Gossamer, and what needs to be done

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: teviko.6049


If you have a tailor, you know the frustration that stems from getting this ML. The only way you can get it is from decon’s of discarded garments and level 80 armors. (white blue, green, yellow, gold) and occassionaly from loot bags. ‘Occassionally’.

However, here is the problem with gossamer ‘decons’.

First off, the master salvaging kits have a 25% chance of giving you a ‘rare’ loot. But this is not the case. I have found that master salvaging kits give you a 10-15% chance. This is based on the 500 or so decons I have done, with just the master salvaging kits. I didn’t try with journeyman, but I did another 500 decons using the blue salvaging kit, with a return of 15-17% chance of a rare. The Blue kit is far superior to use (and cheaper to boot) than it is for a master salvaging kit.

Now, this is not a rant about salvaging kits. That can be another post for later. The real issue with gossamer, in the rare and unlikely event that you decon one from loot, is the amount you get. Never, in my experience, have I gotten more than 1 gossamer from anything other than level 80 exotics (I did that once ot prove a point, I only got 3 from a chest piece, a far cry from what actually goes into it). With silk, even on salvagable materials, you can get anywhere from 1-3 silks, but always only 1 gossamer. Even on white loot, you will always only get one. ONE!!!

With Orichalcum nodes spitting out 3-4 ore per node, wood spiiting out 3-4 wood per trunk, I feel like tailors (and anyone who uses gossamer as a comp) gets a huge short end of the shaft.

Please!! Help us!! Here are a few suggestions:

Have spiders drop gossamer. It makes sense, they can ‘spin webs’. Or have mobs you can ‘harvest’ for 1-2 gossamer per hit, and have 4 of these rare critters in each zone (like ori and ancient wood) Or allow decons to grant more than 1 gossamer (1-3 like silk).

Or implement them all!!! After all, you can decon armor and weapons for ore and lumber as well. Please, help those of us who use gossamer. This is insane!

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: Cassium.3240


I can tell you for a fact that i’ve gotten 2-3 gossamer off a single salvage before and I only salvage the whites. Can actually make a small profit on this depending on the price of the item and price of gossamer.

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: penatbater.4710


I salvaged a white using the most basic kit and was surprised to see gossamer, albeit 1. I don’t salvage armor often, mostly just salvage kits, and I kinda agree the rate when using the Master (I use mystic) kit is rather low. I’m running out of them now and I don’t wanna convert my gold into gems to make, so I’ll probably run around with two kits, one master and one cheapo.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I wonder if the chance is +% of an existing % chance. That might be why they don’t seem to improve things. Or they could just be bugged, who knows… maybe someone put a zero in the wrong place.

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: Starfleck.8392


The game is built for higher levels to be killing stuff, not just running from gathering node to gathering node.

I’m sorry to say, but you’re way off base if you think that at level 80 you’re going to be hunting down Orich nodes and completely ignoring the dozens (or hundreds) of mobs in between that are more likely to drop containers (which do give Gossamer but neither logs nor ore), salvage trophies, or straight up white useless loot which you can easily salvage into cloth. If for no other reason than the fact you can’t get an exotic greatsword from a gathering node, what you say… doesn’t make sense.

True, some time down the road people will be hunting down those nodes as often as they can, but since they’re often unpredictable and mutable (seems to change node placements every day now), but even MORE people will be ignoring the piddly little nodes and running to the nearest exciting/rewarding content… a fight.

If anything, I would say the tendency to get cloth from mobs is slightly more than getting wood or ore from them, and that the overall balance will be almost opposite of what you’re saying..

(On a side note, Armorsmiths and Leatherworkers use gossamer too)

We are such flecks as stars are made of. . .

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: kKagari.6804


pssssssssssssssssssst. Use the silk you get from failed salvages in the mystic forge….psssssssssssssst

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: dpandakun.3174


they need to make leather and scrap salvage rate higher perhaps
since both considered basic mats like metals and woods but the salvage rate is quite low

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: LameFox.6349


The game is built for higher levels to be killing stuff, not just running from gathering node to gathering node.

