Giving up on legendaries to get an exotic.

Giving up on legendaries to get an exotic.

in Crafting

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


With prices of T6 mats going back up does anyone else feel temped to just give up on their legendaries and sell what they saved up to get an exotic with nice skin instead?


Giving up on legendaries to get an exotic.

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Well, I’d examine what are your reasons for getting that Legendary in the first place. Is it because you genuinely like the skin? Or is it just because you feel like you have to “keep up with the crowd”? If it’s the former, then by all means, continue to save up and slowly farm/buy the mats you need. The Legendary isn’t going anywhere, and prices may fall/stabilise again in the future, making it easier for you.

If the latter, you don’t need that Legendary in the first place then. Buy what YOU like, not what others say is cool/awesome.

And if you want a Legendary purely to get that medal on your character creation screen, then just do some research to find out which is the absolutely cheapest Legendary (hint: it’s probably going to be one of the underwater weapons), and get that.

Giving up on legendaries to get an exotic.

in Crafting

Posted by: penatbater.4710


With the rise in prices, I’d reckon I might move my finishing date another month (I expect to finish by end of Jan/Feb). :P I don’t really mind, but by that time I may not want a legendary anymore. But it’s always nice to have stocks of karma, the gift of stuff just in case you want to get back into it again :P

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Giving up on legendaries to get an exotic.

in Crafting

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Well, I’d examine what are your reasons for getting that Legendary in the first place. Is it because you genuinely like the skin? Or is it just because you feel like you have to “keep up with the crowd”? If it’s the former, then by all means, continue to save up and slowly farm/buy the mats you need. The Legendary isn’t going anywhere, and prices may fall/stabilise again in the future, making it easier for you.

If the latter, you don’t need that Legendary in the first place then. Buy what YOU like, not what others say is cool/awesome.

And if you want a Legendary purely to get that medal on your character creation screen, then just do some research to find out which is the absolutely cheapest Legendary (hint: it’s probably going to be one of the underwater weapons), and get that.

I think the currently cheapest is actually the moot. Cheap precursor, and IIRC the gifts it needs take exactly 0 lodestones, which are the most expensive materials.

Giving up on legendaries to get an exotic.

in Crafting

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Legendary? I didn’t even get on that treadmill.

I have a nice exotic staff, with a nice Charr skin. In fact, my “other” wep set is pretty much the same, and thanks to Charr level 2 skins my torch actually looks like a torch. Those skins cost me a bit of karms, that’s all.

Legendary? Too hard, Not interested.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Giving up on legendaries to get an exotic.

in Crafting

Posted by: TSLlol.4879


With prices of T6 mats going back up does anyone else feel temped to just give up on their legendaries and sell what they saved up to get an exotic with nice skin instead?

You know, you might be onto something… I just dunno what I’d do after that. Probably stop playing as getting the Dreamer is my only goal left to achieve. And the road to getting that is getting further and further away from my reach… And it’s not really fun… (seriously, playing Wall Street Simulator 2012 to get to my legendary is BORING )

Giving up on legendaries to get an exotic.

in Crafting

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


With prices of T6 mats going back up does anyone else feel temped to just give up on their legendaries and sell what they saved up to get an exotic with nice skin instead?

You know, you might be onto something… I just dunno what I’d do after that. Probably stop playing as getting the Dreamer is my only goal left to achieve. And the road to getting that is getting further and further away from my reach… And it’s not really fun… (seriously, playing Wall Street Simulator 2012 to get to my legendary is BORING )

That’s what I thought, I have around 300-400 hours logged in and seeing these huge increases of prices, making the 300 gold for my precurser along with the 100 runestones simply seems impossible. The only problem I have now is that most of the current exotic mystic forge shortbow skins aren’t very enticing as of yet.
