Is Crafting Worth it?

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Atheismo.5164


Hey guys.

I’m currently leveling up my second character (warrior) who will become my main. Right now I’m level 47 and my Weaponsmithing (primary profession) is at around 225 I think – I can make Darksteel (level 50) weapons.

So far I haven’t found crafting to be all that useful beyond extra XP for leveling (I gained almost 8 levels yesterday from crafting). The weapons I make are rarely better than the stuff I get from quests or buy from Karma merchants, and the items are almost worthless when I try to sell them on the Trading Post.

So I’m starting to wonder if it’s even worth crafting…Maybe it’d be better to just sell all the raw materials I get while doing zones?

Is crafting worth it at level 80? Can I make a profit from it?

I know the Legendary weapons are one of the biggest reasons to do crafting, but I doubt I’ll have the conviction to actually make one of them – they might be cool but from my understanding they take months of grinding to actually make.

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Direngrey.8376


Depends on how you view it tbh, if you gather your materials, it’s “cheaper” to make it to throw in the mystic forge ( assuming you’re going for a legendary )

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: yang.1436


Hey guys.

I’m currently leveling up my second character (warrior) who will become my main. Right now I’m level 47 and my Weaponsmithing (primary profession) is at around 225 I think – I can make Darksteel (level 50) weapons.

So far I haven’t found crafting to be all that useful beyond extra XP for leveling (I gained almost 8 levels yesterday from crafting). The weapons I make are rarely better than the stuff I get from quests or buy from Karma merchants, and the items are almost worthless when I try to sell them on the Trading Post.

So I’m starting to wonder if it’s even worth crafting…Maybe it’d be better to just sell all the raw materials I get while doing zones?

Is crafting worth it at level 80? Can I make a profit from it?

I know the Legendary weapons are one of the biggest reasons to do crafting, but I doubt I’ll have the conviction to actually make one of them – they might be cool but from my understanding they take months of grinding to actually make.

Bro, seriously, crafting is one of the good point of this game. Collecting your items around the world, hunting , logging something, etc, all of these create more fun in this game. Levels are not a essential point, especially at higher levels( like 60+), as my personal thinking, lv 80 and lv60, they are not much different. But, when you arrived at lv80, what should you do? More attentions will be used on crafting new items , legend stuffs. Every time when you craft a new item, i am sure you will be happy with it more than you leveling till lv80. Anyway, as long as you like this game, and enjoy it, it will be the most important thing . lol

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Crafting is good for free +xp, making the neccessary items towards a Legendary weapon, and it’s good for making consumable items.

All things considered, you could just buying gear from the BLTC instead of making it yourself and you could skip the Legendary weapons. If that’s your point of view, then I would suggest going into Artificer for their potion buff consumables and Cook for their food buff consumables. Though both of these buffs occupy the same buffing slot (so you can only use one at a time), you’ll have a lot of self-buffing options and you can change things around whenever you want.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: ghettogenius.9174


Crafting is good for free +xp, making the neccessary items towards a Legendary weapon, and it’s good for making consumable items.

All things considered, you could just buying gear from the BLTC instead of making it yourself and you could skip the Legendary weapons. If that’s your point of view, then I would suggest going into Artificer for their potion buff consumables and Cook for their food buff consumables. Though both of these buffs occupy the same buffing slot (so you can only use one at a time), you’ll have a lot of self-buffing options and you can change things around whenever you want.

Out of curiosity, what potion recipes would you make at lvl 80? I dont see many useful recipes, and the ones that do seem useful require lodestones and bloods, etc. Doesn’t seem worth it to me.

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Better off making oils with a huntsman… Stacks with foods too.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Out of curiosity, what potion recipes would you make at lvl 80? I dont see many useful recipes, and the ones that do seem useful require lodestones and bloods, etc. Doesn’t seem worth it to me.

My friend makes things like potions against undead. Orr is just a fight undead fest and those potions make you take less damage from pretty much everything in the zone while also dealing out more damage.

At times, he’ll make other specific potions if he knows that he’s going to an open world zone or instance and there is supposed to be a ton of a certain creature type present.