I’m sorry to say, but you’re way off base if you think that at level 80 you’re going to be hunting down Orich nodes and completely ignoring the dozens (or hundreds) of mobs in between that are more likely to drop containers (which do give Gossamer but neither logs nor ore), salvage trophies, or straight up white useless loot which you can easily salvage into cloth. If for no other reason than the fact you can’t get an exotic greatsword from a gathering node, what you say… doesn’t make sense.

True, some time down the road people will be hunting down those nodes as often as they can, but since they’re often unpredictable and mutable (seems to change node placements every day now), but even MORE people will be ignoring the piddly little nodes and running to the nearest exciting/rewarding content… a fight.

If anything, I would say the tendency to get cloth from mobs is slightly more than getting wood or ore from them, and that the overall balance will be almost opposite of what you’re saying..

(On a side note, Armorsmiths and Leatherworkers use gossamer too)

I only craft between bouts of killing stuff, and tend to lose money on it. Even so, I get very few of these mats from bags, and I only use them for insignias, so if the OP needs more I think it would still be pretty annoying.

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: Noviere.7309


Gossamer is definitely the most difficult base crafting material to get. Orichalcum, leather and wood seem to be much more abundant. The last time I checked my collectible tab, I had 193 orichalcum ore and only 68 gossamer scraps. Mind you, I have mined some nodes… but I’ve never actually made a point of hunting them down — I just grab the ones I come across. Most of it came from salvaging blues/whites that I got while farming karma.

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: teviko.6049



I run around with a friend (who also uses gossamer) and we fight nearly everything in the zone as we circle chain the ori nodes in ever zone. Yesterday, my grand total of heavy moldy bags was 6, 2 white armor drops, and 2 discarded garments, on heavy leather bondings and one salvagable metal. I got 3 blues, no green (cloth armors, not leather or heavy, I get so much of those) for a grand total of 0 gossamer after I done salvaged everything.

Off the white mace I deconed:: 1 Ori.
Off the white leather I deconned: 2 ML leather

These are both, oddly, using the blue salvage kit.

I am no stranger to danger. I have sold off hundreds of Orichalcum (before I started hoarding them for my jewel crafting) and I have guarded my gossamer with fierce intent, and I still had barely enough to make myself a full set of exalted armor. I ended up buying 3 scraps off the market.


I would use this method, however, for 250 silk scrap you only get 5-10 gossamer. The exchange rate is terrible!! And I know that’s intentional, but its still…poor. Very very poor. With this method, I would only get 15-30 gossamer scraps, which is roughly 15 bolts, which makes 1 piece of armor.

for 750 silk scraps…

1 piece of armor.

PLease do the math, you are losing on this exchange. Which is why I don’t use the mystic forge.

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

I would use this method, however, for 250 silk scrap you only get 5-10 gossamer. The exchange rate is terrible!! And I know that’s intentional, but its still…poor. Very very poor. With this method, I would only get 15-30 gossamer scraps, which is roughly 15 bolts, which makes 1 piece of armor.

You get 10-50 gossamer for 250 silk scraps. Average is around 20.

One – Piken Square

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: teviko.6049


I can’t quote people, but if that’s the case, that’s so much better!

I can live with 20!(per 250)

*scrambles off ot mystic forge.’

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: teviko.6049


ugh, got 21 first go, 15 second, and 16 my third sighs the mystic forge hates me

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: Starfleck.8392


Admittedly I was considering mainly gathering vs killing, and I forgot to take leather sections into account.

Here’s the thing… look at the price of leather, which is not gathered, and it actually proves my point. Gossamer, which is used way more in crafting disciplines, is still up there in price. Orichalcum, which is not as often gathered, drops less frequently from mobs (looking at your ratio of 6 moldy bags to 1 salvage piece again proves this) but contrary to leather IS used a lot by crafting disciplines (Armors, Jewelry, Weapons), is the clear winner. You may stay in Orr all day and kill 1,000 undead, and still the gathering nodes wouldn’t respawn until tomorrow (and contrary to casuals’ belief, there really are people farming Orr like this already, nearly every day), but the leather and gossamer adds up, and the only difference is how commonly those two are used. (Side note: Logs are used as little as leather, and you see that in the fact that they had to raise the requirement per Plank up to 3 or 4 logs apiece)

Go ahead and buy a full stack of Moldy/Thorned/Frosty/Loot Bags to prove your point, that leather really adds up faster, because in my experience, and I have bought a fair number of bags like that, they’re not far off from each other.

