Gift of exploration replacement

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: quaniesan.8497


I do honestly think Gift of Exloration should replaced with something else that is i) by no means of less time/efford to achieve, but… ii) more enjoyable than just roaming for days to get it and you don’t have to train a new toon just to get it.

If ya no longer see me after this post,
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: thehipone.6812


How about not. Gift of exploration/mastery is pretty much the only thing keeping legendaries from being 100% gold grind or credit card warrior items.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Naekuh.7925


remove WvW from Gift of Exploration please…

Then it will be fine.

Adding the WvW requires players to PVP… and there is no way to AVOID not PVPing to get discovery in WvW unless ur server is overpowered and stomps everyone.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


remove WvW from Gift of Exploration please…

Then it will be fine.

Adding the WvW requires players to PVP… and there is no way to AVOID not PVPing to get discovery in WvW unless ur server is overpowered and stomps everyone.

False. I got all of them on an alt without fighting a single person. Just get what your server possesses and then wait until your server changes color. Unless you have everything else ready to make the legendary (unlikely scenario for most people) then there’s no rush.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Mmm… the thread title suggested to me that something should replace the gift of exploration as a reward for world completion. That, I’d throw a +1 at. The actual point of the thread, I couldn’t care less about.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Seera.5916


No to both the Gift of Exploration being replaced and the WvW being removed from the means to obtain the Gift of Exploration.


1. It gets you out playing the game.

2. It serves a way to make sure that the legendaries aren’t just a gold sink. That time has to be invested into it. Because you can’t buy map exploration like you can buy dungeon runs for the tokens.

As for WvW:

1. Even servers that repeatedly are in 3rd place can have 100% WvW done. Crystal Desert, my home server, is such a server. I’ve soloed: 100% of red and green borderlands. 48% of blue borderlands and 69% of eternal battlegrounds. And I’m horrible at PvP. It’s not my cup of my tea. I have to be in a zerg to not die and that means my contribution is just a small percent. Nothing hugely rewording on a personal level. I’m hoping next week my server will be Blue. Or at least not red. That way I can get more of the other two maps I still need.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I would be ok with them only requiring one of the borderland maps, but not removing wvw maps completely. A legendary should take time and effort to craft. World completion takes time and effort. If you don’t like world completion, you can pay a little extra for a legendary on the TP, and buy somebody else’s time and effort.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Gift of exploration is one of the best parts of a Legendary. It proves you literally have been there and done that. I had six before crafting two and a half legendaries. They need to fix the precursor part, that is all. The legendaries that depend on Arah are also a bit unfair, but that is less important than the precursor issue.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Cassio.9507


How about not. Gift of exploration/mastery is pretty much the only thing keeping legendaries from being 100% gold grind or credit card warrior items.

Agreed. Especially with that motivation.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Ignavia.7420


Gift of exploration should not be changed. They should rather rework dungeons to prevent path-selling or make it unprofitable at least. Just buying your tokens cannot be the original idea behind that requirement. Currently it is just another gold sink for many people.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: TyranosEH.3768


Remove the only thing that requires you to play the game at least a little bit? Why? Would you want to remove the dungeon gifts aswell? This way you don’t even need to play the game to craft a legendary, yay!
Seriously I hate that it even is possible to get a legendary via the TP. Having a legendary should show that you played every aspect of the game. Right now everyone and their mom has a legendary they bought off the TP….

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Fror.2163


remove WvW from Gift of Exploration please…

Then it will be fine.

Adding the WvW requires players to PVP… and there is no way to AVOID not PVPing to get discovery in WvW unless ur server is overpowered and stomps everyone.

It’s unacceptable that I have to do PvE things to get my legendary! I demand that the PvE part be removed from the legendary quest!

Frór (yes, with the accent!)

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Seera.5916


Remove the only thing that requires you to play the game at least a little bit? Why? Would you want to remove the dungeon gifts aswell? This way you don’t even need to play the game to craft a legendary, yay!
Seriously I hate that it even is possible to get a legendary via the TP. Having a legendary should show that you played every aspect of the game. Right now everyone and their mom has a legendary they bought off the TP….

This. Legendaries should not have been made sellable via the TP. And at this point, there would be too much backlash to make the current set not sellable anymore. Unless they change them to soulbound on acquire to let the ones on TP stay up. I hope they don’t make new ones they make able to be sold on the TP.

But they are. So ANet please don’t make it that much easier to obtain them. Legendaries should remain limited in supply (someone has to make them for them to be on the TP).

I am personally crafting Meteorlogicus. I’m planning on crafting Incinerator as well. But Meteorlogicus is my primary focus.

And as someone who doesn’t really like WvW, I’m against removing Gift of Exploration. Even if I hadn’t stepped foot into WvW I would be against removing it. Because it’s a step towards showing that whomever made it has played a wide aspect of the game.

They’ve already lessened it by allowing Badges of Honor to drop in the Achievement Point chests. They don’t need to do it anymore.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadow Blade.1324

Shadow Blade.1324

i think a better option would be to let gifts of exploration be used in more recipies, ie a cape thats a map of tyria,

but that will never happen because anet like to create new things to grind while the rest of the game becomes obsolete and is never fixed

tbh i think they are driving inflation up to increase the gem to gold conversion rate so that just buying them outright will be more affordable to more people the current cost of a legendary is approximately $525 (2500 gold from gems) and falling

i wish the devs had a consistent vision and didn’t push out content they know is flawed

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Sylanna.1947


Gift of exploration is one of the best parts of a Legendary. It proves you literally have been there and done that. I had six before crafting two and a half legendaries. They need to fix the precursor part, that is all. The legendaries that depend on Arah are also a bit unfair, but that is less important than the precursor issue.

Working on my first legendary currently, and you mentioned something that I totally agree with. As I’m crafting The Bifrost, I came to realize how it’s a bit unfair that I have to run Arah a number of times while other legendaries have much easier dungeon requirements. As someone who is not a dungeon expert, this has really been difficult for me (and I refuse to pay someone who is at the final boss, because that just feels like cheating)

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


It’s not as unfair as you think. Try farming Charged Lodestones from the CoE. At least you know you’ll get what you need in 9 runs. I’m lucky if I get one lodestone out of 9 runs.

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Illogical.6218


i think a better option would be to let gifts of exploration be used in more recipies, ie a cape thats a map of tyria,

but that will never happen because anet like to create new things to grind while the rest of the game becomes obsolete and is never fixed

tbh i think they are driving inflation up to increase the gem to gold conversion rate so that just buying them outright will be more affordable to more people the current cost of a legendary is approximately $525 (2500 gold from gems) and falling

What makes you think you need 2500 gold to craft a legendary?
You can easily craft 2 with that

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Seera.5916


i think a better option would be to let gifts of exploration be used in more recipies, ie a cape thats a map of tyria,

but that will never happen because anet like to create new things to grind while the rest of the game becomes obsolete and is never fixed

tbh i think they are driving inflation up to increase the gem to gold conversion rate so that just buying them outright will be more affordable to more people the current cost of a legendary is approximately $525 (2500 gold from gems) and falling

What makes you think you need 2500 gold to craft a legendary?
You can easily craft 2 with that

He’s not.

What he’s saying is that if the gems to gold ratio gets to the point where you get an absurd amount of gold for each gem then it becomes cheaper overall (time factored in as well) to buy the legendary than craft it.

I doubt they’ll really go that far. It will push demand up too high and wipe out the current supply. And legendary prices will sky rocket accordingly. They aren’t wanting everyone to have a legendary. Their current moves of adding more things to the requirements of getting the legendary in the first place proves it.