Grinding greens in the Mystic Forge
I dont suggest you add the ectos into the equation because you seem to have gotten lucky with the ectos. The chance of getting an ecto is 90%, not 112% like you got. You would still get around 28g (profit) just not quite as much as you thought. This is still a good idea though, just wanted to clear that part up
Source on 90% chance?
EDIT: 90% seems to be the amount for Master kits. I used a Mystic one. I suspect the Mystic one yields better results.
(edited by mucco.1867)
Yes it is profitable, and I did this when ectos were selling for 35+ silver, but as ectos dropped below 30s the profit wasn’t enough to me to make up for the boredom. There is a lot of clicking involved, you can be there for hours playing with filters to find the cheapest greens, setting up dozens of buy orders and then chucking them into the mystic forge.
My average was about 4-6 attempts for a rare, and with buy orders at 1s for each green, that’s about 16-24s to produce a rare. In the end I decided it was cheaper and more reliable to craft rares, the sigils are only a few silver anyway. With the mystic forge you could be lucky and get a rare for 2 attempts, or have a bad run of 15+ fail attempts.
Just a note, remember to subtract 15% in listing and selling fees, your earnings are actually 29.83g instead of 35.10g, and less 23.27g, that gives you a profit of 6.56g (28.21%).
@Mucco The source is testing from myself and others. I did 5 tests of salvaging 1000 rares and got an average of around 900 on each batch. Other people had the same results. These tests were done with master’s salvage kits. Mystic salvage kits have the same % (although i found the results to be worse).
From my testings i’ve had a average of 0.75/salvage and that’s also from 1000+salvages. are you sure its 90/salvage? i was the one that updated the wiki about this. and id like the wiki to be as accurate as possible. can you confirm that you did 5000 salvages on a average on 900 ectos per salvage?
why don’t you ppl just sell the rares you get? most rares are around 25s or 26s (if you list them) ive even had rares going toward 50s on the listing. and usually the rares get sold within 1day. so I’d say its more money by not salvaging.
1) 16 greens x 1.3s = 20.8s (note that some green are allmost 2s)
2) if you search you can find rares at 17-18s on TP
3) my ecto rate is about 75% with mytic kit
4) rare $ = 0.75 * ecto $ (check it)
5) I think that the big win from this loop can be price of runes (5s) and sigils (2s)