On a side note, Oils and other temporary buffs are also nice. However they are a bit costly to make and they disappear when you get downed. They’re situationally nice for the situations where you aren’t going to fall down, but it’s so easy to lose those buffs when things get a bit crazy. I’ve always found the idea of buffs that tend to disappear when you need them the most to be rather counter-productive.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Hmm, i must have not gone down when i used oils. I never really noticed that they dropped. I know food doesn’t for sure, what about stones?

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Hmm, i must have not gone down when i used oils. I never really noticed that they dropped. I know food doesn’t for sure, what about stones?

Stones and Oils will drop. They’re like the +stat stacks that are generated from the weapon sigils that give up to x25 stacks of buffs after you kill things. The moment that you get downed for even a second, your “on killing hit” sigil buffs and your temporary stone / oil buffs fall away.

That’s not to say that the buffs still aren’t nice. They certainly are useful. However I do consider them somewhat unreliable and I don’t like to depend on them when I’m doing fights against powerful champion mobs and other zones bosses. You often find yourself getting knocked down and getting back up again in a continual dance during those fights. In those moments, stones and oils don’t have a lot of value to me.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Unless you are trying to level quickly then no; crafting is not worth it. You can’t craft anything that you can’t get on the trading post for half the cost, you can’t make any money off it, and the skins you make are butt-ugly. Well, at least the leather worker skins are ugly, I actually rather like some of the tailoring ones.

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Valarya.2391


i started crafting when i was a lowbie with roughly 40s in my pocket. i can play an average of 4 hours a week. that is not much to go out and do pve, so i focussed myself on crafting.
i parked myself in rata sum and buy all my resources needed to craft what i need to sell. for now i have not yet any craft at 400 but over time i did manage to get several crafts to roughly 250. not calculating the cost of resources i had to buy to skill up (so what’s left is pure profit) my wallet now holds 40g getting ready to get another craft.

if a crafter that only has that limited time a week but an understanding of the market can make that money and still skill up never leaving the crafting stations, imagine what a crafter can do that has alot of time.

i’d say crafting is worth it.

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Venin.8460


… If that’s your point of view, then I would suggest going into Artificer for their potion buff consumables and Cook for their food buff consumables. Though both of these buffs occupy the same buffing slot (so you can only use one at a time), you’ll have a lot of self-buffing options and you can change things around whenever you want.

Just to be clear, are you saying potions and foods don’t stack? Not to argue or anything as I haven’t actually tried it myself, but the official wiki says they do stack.

If you’re saying a potion doesn’t stack with another potion or a food doesn’t stack with another food, then you’d be correct.

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: munkiman.3068


… If that’s your point of view, then I would suggest going into Artificer for their potion buff consumables and Cook for their food buff consumables. Though both of these buffs occupy the same buffing slot (so you can only use one at a time), you’ll have a lot of self-buffing options and you can change things around whenever you want.

Just to be clear, are you saying potions and foods don’t stack? Not to argue or anything as I haven’t actually tried it myself, but the official wiki says they do stack.

If you’re saying a potion doesn’t stack with another potion or a food doesn’t stack with another food, then you’d be correct.

They do indeed stack you can use food with oils (utility), and potions. Just not crystals or sharpening stones.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


… If that’s your point of view, then I would suggest going into Artificer for their potion buff consumables and Cook for their food buff consumables. Though both of these buffs occupy the same buffing slot (so you can only use one at a time), you’ll have a lot of self-buffing options and you can change things around whenever you want.

Just to be clear, are you saying potions and foods don’t stack? Not to argue or anything as I haven’t actually tried it myself, but the official wiki says they do stack.

If you’re saying a potion doesn’t stack with another potion or a food doesn’t stack with another food, then you’d be correct.

Food stacks with any potion, crystal or a sharpening stone.

Is Crafting Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: lolynot.1928


I find crafting to be a chore. Collecting mats, getting recipes, and making the materials. So much work! Just type in what I want in the TP and click BUY. That is what I like to do.

I would use crafting for two things: crafting legendary and leveling up faster!

Eventually, you will want that legendary and will need to pick up crafting. If you want a greatsword, I believe you need Weaponsmith and something else, so why not level up the crafting now while XP is more valuable, since you’re not 80 yet?