
- Different refinement rates for materials.

The Future
I would like to see some more standardizing. Every armor piece should require the same Lesser Vision Crystal. The chestplate is already more expensive to make because it needs 5 Deldrimor Ingots (for Heavy armor). Change the amount of Silk needed for Damask to 50, just like the other three. The increase in demand is too much if you consider the fact that all three armor crafting disciplines need cloth.

General Ascended crafting problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Mystic.5934


what really grinds my gears is inconsistency in how long it takes to craft things. like, literally, the time that the bar takes to move across the screen. 1 second to make a Huntsman’s longbow stave vs. 0.25 seconds to make Armorsmith’s Helmet Casing.
weaponsmith, armorsmith, leatherworker, tailor, jeweler are consistent: everything weaponsmith takes 1 second, everything on the other 3 take 0.25 seconds.
huntsman and artificer have some items around 1 second, and some at 0.25 seconds.