I think that at the core of the problem here in your original statement, is that you are taking your crafting discipline, Tailoring, into account more than anything else. There are scores of dedicated crafters in this game (if you don’t believe me just try and craft purely to turn a profit, it’s impossible). Use the real data, market data, to tell the story:

…..and the only REAL problem here, honestly, is Leather, being too INexpensive!

We are such flecks as stars are made of. . .

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: Starfleck.8392


I would use this method, however, for 250 silk scrap you only get 5-10 gossamer. The exchange rate is terrible!! And I know that’s intentional, but its still…poor. Very very poor. With this method, I would only get 15-30 gossamer scraps, which is roughly 15 bolts, which makes 1 piece of armor.

You get 10-50 gossamer for 250 silk scraps. Average is around 20.

Nope, it’s more like 10-30 for basic (non-Fine) tier 6 crafting materials, according to testing metadata.

We are such flecks as stars are made of. . .

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: Grezko.7950


i got 40 once and 32 another time

Officer of Executed [EXE] from Piken Square.

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: teviko.6049


Admittedly I was considering mainly gathering vs killing, and I forgot to take leather sections into account.

Here’s the thing… look at the price of leather, which is not gathered, and it actually proves my point. Gossamer, which is used way more in crafting disciplines, is still up there in price. Orichalcum, which is not as often gathered, drops less frequently from mobs (looking at your ratio of 6 moldy bags to 1 salvage piece again proves this) but contrary to leather IS used a lot by crafting disciplines (Armors, Jewelry, Weapons), is the clear winner. You may stay in Orr all day and kill 1,000 undead, and still the gathering nodes wouldn’t respawn until tomorrow (and contrary to casuals’ belief, there really are people farming Orr like this already, nearly every day), but the leather and gossamer adds up, and the only difference is how commonly those two are used. (Side note: Logs are used as little as leather, and you see that in the fact that they had to raise the requirement per Plank up to 3 or 4 logs apiece)

Go ahead and buy a full stack of Moldy/Thorned/Frosty/Loot Bags to prove your point, that leather really adds up faster, because in my experience, and I have bought a fair number of bags like that, they’re not far off from each other.

I think that at the core of the problem here in your original statement, is that you are taking your crafting discipline, Tailoring, into account more than anything else. There are scores of dedicated crafters in this game (if you don’t believe me just try and craft purely to turn a profit, it’s impossible). Use the real data, market data, to tell the story:

…..and the only REAL problem here, honestly, is Leather, being too INexpensive!

You’re right that leather is “not” used as often. Honestly, armorsmithing should use leather and not gossamer, but that’s an issue on the DEV’s side.

I have decon most everything, as I’ve mentioned before, and tbh, I have less leather than I do gossamer, I only didn’t bring it up, because the same methods for harvesting gossamer, could be applied to leather.

That is a nice link, tbh. I am ‘one’ of those people out there everyday, gathering up nodes as often as they would spawn for me, so I was well aware of the ratio between dropped and harvested stuff. Heavy armor drops a good 50% of the time, while leather and cloth chare an equal ratio. Plus, weapons either decon to wood or metal, so the ore and wood has a major advantage on the market. And now with nodes being a 24hr thing, the price has sky rocketed, because its not as plentiful anymore.

Maybe I don’t get as much leather, because unlike my cloth, I sell the blue leathers, rather than decon them like I do my cloths.

Still, admittedly, you are even admitting that gossamer (and by association, leather) is not as plentiful as it ‘should be’ and that leather needs to have more uses. I agree to both.

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: Kethryes.5712


“ugh, got 21 first go, 15 second, and 16 my third sighs the mystic forge hates me”

Lol I just made one try… I got 10. Worst result possible I believe, on first try. FML (Fu** My Luck XD)

Gossamer, and what needs to be done

in Crafting

Posted by: kKagari.6804


ugh, got 21 first go, 15 second, and 16 my third sighs the mystic forge hates me

I did the maths last night, I came up with something like 17 or so breaking even.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.