It's official... I missed the deadline
I knew i wouldnt/couldnt get the more expensive ones because im an eng and i already have the perfect shield skin (ghastly grinning shield), so when the karka event came out, i sold almost all i had to buy my chaos gun cheap coz i knew prices would soon rise. That said, imade my deadline to be at end of jan/early feb and it looks like i can make it in time :p
I thought i could get my 2nd Legendary but i forgot about the 200 Skill points…
I made my 3rd Legendary on Christmas Eve just in time I’m gonna set my goal for my 4th Legendary sometime 2nd week of March 2013 <3
I made my 3rd Legendary on Christmas Eve just in time
I’m gonna set my goal for my 4th Legendary sometime 2nd week of March 2013 <3
gz! shame i ran out of legendary weapons to craft…
You just have to be really, really lucky… even if it sucks…
Just for MF-clarification:
1. You can recieve a Precursor from lvl 80 rares?
2. You can recieve a Precursor from lvl 71+ exotics?
Because I often heared now, that rares wouldnt yield into a Precursor..
And is a lvl 71 exotic high enough for the lvl-requirement?
You just have to be really, really lucky… even if it sucks…
Just for MF-clarification:
1. You can recieve a Precursor from lvl 80 rares?
2. You can recieve a Precursor from lvl 71+ exotics?Because I often heared now, that rares wouldnt yield into a Precursor..
And is a lvl 71 exotic high enough for the lvl-requirement?
1. yes. even from level 76 rares
2. erm… this im not sure. I think it has to be level 76 exotics as well.
I was a little late. I set Christmas as the day I would finish the dreamer. This morning I was about 60k karma short so I grinded events on and off all day with boosters. At 5am i finished and had to sell everything I owned (mats, ectos, Halloween skins) to buy the lover. Finally finished.
I made my 3rd Legendary on Christmas Eve just in time
I’m gonna set my goal for my 4th Legendary sometime 2nd week of March 2013 <3
gz! shame i ran out of legendary weapons to craft…
Both of you seemed to be of the 1st generation legendaries owners (week+ past release)
I missed the big wealth train, so I’ll settle for two legendaries (got Sunrise, working on Jugger).
Getting one in a short time requires a lot of effort and sacrifice of free time.
The other way to get one would to be a serious power trader if you get one every 2nd week or so… I’m the 1st option.
I don’t think I can suck up any more punishment tbh, so 2 legends are enough for me… for now.
This is my legendary owners ladder:
1. 0 legendaries – Keep enjoying the scenery, oh, you got 30k acehivement points? cool story, you’re still a beggar.
2. 1 legendary – Lucky opportunist of past exploits / low end market shift or dedicated player, hard to tell, would go with first options.
3. 2 legendaries – The 2nd one definitely required more effort than the 1st after the big market shift, kudos.
4. 3 legendaries or more – Big shot power trader, early days fast gold opportunist or both.
I’m personally, slightly jealous of #4, but will settle for #3.
I made my 3rd Legendary on Christmas Eve just in time
I’m gonna set my goal for my 4th Legendary sometime 2nd week of March 2013 <3
gz! shame i ran out of legendary weapons to craft…
Both of you seemed to be of the 1st generation legendaries owners (week+ past release)
I missed the big wealth train, so I’ll settle for two legendaries (got Sunrise, working on Jugger).Getting one in a short time requires a lot of effort and sacrifice of free time.
The other way to get one would to be a serious power trader if you get one every 2nd week or so… I’m the 1st option.I don’t think I can suck up any more punishment tbh, so 2 legends are enough for me… for now.
This is my legendary owners ladder:
1. 0 legendaries – Keep enjoying the scenery, oh, you got 30k acehivement points? cool story, you’re still a beggar.
2. 1 legendary – Lucky opportunist of past exploits / low end market shift or dedicated player, hard to tell, would go with first options.
3. 2 legendaries – The 2nd one definitely required more effort than the 1st after the big market shift, kudos.
4. 3 legendaries or more – Big shot power trader, early days fast gold opportunist or both.I’m personally, slightly jealous of #4, but will settle for #3.
Pfft theres guy on black gate that has sunrise, foefires essense, the predator, and frost fang and is apperantly casually working on flameseeker, please identify him in all your glory.
