Has there been an official response about material drop rates?

Has there been an official response about material drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: Limnage.9581


Has there been any response from Anet about crafting material drop rates? The drop rates of crafting materials are way too low. You won’t get enough materials from regular play to keep one craft, much less two, at your level. The prices of Tier 1 materials on the auction house are proof of this. You are forced to either repetitively farm low level areas for mats or spend lots of money on the auction house for materials. The investment won’t even pay off because you can’t really make money in crafting.

Is this what Anet intended?

Has there been an official response about material drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: MattVid.7905


The worst is trying to get high level mats. If you are complaining about low level stuff, just wait. I don’t think I have got more than 2-3 scraps of Gossamer with all the crap I have killed at max level. It also doesn’t help that the final zone is filled with all undead mobs. Makes bone way easy to get and everything else next to impossible.

Overall, I am not really enjoying the “grind” of killing endless amounts of monsters just to get drops to craft stuff. It gets incredibly old, and then we have the anti-bot code working against us? I mean, some major changes need to happen here.

Vidrak Ironwill – Norn Guardian
Omniscient of Jade Quarry

Has there been an official response about material drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: Limnage.9581


I don’t mind the drop rates for level 400 materials, since you don’t need to level up, but the high requirements and low drop rates for the materials you need to level up your discipline are totally against their grind philosphy.

Has there been an official response about material drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: LeroyJenkins.1942


I’ve been trying to farm vanilla for cooking for few days and have yet to find ANY! The cost in the TP is 1s 22c yesturday it was 90c. The price just keeps going up, and the end result of whatever i make with it, will cost more to make then I will get for selling it. I think this is broken. Prices are not going down they are going up on crafting mats.

Has there been an official response about material drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: SirUrza.8067


Their response has been utter silence.

Has there been an official response about material drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: datus.4187


I’d like a fix over a response because it’s definitely broken. There’s no doubt that it’s acknowledged considering the numerous posts about it.

Has there been an official response about material drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: Cloudwalkernz.1328


Lol I think Anet can’t increase the drop rate now without the HUGE outcry from players who don’t craft and making a killing from selling those materials :P

Let face it crafting to a character is the same as a mmo to a player. Both are huge time and/or money sinks

Has there been an official response about material drop rates?

in Crafting

Posted by: guttermessiah.6350


I spent 11 hours today farming Orr. I killed everything on land and in the water, and did every DE I could reach looking for 2, just TWO, armored scales. I got nothing. Not a single one; there was nothing in any of the bags I collected.

In a last ditch effort I went to the TP when it finally came back online to see if there were any there and there was ONE. I didn’t even bother to buy it. Too frustrating.

(edited by guttermessiah.6350)