Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
Would be doable with 40g. Actually, I thought I had more than enough.
Just how much do you need on average to reach 500? For so long I believed that ascended weapons were just a matter of collecting the materials, but now it seems to out of my reach that it’s just ridiculous.
I’m estimating at least 200g to get 500 weaponcraft? It was going alright until 400ish… (the iron ore part was depressing).
signed, a newbie crafter.
Weaponsmith from 400-500g will cost you another 196g or there abouts
Yeah it came as quite a shock. With only 100~ empyreal thingies to fulfill the requirements I thought it would be time to make it to 500 weaponsmith, simple right?
Then reality slapped me in the face.
Depends how much you saved up. But honestly, that 40G would probably only be enough to get you through 450-500, not 0-500.
That said, if you have a fair stash of ingredients already and a crafting booster, the 1-400 part should be “relatively” easy. Most of those materials are fairly common and cheap on the TP (besides the rare ingredients).
But yeah…it’s going to cost you a bit if you’re trying to do it entirely through gold.
I had a decent amount of ingredients. Never once needed to purchase anything other than extra ores / wood from the TP.
But yeah, at 422 craft idk wtf to do now. I’m down to 20g and unwilling to continue lol.
I guess I’ll farm 24/7…
Don’t burn yourself out though.
The ascended materials will keep in your bank and maybe once you have the level, you can craft two weapons at once. (Of course only if your character uses two weapons made by that profession.)
This is the best part: I main an elementalist so I need to max out weaponsmith and artificer.
ascended weapons are account bound right? because if they’re soulbound… lol
Work your way to it at w/e pace you can, if you keep making your own time gated mats then once you hit 500 you can make several weapons at once.
It was between 40 and 50 gold plus previously farmed mats to make 450 for me. The cost to 500 is pretty steep.
Knowing that it would be a great cost I decided to max out weaponsmith first since every class could benefit from at least one weapon the profession could craft. This decision ultimately gives me the most utility for my resources.
From 0-400 it’s about 20g, then 400-500 about 200g xD
I know it seems expensive but they aren’t going to let everyone craft an ascended weapon without a steep price. They are currently the best weapons in the game and way less expensive than a legendary, also way uglier than a legendary.
This is the best part: I main an elementalist so I need to max out weaponsmith and artificer.
Artificer will be cheaper, there are some relatively cheap potion recipes (powerful potion of nightmare slaying, for example) that can be used to get from 425 to 450 (to 425 you always get through refining ori and ancient wood, and by making dowels – you will need those later on anyway). The next several levels can be done through ascended mats refinement (though it does get slow soon, you will likely want to start crafting exotics long before you get to 475).
Unfortunately, levels 475-500 (and 425-450 on weaponsmith) can be done only through exotic weapon crafting. Try to craft different weapons (to get discovery bonus), and preferably do it in one go (with a craft booster, and a guild bonus if you can get it). Still going to cost a lot. At least you will be able to selll those weapons/salvage them for dark matter later on.
And ascended weapons are account bound, soulbound on equip.
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
For the level 80 exotics, I suggest selling them rather than salvaging. You won’t get many materials back, and you’ll probably rather have the money to buy more materials first.
Weaponsmith from 400-500g will cost you another 196g or there abouts
That’s crazy and not doable for most people.
Unfair is a word that is becoming common in this game.
I dont know. When the patch came, I had a nice stock of orichalcum ore and ancient wood logs that I refined. Then I crafted superior sharpening stones and orichalcum plated dowels and soon I was at 425. From there I discovered exotics to 450. From there to around 470 I refined the ascended materials and finally discovered ~10 exotics to get to 500. I spent maybe 50g in the materials to level from 470 to 500. Before that I did it with mats I had saved.
But yeah, if you’re a new player looking to raise your crafting from zero to 500 now, good luck.
Weaponsmith from 400-500g will cost you another 196g or there abouts
That’s crazy and not doable for most people.
Unfair is a word that is becoming common in this game.
This sum assumes you buy everything from TP at the crazy prices they are at now. You would be dumb as hell (or filthy rich) to do that. Gather the mats yourself and you’ll save a pretty penny.
i farmed some maths, used 3 crafting boosters, and spent about 100 gold to go from 400 to 500 :P
Weaponsmith from 400-500g will cost you another 196g or there abouts
This guide does not take into account ascended refinement, which you can do from lvl 450 onwards. The cost is much lower.
All depends on how much “other” recipies you had discovered. For me it was relatively cheap.
I went like this (Huntsman):
400-425 – T6 refinement and discoveries (oils, runes, 2 exos)
425-450 – exo discoveries (mostly paid back as I sold all on TP for a decent price)
450-475 – ascended refinement
475-500 – exo discoveries (most expensive part tho it was partially covered by selling weapons on TP)
In total it cost me less than 75g in raw cash and T6 mats I had in bank after farming Pavillion/Scarlet Invasions.
I would advise against selling the exos you discover, because you will need to salvage exos to get the 10 globs of dark matter for the ascended weapon.
I would advise against selling the exos you discover, because you will need to salvage exos to get the 10 globs of dark matter for the ascended weapon.
Maybe it’s just me but I did salvage some crafted exos and got only 1 Dark Matter. Then I salvaged few other I got from champ chests and got over 20 of them.
Already made my bow and working on pistol now with 11 Dark globs left. So it is not that hard.
Oh one more thing. Getting to 500 is not that bad. Refining obsidian/ectoplasm mats is a pain as you will spend more on T3-T5 mats than you think and current prices are quite high.
Dunno bout others but I just don’t go daily to lowbie zones to farm soft/hard wood or low tier leather/metals so I just bought it. Those mats are needed in bulks to refine 5 of each ascended mats needed to craft weapon parts/insignia.
