Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooxie.9051


I’ve made a user-friendly website ( still underconstruction ) for all 1-400 Discipline Guides. It is updated rather quickly, and will be complete really soon. Please send feedback about any Gw2 Guide on the site! I need your feedback – Help me improve the website

Thanks for your time .

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Wolfgang Michael.8217

Wolfgang Michael.8217

I like the website. Well described and very useful. Update all professions as soon as possible and I will recommend this site to anyone looking for guides.

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooxie.9051


I’ve updated the website recently. Our next target is Jeweler and Chef which most likely going to be tomorrow (23sept)

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Purifier.4391


those guides are insane awesome dude VERY NICE JOB. somebody should sticky this kitten.

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I must have messed up from the beginning because trying to level artificer I’m finding I have to discover everything in order to reach high enough to be able to continue to open up auto granted recipes for the components to make the next tier’s items. As a result 4-5 times the amount of raw materials are needed to do that than the guide lists. And as a result of the act of obtaining all those materials I’ve managed to gain 25 levels of my 40 levels while only having completed content for the first two zones (Queensdale and Kessex Hills) which contributed the other 15 levels. The current story quest I’m on is level 24. I effectively have over leveled the content by 15 levels as a result of activity related to leveling artificer. Not to mention that has also resulted in me out leveling the gear I can make. So while I can make level 35 stuff I’m level 40 and can’t make that yet. But by the time I can I will be level 50 or higher even if I halt progress in content outside of crafting. What did I do wrong from the start that has managed to irreversibly screw up leveling the craft according to your guide? I thought that it was strange that they would require so much grind to do something in their game since they have an anti-grind philosophy outside of the optional 15k armor sets concept that really was not a grind in comparison to this experience I’m having here with artificer. It has literally conservatively taken me at least 8 hours of gathering to get what I have so far and I still have to farm for the fine items (blood etc). All I’ve gotten is 1,200 of the just over 1,600 soft wood logs needed to discover all tier 2 items. So conservatively it will take me at least another 8 hours to get the rest and be ready to sit at the craft station and complete the tier.

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooxie.9051


Jia shen, I don’t know where you found those informations, since you do not need 1600 soft wood logs…. Don’t delay too much your leveling by trying to get the amount of required items for 1 tier. You can buy what you couldn’t get on the trade post for fairly cheap.


Updated: Chef & Jeweler

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I managed to compensate for whatever I did to screw up leveling artificer. I ended up only needing just under 1,000 soft wood logs. Whatever I did I ended up not getting enough XP from each little part and ended up having to discover everything in tier 1 in order to open tier 2 up. But then somehow the making of tier 2 components stuff was all greyed and I got no XP for making that stuff. So I had to discover more stuff for tier 2. I left out discovering the masterwork items of tier 2. So I’m now at level 150 and I can follow your guide. Any idea what I managed to do wrong in tier 1 to have screwed up tier 2? Now that I have the info in the guides I can make sure to follow them closely to make sure I don’t make the same mistake(s).

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: akamon.2769


this is great! was looking for something just like this. just opened up the page and browsing around a bit and looks good so far! wish i found this earlier too.

sadly, i didn’t really get into crafting until i was lvl 50 LOL i’m above tier 2 now but i DID have to go back and farm some lower level items. and then completely skipped the iron / wool bit. so onto looking for cotten now.

thanks for putting this together and get up there!
sticky this!DD

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: PaybackPrahl.3192


Excellent guide, but the hand-holding stuff isn’t really my style. I totally appreciate the hard work, but there are some things I just like figuring out on my own, in the context of my own abilities.

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Thalimae.3406


I finished levelling tailor to 400 yesterday with the help of your guide. However I found the materials and crafts you recommended didn’t get me to the required level to continue with the next tier. I suppose your guide works well with a craft xp boost but since I don’t use them I needed to do a couple more crafts. (Sadly, I didn’t take notes while crafting, but maybe someone else can look into it?)

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooxie.9051


@jia shen: I highly recommend you to check this video before you start your next tier.

@Thalimae: It may be inaccurate depending on your server, because your WvWvW status affect a lot of your crafting experience and therefore gives different results for everyone. =/

(edited by Smooxie.9051)

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Kaz.5430


During play you are going to find Piles of Dust, Vials of Blood, Venom Sacs and Fangs. Your guides completely ignore these crafting materials.

There are also 3 whole ranges of insignias/inscriptions being ignored, as every guide ignores Vials of Blood, Venom Sacs and Fangs. Depending on the zone you are levelling in, you might find that these drop more frequently that Totems, Bone, Claws or Scales. Ignoring them from the guide makes it seem like they can’t help levelling up a profession, and actually those three materials can be used to make the weapons with stats that people want.

Blood = Power + Precision
Venom = Condition + Precision
Fangs = Power + Critical Damage (after level 75)

Your guides (using weaponsmith as example) don’t convey the basic understanding of what your trying to teach.

You’re saying that 0-75 you have to create 4x Axes, 4x Maces, 8x Hammers, 8x Spears and that would be the most efficient. Although 6x Axes, 6x Maces, 6x Hammers and 6x Spears would be just as efficient discovery-wise, and 8x Axes, 8x Maces, 4x Hammers, 4x Spears would be equally good from a discovery point of view and actually require less wood. In fact, based on the numbers you’ve use next phase of the guide, 6,6,6,6 is what NEEDs to be made to avoid duplication.

Like-wise you are confusing the process, saying you have to create inscriptions using

12x Bone (phase 1)
12x Claws (phase 1)
12x Totems (phase 1)
12x Scales (phase 1)

You could just as easily use the following and create the same number of weapons and achieve the same discovery experience.

