Has anyone crafted or found Infinite Light yet?
agreed, it’d be great to get more info on this. If we’re thinking that gifts may be used in the forge in other ways possible start by seeing if we can combine:
gift of light + ori sword blades + x + y?
that looks nice o.o
There is a recipe of 250 charged cores and 250 orichalcum sword blades (coins and scroll) that has been confirmed, but no one has actually made it yet.
seems highly probable
Oh look, it’s another cool looking GREATSWORD….
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
Oh look, it’s another cool looking GREATSWORD….
According to the link provided by the OP it’s a one handed sword.
Oh look, it’s another cool looking GREATSWORD….
It’s like you haven’t even looked at all the different Staves, Daggers, Sheilds, Axes, Hammers, or any other weapon. Every weapon type has loads of awesome skins to chose from.
There is a recipe of 250 charged cores and 250 orichalcum sword blades (coins and scroll) that has been confirmed, but no one has actually made it yet.
seems highly probable
Dont try this is not working
it’s the best way to loose 150g for nothing
Chuck Noriis – Warrior
Oh look, it’s another cool looking GREATSWORD….
It’s like you haven’t even looked at all the different Staves, Daggers, Sheilds, Axes, Hammers, or any other weapon. Every weapon type has loads of awesome skins to chose from.
Staves do not have loads of awesome skins to choose from. In fact, I find them depressingly bland and ugly compared to all of the martial weapons.
There is a recipe of 250 charged cores and 250 orichalcum sword blades (coins and scroll) that has been confirmed, but no one has actually made it yet.
seems highly probableDont try this is not working
it’s the best way to loose 150g for nothing
Does this mean you’ve tried it and lost 150g in the process?
and no one tries out on pistols and shields! I only saw one in in the Mystic forge, and almost all other non-specific ones come out as a focus. sooo much focus
What I’d like a dev response is, are the number of skins on a weap equal to other of the kind? Like say there are 100 exotic skins for great sword, can we expect the same number for daggers/pistol/rifle/mace/etc? or do greatswords only get the love?
@Lucu, that’s your opinion. Sadly, not everyone shares your opinion.
and no one tries out on pistols and shields!
I only saw one in in the Mystic forge, and almost all other non-specific ones come out as a focus. sooo much focus
What I’d like a dev response is, are the number of skins on a weap equal to other of the kind? Like say there are 100 exotic skins for great sword, can we expect the same number for daggers/pistol/rifle/mace/etc? or do greatswords only get the love?
From what I’ve seen in the PvP locker they are pretty much all equal in terms of numbers. Now, if there are anything other than the Legendaries that don’t appear in the Locker then maybe.
I would REALLY like to know how to get this blade. It would go perfect with my armor theme!
Any tips on this?
Maybe it is only a rare drop? Or maybe we have to have certain requirements met before it will drop?
Just brainstorming here.
I have a feeling that it’s like Final Rest, a boss drop. But it can’t be a general boss drop because then those would have been found plenty already. The harpies around Queensdale seem to wield the sword, but they obviously don’t drop it, nor anything relating to it. Is there any Harpy bosses around somewhere?
Coins + Charged Lodestones + Orichalcum Sword Blade seems to fit together. I don’t have enough skill points for a scroll but someone who has one could check and see how much of each we need. Wiki doesn’t have anything regarding this recipe. Might be the infinite light??
You need 100 coins, 250 lodestones, 250 sword blades and the scroll. Don’t have enough materials though so can’t say what it becomes.
thats like um….. over 312 gold…….lol wut?
Pleaseeeeee Anet, give us some clue or whatnot on the infinite light…
Try that recipe….. Infinite Light and Unspoken Curse are like the only two swords left without a known recipe. Unspoken Curse is the Flamberge which is a boss skin anyways.
o great gm please bestow ur crafting wisdom and give us a hint =[
Not what i meant,i meant if its a drop or recipe,duh……
Maybeeeeee i should have made it clear……..
I PM’d Linsey to ask if it’s a drop or pattern, but I don’t hold out much hope for an answer. She’s a busy lady.
I wonder if inscriptions can be put into the mystic forge…
Being sold on the Tarnish Coast TP.
556 gold lol
If you’re patient you could make it for 350-400G easy. 556 is LOL
@ Mechanix – can’t quote again. lol. cool find! i shoudl know my maps more.. but where is that?
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
So above recipe confirmed as Infinite Light? Cool! Can be made for 300-350g easily.
556g on the TP….. biggest number I’ve ever seen on there haha
Now the hunt for Unspoken Curse begins……
I don’t know if that’s the confirmed recipe, but it looks like a good one.
someone actually bought it for 556g ………lol
Being sold on the Tarnish Coast TP.
The TP is game wide. There is no server only TP.
Does anyone know if this sword can be a light source just like fiery dragon sword?
Basically I’m trying to look for any sword skin that can be a light source. But I didn’t play GW1 so…
Pretty sure it is a light source. Even normal sword swings are a light source sometimes.
On another note, Unspoken Curse aka Flamberge has been found!
Scroll + 50 Coins + 100 Orichalcum Sword Blades + 50 Destroyer Lodestones
@ Ashford,Abbey Ruins. But its no clue,since the recipe was confirmed.
Its on Guild Wars 2 wiki for the INFINITE lIGHT..
I didn’t discover the recipe, but I “think” I was the first to make it and updated the wiki page less then a week ago.
Costed me just under 400g to make. AND YES I wanted to see how much I could sell it for ROFL.
Just made “Unspoken Curse” lastnight. Will be updating the wiki sooner then later. No effects =( Not even glowing eyes!!! Total let down.
(edited by Graves.2530)
How do I go on about getting 250 Charged Lodestones? :P
for charged lodestones, you have to farm like crazy. the current lodestone drop rates are pretty darn low. correct me if i am wrong, charged lodestones can be dropped from chests in Crucible of Eternity. as well as from the corresponding high-level elementals (i assume sparks? don’t quote me though)
they can also be upgraded using charged cores in the mystic forge.
or last resort TP them. but they’re above 1g each last time i checked.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Graves.2530:Just made “Unspoken Curse” lastnight. Will be updating the wiki sooner then later. No effects =( Not even glowing eyes!!! Total let down.
How dare you speak about the Flamberge like that! :P
It’s a gw1 skin so it’s automatically better than a legendary and having one demands far more respect and envy. You should be proud!
for charged lodestones, you have to farm like crazy. the current lodestone drop rates are pretty darn low. correct me if i am wrong, charged lodestones can be dropped from chests in Crucible of Eternity. as well as from the corresponding high-level elementals (i assume sparks? don’t quote me though)
Confirmed; you do indeed get them from Sparks. When the Cathedral of Zephyrs in Malchor’s Leap is uncontested you’ll find sparks at the Cathedral, in the ruins south of there, and in northern Cursed Shore. But if Zephyrs goes contested all groups will vanish, to be replaced by Risen. This is a problem because…
…the drop rate is downright depressing. I’ve been farming them for a while and I’ve managed to accumulate seven stones. On average I’d say I get one for every 90 minutes of continuous, life-sucking farming.
I was planning to make this sword for my warrior but I thought the recipe called for only (only? lol) 100. 250 is absurd considering it’s just a model, so I think I’ll just cash in on my stones instead. It is awfully darn pretty, though.
Why is it so expensive? Most of the other weapons with this formula (coins+lodestones+ori weapon part+scroll) are 50 lodestones, and this one costs 250? geez! :<
Nice question, expecially because when ascended weapon will be online, this awesome weapon will be utter crap (skin can be reused why not) but i guess we will see way better