Is crafting worth the trouble??

Is crafting worth the trouble??

in Crafting

Posted by: grimdwa.2461


Not sure if this belongs here or in general discussions, since this is more in relation to any possible advantages one may be able to obtain from crafting rather than crafting itself.

Im currently near 450 in armorsmith and so far I have seen little to no benefits in spending hours looking for crafting materials and using them to craft.
Some recipes require a ridiculous ammount of rare items which are hard enough to find; buying them is not cheap and in the end the crafted item sells for less than half what it cost you to make not justifying either the time or the money spent.

So in the economic side, as far as 450 in armorsmithing goes, its the economic equivalent to jumping legs spread from a second floor onto an iron handrail.

In regard to interesting items there is, so far, nothing that I could not have bought myself at the auction.

I keep expecting that at 500 things will do a 180 turn, and the unique items I should be able to craft will sell for over 100g and cost an appropriate ammount, that will allow me to have a profit or at least obain items that can not be found in the auction, worth of the time and money spent on them.

Not sure how many of you are at 500 and could inform me if this is so or if Im just wasting my time.

At this point Ive found out it would be more appropriate to simply farm and sell any crafting material.

What are your opinions? is crafting in GW2 worth the trouble?

Is crafting worth the trouble??

in Crafting

Posted by: Aerthos.8012


A lot of the stuff you can craft at 500 (for my knowledge), is account bound so you won’t be able to sell it. That being said, for a lot of that stuff crafting is also the only way to obtain it, so if you want any of the stuff for 500 crafting skill you need to make it yourself.

I think the biggest example of this for any of the armor professions is ascended armor with a specific prefix. For example, on my ranger I want ascended with Valkyrie. Since you cannot find that anywhere, I’m upping my leatherworking to 500 so I can make it myself. Sure, it’s not a fast process, but it’s something I can work towards while I’m doing other things.

Is crafting worth the trouble??

in Crafting

Posted by: AngelDiscarnate.5489


The ascended items you can craft at 500 are account bound, so you can’t buy them at the Trading Post, nor can you profit from them.
Which means, eventually if you want the Illustrious Armor or any of the God-aligned back items, you’re going to have to raise your crafting eventually.

The question of is it worth it is a good argument either way. Some people say that in order to benefit from the ascended armor, you have to be hard into high-end PvP, where the 5% stat boost above the exotic set could make or break you. Other people say no matter where you play the cost is not worth the outcome.

I put my Tailoring to 500 not too long ago, and I spent the karma on an insignia, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten on an ascended armor. So unless you like the look of something that requires 500 crafting, weather or not it’s worth it is completely up to you.

If you’re looking to profit from a craft, the most commonly used things that can and will do that are the tier 3 12-slot bags made by Tailors, Leatherworkers, and Armorsmiths. There’s not a lot of profit a single bag, but they’re relatively cheap to make and sell fairly quickly, I find anyway.

I play Fort Aspenwood, I lead the 8 member guild, Sacred Storm [Strm] I am Jason Goes Mental.
I don’t raid, I barely fractal, and I suck beyond words at PvP and WvW.
But I try, and that’s what counts.

Is crafting worth the trouble??

in Crafting

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


Yes, it’s worth the trouble to go to 400, but in my opinion, it’s only worth the trouble to go to 500 if you want ascended stuff. (or just want to get to 500….)

Is crafting worth the trouble??

in Crafting

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


You can make gold on time-gated items but that’s about it if you don’t care for ascended.

Is crafting worth the trouble??

in Crafting

Posted by: CrimsonDX.4821


If you are in it for trying to make a profit then id say no it is not worth the trouble. If you are actually in it for being able to craft stuff for yourself then yes I would say it is worth it. If you are in no hurry then don’t buy anything from the TP for 1-400 since just doing regular map completion will net you all the mats you ever need. Even for 400-500 it is not worth buying stuff off the TP unless you are in a real hurry.

Is crafting worth the trouble??

in Crafting

Posted by: Wanze.8410


You can make plenty of profit with crafting if you know how. 100g+ easily per week with half an hour crafting every day, if you know what youre doing.
Most of it does only require lvl 400 though.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Is crafting worth the trouble??

in Crafting

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

If you are asking if you can easily make money….No.

If you research WHAT to make, you can make money with crafting. Note that the component items are usually much more profitable than the finished items.

25 Ancient Longbow staves will earn you much more than 25 (non-Zerker) Exotic Longbows.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances