I’m genuinely curious, does anyone out there find this to be fun? World Events I can sort of understand, don’t want you to grind the same boss out all day. Laurels are too plentiful now so that’s not a big issue either. But now we move it over to Crafting account bound items. Hoo boy.
Crafting to me feels like a desk job, it seems tacked on and really archaic. Now it’s required to obtain the best-in-slot equipment (which goes against their original concept of earning max gear the way you like to play, may I add). Adding time gated crafting recipes you need in order to make account bound equipment doesn’t make sense at all and makes this feel like a bigger chore than it already is. It’s not player (alts) friendly, it’s not logical, and it’s not fun.
I can sort of see why they want to add this, so players wont complain about getting max gear in a day (because that’s somehow an issue in a game that was advertised to be easy to get to max stats and go skin hunting). But for people with many alts, trying to get Ascended gear is just hopeless. The entire new tier so far seems more like a punishment to obtain and goes against the original concept of earning gear in the first place (except for Ascended Rings).
Making recipes limited once per day (at least ones you need a lot of) is just bonkers. Instead of having a game where people login to play and have fun, you’re turning this into a game where you need to login to click a couple buttons and then leave for a day. Even if you had the materials in your hands to make 300 of the things, you wont be able to craft them for nearly an entire year. It’s sort of a case where you want to play the game, but the game doesn’t want to be played.
If the Devs have said anything about changing this system, or if 400-500 is still in sort of a “beta” state; please let me know. Too much time gated content in a game could potentially flat out kill it because I’m sure some gamers would rather be playing a game instead of logging on to do their time-gated chores.
PS. I’m a few weeks slow because Super Adventure Box has been keeping me occupied. I’ve only just left the Box since Tequatl’s patch so that’s why I’m late to this issue.
PPS. I’ve only gotten Ascended Rings via FotM and have no plans to use Laurels for Ascended Trinkets or Amulets. I’ve also lost all intentions on trying to craft an Ascended Weapon when I saw the recipes had a timer, so you don’t need to say “don’t like it don’t get it”. I’m just wondering if all of this time gated stuff is actually fun for other players or if this is becoming an issue that could hurt the game.