I made my 3rd Legendary on Christmas Eve just in time
I’m gonna set my goal for my 4th Legendary sometime 2nd week of March 2013 <3
gz! shame i ran out of legendary weapons to craft…
Both of you seemed to be of the 1st generation legendaries owners (week+ past release)
I missed the big wealth train, so I’ll settle for two legendaries (got Sunrise, working on Jugger).Getting one in a short time requires a lot of effort and sacrifice of free time.
The other way to get one would to be a serious power trader if you get one every 2nd week or so… I’m the 1st option.I don’t think I can suck up any more punishment tbh, so 2 legends are enough for me… for now.
This is my legendary owners ladder:
1. 0 legendaries – Keep enjoying the scenery, oh, you got 30k acehivement points? cool story, you’re still a beggar.
2. 1 legendary – Lucky opportunist of past exploits / low end market shift or dedicated player, hard to tell, would go with first options.
3. 2 legendaries – The 2nd one definitely required more effort than the 1st after the big market shift, kudos.
4. 3 legendaries or more – Big shot power trader, early days fast gold opportunist or both.I’m personally, slightly jealous of #4, but will settle for #3.
Pfft theres guy on black gate that has sunrise, foefires essense, the predator, and frost fang and is apperantly casually working on flameseeker, please identify him in all your glory.
Riaky.8965 .
not me I only have Meteorlogicus, Bolt, & Flameseeker.
I finished it 1 hour before my xmas day ended! )::)
There’s this really terrible Thief on SBI that has 2 Incinerators and Dreamer. I grouped with him once in Fractals and he was, perhaps, the worst player I’ve ever seen in anything in the game. It was almost depressing. Wish I could have dueled him for his legendaries or something. :P
Glad many others have reached their goals!
Its crazy to think that their are so many multi-legendary owners. I have got to be miss using my time lol
Those who do have yours already, how do you spend your time online? Power trading, Farming, Running Dungeons?
Maybe I can readjust my goal for mid January if not New Years!
Power trading. All else pales in comparison when it comes to gold.
Power trading. All else pales in comparison when it comes to gold.
Since one can buy just about every, EVERY cosmetic…ie…achievement pinnacle…it is by far the worst part of the game imo. It simply cheapens the title/skin/what have you that by playing the tp one can obtain the creme de la creme with a disproportionate amount of time/effort. Imo a very bad design for a mmo. Did I play the content for that, or did I play the tp? Chances are I played the tp b/c it was much quicker/easier.
Power trading. All else pales in comparison when it comes to gold.
Since one can buy just about every, EVERY cosmetic…ie…achievement pinnacle…it is by far the worst part of the game imo. It simply cheapens the title/skin/what have you that by playing the tp one can obtain the creme de la creme with a disproportionate amount of time/effort. Imo a very bad design for a mmo. Did I play the content for that, or did I play the tp? Chances are I played the tp b/c it was much quicker/easier.
It only cheapens it to those who value the status of items in a video game. Not everyone does, even though they want their character to operate or look a certain way. I personally could give 2 kittens if my Twilight had white text and could only be seen by me. And I feel a lot of players feel the same regardless of considering themselves casual or hardcore gamers. Not everyones mindset worries about value or status.
While I don’t really think power trading should be the best way to make money. It simply is. But you can’t have an in-game economy and not expect this as the result, especially when the game features very little soulbind on acquire items in terms of completing content. This is in part because the entire reward system is screwed up in this game. While I don’t think any real constraints could have been placed on the TP and still label it as a “free market”, dungeons and such could have followed the more traditional reward system of loot tables. Instead, most people end up walking away with a few measely silver that vanishes after a few teleports around the world and a handful of useless blues/greens.
I’m not sure if you’ve noticed on your server, but I have on mine that the Jormag/Teq/Shatt participation is way down. I speculate this is a two part reason – people are burnt out from walking away with nothing to get them closer to their goals by completing mind-numbingly boring fights and the spreading talk of (whether true or not) about DR being a problem with characters/accounts. That particular topic has moved from the forums and into the game world via map chat. Whether it’s true or not, that can’t be a good thing when most of the non-forum community (the vast majority of the player base) is discussing it.
Oh I agree…it definitely comes down to personal opinion. That’s why I used “imo”. As for the dragons….tbh the best part of doing the claw event was the chance at lodestones from the adds, but ofc they nerfed that. I think a great way to get ppl to go back to said events would be to add core drops to the adds…glacial to claw (not sure y corrupted r there doesn’t fit imo), corrupted to teq, and charged to the shatterer. Heck they could even goes as far as adding molten to the fire elemental and destroyer to the mega destroyer events. Ofc I doubt anything like this will happen, nor do I foresee any incoming communication about the matter. So we are left to our devices and our speculations. Oh well…………….
