Gripe about Precursor Weapons

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


I Enjoy Guildwars 2 a lot, I am on record as saying Iw ould never play an MMO ever after exp[eriencing the nosebleed which is WOW for liek 2 months.

I work full time adn have a family and even so manage to play at elast long enough to achieve dialy and monthly and do other stuff.

But lately I ahve stopped enjoying guildwars as I feel liek I am making zero progress on my legendary weapon, as th prices of the precursor continue to soar. I look back and wish I ahd spent 50$ on gold when they were 20g each. I know that theya re planning on bringin in a “scavenger hunt” for these weapons, but they also said they would improve the drop rate which if they have it hasn’t had a lasting affect ont he market with prices clmbing right back up out of reach to 300+ gold for dawna nd dusk.

This makes RNG king, and some people are going to be massively ahead (gold wise) just by gettign a lucky forge drop or a lucky drop from a chest or from Orr. This really annoys me as I play every day for at leat an hour and play the markets for 30min to an hour a day addiontally (while simultaneously feeding a 2 yr old) and I am up to 100g, the idea that someone can earn 3 X more than this in a single drop is preposterous and has a sense of unfairness about it.

While I appreciate the epic achievment of a legendary, I am pretty dissapointed about the current aquisition of the precursor weapon.

I am not saying the game isn’t good, or that the legendary’s are too ahrd, it just seems to me that it should be obtainable for people who play daily,a dn the RNG should be removed. There is nothing legendary about camping the BLTP, or running ORR for 8 hours a day. PLease bring fortht the proposed changes.

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Terra.8571


I’m sorry to hear that Artemeas but given your personal circumstance it looks like legendaries should be a longer term goal for you. Pre-cursors right now are actually one of the easier to obtain items for legendaries. Yes dusk and dawn are 250g+ but thats almost half what they were 10 days ago (400g+ for dusk). If you look further, you will still need 600-700g in materials cost to finish the weapon.

It use to be said that get the pre-cursor and you are half way there. Well now, getting a pre cursor will only put you 25% of the way there. The gold cost of precursors is very reasonable at the moment. 250g for 25% of a legendary when the other 75% costs 600g+ for 50% of it (gift of mastery has no gold cost).

That being said, having 100g+ is a very good starting place and you just need to keep at it and you will get there. It may be frustrating others have theirs now but if you want it bad enough and are persistent you will get there.

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Mitch.4781


Do dusk and dawn sell quickly on the tp? Im very very tempted to sell my dawn

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Do you remember how many was posting, on first week at launch, “I feel so sad to those 80 on first day, they are not enjoying this beautiful game at all” “Don’t rush guys, enjoy the game, everything is at hand” “It’s a game to enjoy, not a grind game, play slow and take it easy”. I laugh hard today
Now you know why they was rushing: be able to have 20 30g+ on first week, buy the precursor they wanted ( or even all of them) , buy every lode ubercheap, and many more, use various exploits/cheats stilll available, and poof, today you see players with 2-3 legendaries, uberrich, having fun selling and reselling precursors keeping the price unreacheable. So , accepting as realisitic the “scavenger hunt” patch still incoming ( i still think the entire project just went trashed and forgot, meh) if legendary is your only, realisitic goal on gw2, well wait this magic patch, or leave. It’s not so healthy play a game full of hate, depressed, not enjoying the content. There are loads of game out now, mmo too, just take a look, and be happy

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: rchu.8945


I Enjoy Guildwars 2 a lot, I am on record as saying Iw ould never play an MMO ever after exp[eriencing the nosebleed which is WOW for liek 2 months.

I work full time adn have a family and even so manage to play at elast long enough to achieve dialy and monthly and do other stuff.

But lately I ahve stopped enjoying guildwars as I feel liek I am making zero progress on my legendary weapon, as th prices of the precursor continue to soar. I look back and wish I ahd spent 50$ on gold when they were 20g each. I know that theya re planning on bringin in a “scavenger hunt” for these weapons, but they also said they would improve the drop rate which if they have it hasn’t had a lasting affect ont he market with prices clmbing right back up out of reach to 300+ gold for dawna nd dusk.

This makes RNG king, and some people are going to be massively ahead (gold wise) just by gettign a lucky forge drop or a lucky drop from a chest or from Orr. This really annoys me as I play every day for at leat an hour and play the markets for 30min to an hour a day addiontally (while simultaneously feeding a 2 yr old) and I am up to 100g, the idea that someone can earn 3 X more than this in a single drop is preposterous and has a sense of unfairness about it.

While I appreciate the epic achievment of a legendary, I am pretty dissapointed about the current aquisition of the precursor weapon.

I am not saying the game isn’t good, or that the legendary’s are too ahrd, it just seems to me that it should be obtainable for people who play daily,a dn the RNG should be removed. There is nothing legendary about camping the BLTP, or running ORR for 8 hours a day. PLease bring fortht the proposed changes.

sorry to hear that, but I know if you make enough noise, a “welfare” legendary system will happen soon in the future. Every MMORPG companies always give into the whiners, just remember that. Your day of getting a legendary will come.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


Precursor prices last night (as best as I can remember):

  • Scepter: 40g
  • Horn: 18g
  • Pistol: 70g
  • Sword: 100g
  • Shield: 50g

The problem isn’t the price or rarity of precursors, the problem is the price of the most heavily-demanded precursors.

You’ll notice people are always talking about the greatswords or staff, never the horn, or torch, or pistol. Many of the others are not unreasonably priced.

In GW1, completing a title at an aggressive (but not insane) pace would take about 3 months of effort. GW2 has been out for about 3 months; while 3 months is a long time for a WoW convert, to a GW1 player, 3 months is nothing; long-term goals take a year, minimum.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Letifer.4360


get all the materials you need and wait for the “scavenger hunt” that’s what I’m doing

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Burn.5401


^ Except that getting t6 mats is a complete joke at the moment.

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Letifer.4360


^ Except that getting t6 mats is a complete joke at the moment.

hehehe yes but you can still farm for the most expensive t6 mat or/and its t5 (drops a LOT) and use MF to upgrade them ^^

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


I agree the point that single drop brings much more advantage. I played about 300 hours this started from head start. I missed 2 or 3 days daily achievements and I run 3-4 daily dungeon tokens out of week. But I’m no where progressing those legendary.

I sought the Karma was main bottleneck for legendary and farmed it hard on daily bases at least 1 hour per day. But when I came to 1m karma, it’s no longer bottle neck and I have to farm around 600-700g which is another 300 hours… It would be much fair, if legendary costs around 200g and 1 million karma. and you cannot get 1 million karma in 1-2 lucky drop…