6x Bone (phase 1)
6x Claws (phase 1)
6x Totems (phase 1)
6x Scales (phase 1)
12x Blood (phase 1)
12x Venom (phase 1)

All that is actually needed are multiples of 3x materials, maximum of 4(12) to go with the 4 weapon types being created. Finding those 48 drops is much easier if you understand why you are collecting them, and that there are 7 possibilities, rather than just 4.

The guide is good, but could be SO much better if it didn’t neglect almost half of the possibilities for the process.

In addition… Weaponsmith (for example) can also gain experience by combining Piles of Dust (which will no doubt be found in abundance in some areas) with Ingots and create sharpening stone consumables. This gives discovery experience too, and could replace the need for one of the discoveries in each phase.

Monarchy - 15 year old browser-based game and roleplay community
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooxie.9051


@Kaz: I understand your point of view, but there is a reason why I only limit my guides to 4 type of each Tier. It is quite simple actually, when you look at the following linked website, you will notice that there is 2 different levels for inscriptions. There is 3 types at level 0 (lets call them Tier 1A) and 3 other types level 25 (lets call them Tier 1B).

The Tier 1A will gives you less experience since their level requirement is lower. I’ve also noticed during the discovery process that you only needed one Type of those Tier 1A to reach Tier 1B which provides more experience. You thought that all TierA and TierB would give equal amount of experience, but it does not.

At the same time, using only 4 Types let me choose only the less expensive armor/weapons pieces on materials. As a result, you will save money and gain more experience.

As for the dust, I will look into it. It might be a good replacement to do level 24 to 25, but nothing major.

Thanks a lot for your Feedback, I really appreciate it. That’s what I need to improve my guides and to make everyone happy !!

Note: Artificer is excluded, because I didn’t optimized the guide with potions yet.

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Wolfgang Michael.8217

Wolfgang Michael.8217

Thanks a lot to this guide. I was able to get my tailoring lvled up without any hassle.

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Kaz.5430


I can see the reason for picking the 4 weapons that you’ve picked. It makes some sense to craft the items that use wood AND metal, rather than just metal. My point on the weapons was that the numbers didn’t add up right (at least for weaponsmith).

Instead of creating 6 of each of your 4 weapons. You are creating 4 of two weapons and 8 of two weapons. This leads to duplication. This is not an issue in some of your other guides where you are crafting 6 of each type.

As for what you’re saying with the inscription materials. That might be the case for the inscription recipes using green wood dowels, but not for all inscription recipes. It’s also not the same for all insignias (but I’ll talk about inscriptions)

When you move to the soft wood dowel, a different set of materials are used as the low difficulty (experience). The low level materials change each time until you reach Elder (where all are equal)

Green Wood : Low = Venom Blood, Bone
Soft Wood : Low = Venom, Claw, Bone
Seasoned Wood : Venom, Claw, Bone
Hard Wood : Low = Fangs, Bone, Scale

When you move to recipes using bronze plated/iron plated etc, all the crafting materials are of equal difficulty and reward the same experience.

Your guide basically tell people that Blood, Venom and Fangs are useless, when they are in fact not useless at all. At latter levels, they are often more useful that the materials your guide uses.

Rather than being the same as every other guide out there, if you want your guide to be useful to ‘everyone’, you should change it to use the most appropriate materials for the stage.

You should also explain that there are other choices that will level you up just as quickly. That way a player doesn’t spend ages grinding a material, when they already have enough of a perfectly good alternative.

For example. Bone might be the obvious low level ingredient to collect, but (as far as I’ve found) it’s been one of the rarest drops. Your guide basically neglects to tell me that I could use drops that I get much more often.

Monarchy - 15 year old browser-based game and roleplay community
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.

(edited by Kaz.5430)

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooxie.9051


@Kaz: I really appreciate you to leave such a detailed feedback. I made a few mistakes which you explained quite well. I didn’t thought about the players who actually farm those materials instead of buying them from the post trader. Therefore, I will explain with more details alternative ways to level up their discipline to make it easier for “everyone”. I will also fix the duplication issues with weaponsmith.

Thanks a lot for your feedback, I’ll add credits to you when it will be edit’d

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Kaz.5430


Aahh! I personally do all of my crafting using the materials that drop for me while I’m playing PVE. I’m sure many others are like me. The only time I buy materials from the TP is because I’m close to a new phase and have moved on to a harder zone, and still need a few extra materials from the previous zone. Or because I received a crafting boost items from a chest and want to use up everything I can.

In my opinion, the ‘best’ crafting guide would be one that doesn’t just send you out with a shopping list, but one that actually teaches you what’s going on, and why you are collecting those items. That way you can – after a while – understand the system, and start making your own discoveries.

Another improvement you could consider is starting by outlining the different stats that each inscription offers (and what they need to collect for that inscription), and a brief overview of the weapons that just use metal. That way a player can level up by building the weapon they want, and get the rest of the experience from the wood/metal combo weapons.


Greatsword (Power) Level 1-75 : +11 Blood, -11 Bone, -8 Wood +12 copper +2 tin (replaces 2x Hammers + 2x Bone Insriptions)

Monarchy - 15 year old browser-based game and roleplay community
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooxie.9051


Updated All Discipline with 375-400. Only Jeweler 375-400 is not done yet. Afterward, I’ll go into more details, in the guides.

Thanks and enjoy your visit

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooxie.9051


Fixed a few errors and optimized the website. Enjoy!

Guild Wars 2 Discipline Guide *easy mode*

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooxie.9051


Updated as of 10/10/12