Halloween and Mystic Forge speculation

Halloween and Mystic Forge speculation

in Crafting

Posted by: Krunske.7124


Recently I saw a post on gw2guru where they speculated on if mystic forge would have some special recipe which included halloween-ishy ingredients. The one thing people were certain about, was that if this was the case, then Sugar Pumpkin would be one of those ingredients, which would skyrocket the prices on sugar pumpkins. Which is why some people already has stocked up 10 or more stacks of them. Sugar Pumpkins is about 30c each on TP right now. It would be a smart investement. And ofcourse there is no confirmation that this will be the case, but what would economy be without risky investments?

Halloween and Mystic Forge speculation

in Crafting

Posted by: MassDelusion.9130


Don’t waste your money buying sugar pumpkins.
Krunske probably bought a few thousand, and is now trying to bump up their price, so he can sell them when they’re 1s+.
Few people tried doing this with the guru post.
It’s not a smart investment.

Halloween and Mystic Forge speculation

in Crafting

Posted by: Sorry.6741


trying to stock up on them isnt a bad idea, but purchasing them to do so IS a bad ideal. Sugar Pumkins are one of the harvestables you literally have farms of. So place yourself there with an alt or three, and harvest them this week, or whenever, and youll have alot of them in notime, at no cost.

Halloween and Mystic Forge speculation

in Crafting

Posted by: Michael Walker.8150

Michael Walker.8150

I was wondering the same after learning about the event, didn’t want to open another thread. maybe we could try a trick or tell us more about the event with the devs

anyway, dont think they would use pumpkins for the same reasons as stated

More likely that they would try to balance out the mats that are currently overfarmed by bots? Which are some…

If anybody knows of upcomming recipes, hope they have a source

(edited by Michael Walker.8150)