Thanks evo! I am gonna start the trading engine up I guess. Maybe I can make it by the end of the year!
Thanks evo! I am gonna start the trading engine up I guess. Maybe I can make it by the end of the year!
Before you get your “trading engines” started…
Keep in mind that most big power traders have given up on the game already, they play a different game than us, and for them getting a legendary is simply a matter of status and make the average joe drool in envy.
Unless you truly dedicate yourself to it, you won’t see as much profit as they do.
While knowing that nowdays I make just as much gold as a power trader per day, as one of the posters suggested here – they lack the drive to play the game itself, regardless if it feels there’s anything left to play for.
I couldn’t find the topic, but there was a guy who was bored enough and made an “event”, something about dancing for 100g prize.
Another example is the legendaries on TP, these certain traders don’t even bother playing the game, rather they’d toy with everyone else and enjoy topics such as
Or you can really just go to the BLTC Forum, Anet succeeded planting the seed to make everyone go crazy over the legendaries again without creating any new skins or improving (and there’s a quite a few to improve) the current ones.
I went off-topic a bit, but you get the idea.
Once you become a power trader (big profits, not just messing around) you stop caring why you even started making all that gold.
I’d consider myself a pretty successful power trader, I have a legendary, and I don’t give a kitten about the status or quality of the weapon.
You can’t lump all power traders into such a group. I merely care for what my player looks like on my screen. If model/skin swapping was available through dat files, I would have done that rather than going through the hassle of acquiring gold, to make my character look the way I want them to – on my screen.
I’d consider myself a pretty successful power trader, I have a legendary, and I don’t give a kitten about the status or quality of the weapon.
You can’t lump all power traders into such a group. I merely care for what my player looks like on my screen. If model/skin swapping was available through dat files, I would have done that rather than going through the hassle of acquiring gold, to make my character look the way I want them to – on my screen.
What is your average per day that you consider yourself successful?
I’m not sure we’re talking about the same amounts here that categorize you as the one I described.
To answer your question bluntly: 100g/day at the end of the weekly average. The best days are Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I landed on this trend only from when dye drop-rates were fixed.
It’s a waiting game for transactions to go through, and they’re not always guaranteed. Even so, I spend no more than an hour a day maintaining this formula. My trade volume is relatively low – on the order of 30 successful transactions a day that yield a net gain but the yield per item is high – with little risk of competition simply because the rarity/chance of the items and I employee outside help to hold my prices. Eventually I’ll have to raise prices again or move onto a different item.
There are people making much more than me, and no doubt they probably put much more thought and time into their work. I have no reason to continue amassing wealth, but I find it as an enjoyable meta-game when I don’t necessarily have the opportunity to play for a little while longer for that particular login session.
Grazingcattle.1627 – So there you have it.
Our lovely power trader here who’s still a “small fry who merely earns 100g a day” plays no more than 1 hour a day.
That is what you’ll be reduced to.
The game itself will no longer hold any meaning to you, enjoy your trading.
And thank you for proving my point here evo.
No power trader here can say that he actually plays the game.
Not once in my life I’ve met people who hoard the largest amount of gold in the community that don’t give a rats kitten about the game itself they’re playing.
(Just as a reminder. I’m close to finish my 2nd legendary and in a very good position myself, only criticizing the situation)
(edited by Horheristo.3607)
I think that’s a little subjective. The game still holds lots of meaning and I never miss a chance on great wvw action or dungeon runs. I simply don’t have to engage in this content to meet financial ends. And to me that’s a-okay. If I had to repeat current content a hundred times over with the immense amount of bugs, DR, overtuning, undertuning, relying on insignificant static silver reward from bosses / events and the occasional blessing of RNG, I’d have quit a long time ago.
I’ve done that all before in previous MMO’s. I can say now since being financially secure for present day, and hopefully the foreseeable future that I can play and enjoy the game without that problem lingering in the back of my head. And I do, on a daily basis. It’s real life obligations that keep me logged out. Not boredom.
Of course, like I previously said. If it were possible to data / mod swap files to make my character appear a certain way on my screen only, I’d have gone down that route before I would have ever considered making wealth to cover the expenses for my character.