‘Farm and use your own mats, because then they’re free. ’
I hope none of you are accountants.
“Free” as you don’t have to spend gold for buying them. That problem was raised and explained so many times it’s boring.
Anyone who “farmed” Pavillion Destroyers for lodestones should have at least 3 stacks of Vicious Claws if not more. Also Scarlet invasions on higher level map give you metric crapton of loot bags that are bound to drop some T6 mats + salvaging drops also gives you ancient wood/ori/gossamer.
Also if you want “free” dark matter + globs + inscriptions… do dungeons that give PVT/Rabid/Dire weapons. Buy the cheapest exotic version of those (offhands like focus). Salvage them with a master/black lion kit… they have a chance at the dark matter + globs + inscription of the type of that weapon.
This is how people get the uncraftable inscriptions they need to upgrade for the ascended inscription, but you can use this to help you get to 500 as well.
You’ll need to do dungs for your emp frags anyways…
IMPORTANT NOTE!!! This only works for the inscriptions that you can NOT craft. Salvaging craftable types (Ex berzerker stats) or crafted pearl versions of those stats (ex dire pearl handcannon) will NOT give you the inscription chance.
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
I spend like 100g only on ori and ancient wood. I had t6 mats and globes already.
I spend like 100g only on ori and ancient wood. I had t6 mats and globes already.
The cost is still the same. You could have sold those mats. Just because you had them doesn’t mean that you’re not still out the same amount. It was just that you hadn’t converted those mats into gold yet.
It’ll cost about 15-20 gold to get weaponsmithing up to 400.
It’ll cost another 100-200 gold to get from 400-500.
All depends on how many materials you already have gathered/saved.
Good news is, once you reach 500, the cost for an ascended weapon is pretty cheap. Making multiple ascended weapons after reaching 500 is just a matter of waiting out the time gated materials.
Unless you REALLY need to get an ascended weapon asap, get to 450. The only time gated crafting are the 3, and Elder Spirit Residue, Lump of Mithrillium
Elonian Spool. They require the most abundant mats available, Elder wood logs, and Mithril. Long as you have them made, you can craft the T7 materials at ANY time (or buy them) since there’s no time gating on them.
And once you do get to 500, like Mad Rasputin said, its quite cheap since all you waiting for is the time gated Elder Spirit Residue, Lump of Mithrillium and Spool.
(edited by Himei.5379)
All depends on how much “other” recipies you had discovered. For me it was relatively cheap.
I went like this (Huntsman):
400-425 – T6 refinement and discoveries (oils, runes, 2 exos)
425-450 – exo discoveries (mostly paid back as I sold all on TP for a decent price)
450-475 – ascended refinement
475-500 – exo discoveries (most expensive part tho it was partially covered by selling weapons on TP)
That ascended refinement part is key. I’ve got Huntsman to 471, and I don’t even care about getting this discipline to 500. It just happened. (Weaponsmith Level 0, piles of dust in my inventory that I didn’t want to just throw out, time gated crafting, and a Level 400 Huntsman. Is how it happened.)
‘Farm and use your own mats, because then they’re free. ’
I hope none of you are accountants.
If you don’t intent on doing anything that is attributed to playing an MMORPG, which is working on something, then why bother playing MMOs in the first place? Why not stick with a single player game where everything is on the easier side of things since it doesn’t matter whether you play or not after you buy the game.
The nature of MMORPG (unless you design your own) will require you to work on things, if you don’t want to play the content to get MATS then why even play the game in the first place?
I didn’t spend a single copper (besides npc reagents) raising my weapon smithing from 400 to 500. In fact I made around 20g doing it.
Collect the materials yourself and it won’t be all that hard to do.
The problem with ascended gear isn’t the time gating or that they’re maybe 3% stronger. It’s that people think they need to have them 2 weeks ago. Just be patient and you’ll save yourself a lot of stress and money.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
‘Farm and use your own mats, because then they’re free. ’
I hope none of you are accountants.
If you don’t intent on doing anything that is attributed to playing an MMORPG, which is working on something, then why bother playing MMOs in the first place? Why not stick with a single player game where everything is on the easier side of things since it doesn’t matter whether you play or not after you buy the game.
The nature of MMORPG (unless you design your own) will require you to work on things, if you don’t want to play the content to get MATS then why even play the game in the first place?
I don’t think the comment had anything to do with the effort required to get materials or gear grinding in general. It was more likely a statement showing that MMO players tend to discount materials they have sourced themselves when calculating any costs.
If you mine 20g in metal or buy 20g in metal or are even given 20g in metal ‘for free’ to make a sword, its still costs exactly 20g in metal to make the sword. If you have 15g and 10g worth of metal, your net worth is 25g, not 15g. The metal might be ‘free’ to acquire (especially if it is given to you) but the sword still costs 20g in material to make.
In short, if a material used in making something can be sold for money, it has a value that you should account for when deriving costs for the finished goods.
This effect is usually seen in players gathering the ‘correct’ materials instead of doing something far more profitable (chopping wood, slaying mobs) and buying the gathered materials with the resulting money in much less time.
Also if you want “free” dark matter + globs + inscriptions… do dungeons that give PVT/Rabid/Dire weapons. Buy the cheapest exotic version of those (offhands like focus). Salvage them with a master/black lion kit… they have a chance at the dark matter + globs + inscription of the type of that weapon.
Which dungeons give dire stats?
Also if you want “free” dark matter + globs + inscriptions… do dungeons that give PVT/Rabid/Dire weapons. Buy the cheapest exotic version of those (offhands like focus). Salvage them with a master/black lion kit… they have a chance at the dark matter + globs + inscription of the type of that weapon.
Which dungeons give dire stats?
CoE does
Click on the dungeons to see what stats you can get from them.
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
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