(edited by evo.8640)
evo.8640 – Let’s put it another way…
Would you see yourself touching the game at all if you couldn’t efficiently power trade at all?
I think we both know the answer.
This thread makes me wonder: how many people besides myself are going for a Legendary without playing the TP at all?
I use it to buy materials and sell certain bits of loot, but I definitely don’t watch trends and buy things to sell them later.
This thread makes me wonder: how many people besides myself are going for a Legendary without playing the TP at all?
I use it to buy materials and sell certain bits of loot, but I definitely don’t watch trends and buy things to sell them later.
Raises hand
But very few of us exist, for a good reason. Our methods aren’t as efficient.
Knowing there’s people out there who kitten on my face with 4 legendaries or more, seriously take away the whole prestige value. One does not invest over 800g just and only for looks.
My 2nd will be my last, unless some new cool skins come out and I can manage to beat the traders and get my first one cheap before they kitten the prices.
Horheristo, I already answered that question in part.
If data / mod swapping and the TP game was not available to obtain the look I want while playing my character, I’d still play the game.
I wouldn’t continue grinding through the same content for months on end to achieve my goals when the loftier goals are gated by horrific RNG. You’re right about that.
It’s too complex a question, and I can give a complex an answer to finish off the question. But in short, there are a ton of issues in the game that effect this, and you have to understand that. Bugs going unfixed since beta/launch. New bugs constantly popping out of the wood work. Pointless patches to obscure “exploits” that almost no one know about – that hinders no one rather than fixes to bugs and overal gameplay mechanics that have gone untouched. And from a PR standpoint, I really cannot stand the lack of involvment from Anet red and their cryptic, and often flat-out wrong responses. A great game overall, but lots of failure on certain deliveries.
A good portion of my time played has been spent in wvw. I can say, I don’t feel like I’d ever get bored of that, so with all things equal I’d continue playing if for nothing but that.
Simple fact, you can just power trade your way to legendary weapons thus without them being exclusive to said activity, it cheapens them to the point of stupidity.
When they’re more “legendary” and less “legendairy” then I’m sure people will start giving a crap.
My dead line is whenever I feel like it! Honestly though, I think getting the precursor I need will be the last thing I do, since it will likely be a major gold sink due to rng in the mystic forge, unless they bring out a more reasonable way to get it.
This thread makes me wonder: how many people besides myself are going for a Legendary without playing the TP at all?
I’m advancing on a legendary and I don’t buy my components from the TP at all.
I do the WvW jump puzzle a few times a week for my Gift of Jumpin- er, Battle. I smile a little every time a t6 blue mat drops and increments me toward the 2,000 of them I’ll need (I’m up to about 50 in all 8 categories, so creeping along). I buy icy runestones once in a while if I’ve been doing dungeons that day, but honestly I’m largely bored with the ones people run constantly. I have my dungeon gift. I have 5 crafts at 400 and the remaining 3 well under way so the crafting gifts don’t alarm me too much. I can make gold when I choose to exert myself, I’d just rather earn goods and mats rather than mudflation coin.
I’ve put my hunt for the precurrsor on hold – not spending much time up at the Claw event and all my yellows are being dimantled for ectos. I have 50 clovers and am in good shape on obsidean to finish the 77, then I can start stock piling obsidean for the 250 required. Skill points I have aplenty, since I harvest the landscape with all the required killin’ and do a FotM run pretty much daily. I’m sure my collectibles tab would be worth several hundred gold at maket value given the piles of cores and lodestones I’m sitting on while waiting to decide which Legendary I’m gonna push hard for.
I could farm money instead of materials, but that always strikes me as self defeating – since money put into the TP doesn’t go away (like it would if I could buy some of these mats from vendors). Instead it goes to arm Super-traders who will just use it to build buy-walls to cut me off from the next item I need. If I farm 4 gold and buy a charged lodestone, thats just driving the price up. If I farm up one myself, thats 1 more I have without adding 4g of intrinsically valueless coin to the system.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
As I have said in threads past, I am not smart enough to become a power trader on my own. I know a few ways to make steady income from the TP but nothing that even comes close to 100g/day type profits. Closer to 1-2g a day and i just have to spend a few minutes when i am near a tp.
If I had someone guiding me step by step I am sure I could become a power trader, but most are keen to keep their talents to themselves which they are welcome to do. Some people really enjoy the PvP of market trading, while others like myself see it as merely another aspect of the game much like WvW. The problem most people have is that the payout for tpPvP is much better on average then farming to the point that its laughable. I don’t mind that.
Much like my farming, If I can find a good niche and maybe find a group that is good then my bankroll will increase.
To Horheristo, I understand that some people who power trade become so engrossed that the game no longer becomes enjoyable to them. I never want to get to the point that I feel like I have to clock in and do X Y and Z for the day or manage a small business. If I see a dime on the ground though I pick it up. I feel like most people feel like its only one or the other, you can’t enjoy playing aspects of the game and buy/sell for profit.
Making more than you make now on the TP simply comes with having enough capital to buy out the existing supply of an item and enough remaining capital to create a buy order wall that can’t be taken down. Of course it can’t be just any item. It has to be something that is relatively rare and something that is in demand. Not just because it’s rare, but because it’s something people would want regardless of it’s “quality”. You broaden the spectrum to maximum capacity, if it’s something everyone can use.
You don’t have to hit that last point, but the others are requirements for coming out with a net gain.
There is some research involved to find out which items aren’t already controlled, but honestly there’s no real magic in it. I’d say there’s a lot more finesse to flipping than doing what I do. There are real wizards out there for sure, but by and large part of it’s luck by being in the right financial place at the right time to corner.
I’m probably an odd guy out. I like the meta-game of building wealth, while I have no real use for it, but I put in a decent amount of time when I can into all the parts of the game that I enjoy, and even some parts I don’t as much.
(edited by evo.8640)
Power traders make me feel like a cheap kitten.
They pay for my goods, and kitten me at the same time.
Even with 50~60g a day I feel like a middle class in this game, just how sad is that?
Power traders make me feel like a cheap kitten.
They pay for my goods, and kitten me at the same time.Even with 50~60g a day I feel like a middle class in this game, just how sad is that?
I don’t even make 50-60g a day.
Power traders make me feel like a cheap kitten.
They pay for my goods, and kitten me at the same time.Even with 50~60g a day I feel like a middle class in this game, just how sad is that?
I don’t even make 50-60g a day.
Welcome to the slums with me!
Evo if you ever decide to need someone to do your dishes or throw food into your mouth just let me know
Heck, I’m lucky if I make 3 gold a day. Means I got some decent drops. Of course, I almost never sell crafting materials, which definitely puts a dent in my coin, but not in my actual income.
Most of you guys don’t even realize how little you are in this game compared to the trading wizards.
You may think I earn a lot, but what I make in a day should be your standard if you started like me since release.
If after 4 months you can’t even make 40g a day in 2+ hours then you should quit the game altogether.
There are people who post legendaries with hundreds of gold fees only for listing, not because they actually plan to sell the items. Only for giggles as it hardly affect their total funds.
Start opening your eyes and see how these traders have tagged everyone else as their slaves.
Grazingcattle.1627 -
You already wash his dishes and kitten his kitten without realizing it.
Saying that those who haven’t played the game the same way you have seems kinda silly. I like having the gold i need to buy X or Y. If I had know how much a legendary would cost me I would have never started… I thought exploration would the tough part =S
I made my 3rd Legendary on Christmas Eve just in time
I’m gonna set my goal for my 4th Legendary sometime 2nd week of March 2013 <3
May I ask how you already have 3 legendaries? Which ones did you make? How did you get enough lodestones/other mats to make 3? Did you ‘legit’ farm them or ‘TP’ farm said mats? I’m curious, because I gave up on bolt because the droprate and cost of charged lodestones is terrible. I am now going for the dreamer bow, since it requires no lodestones. :\
I don’t like to brag but here are my 3 Legendaries in order: Meteorlogicus, Bolt, & Flameseeker. I’m a power trader myself but not gonna reveal what to do here. I earned my gold legit and no exploit.
(edited by Riaky.8965)
I told myself I’d have Foefire’s Essence by Christmas but here I am about 60 Charged lodestones short :P
edit: I’m bad at math
I set myself the goal of obtaining a legendary within a year of launch. (preferable before any major expansions)
I am well on my way. Have the precursor and Gift of Mastery. Nearing 200g for the achievement, then I will be able to finish out Gifts of Might and Magic.
Only major hurdle left is 96 charged lodestones, but I think I can handle that, will jsut take some time.
I set my goal to just get the precursor for any legendary by new years and i got it on the 31st from a random mob
Even though its dusk and my ranger is like “……”