Jeweler Profession - Stats
other than having 15 characters.. i do agree with this and could add a lot more to customizability in terms of players stats and builds, showing diversity.
pretty interesting idea and would allow end-users to really learn their class, stats and the game.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I agree, A-net won’t though.
They probably aren’t going to do it due to balancing issues.
Healing Power/ Toughness/ Vitality would be a bit too strong of a bunker build for example.
Precision/Toughness/Healing power is also another stat combo that could bring some problems.
in other words allowing free customization of stats could lead to balancing issues.
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
They probably aren’t going to do it due to balancing issues.
Healing Power/ Toughness/ Vitality would be a bit too strong of a bunker build for example.
Precision/Toughness/Healing power is also another stat combo that could bring some other words allowing free customization of stats could lead to balancing issues.
^ This ^
Imagine how bad Berserkers would get if you could have Major Precision + Crit Damage instead of having to opt for Major Power + Crit Damage.
Too much variation = balance problems…. and then it gets worse: Stat combinations that are too ideal force adjustments to the skills they impact, crit damage gets scaled back because it’s too easy to get high crit damage + high crit rate…. etc, etc….. After that, only the customized ideal stats are worth while and everything else becomes less viable.
Right now, we have to make choices…. get a little here, give up a little there…. but if you blend your gear…. some parts of X stat combo, some parts of Y, you can get similar effects. Lets the clever find those magic break points where they can erg out a few extra ticks of damage, or survivability without making it gimmie easy.
Balance is always the counter argument to diversity. Everyone must be equal! Except that we’re not all equal in the first place. If you were asked what weapon combinations to use for each profession, what would you go for? One set for high dps and one for range right? Well, that eliminates several other sets of weapons which means that the balance doesn’t exist that you’re talking about.
So what if I can crit 110% of the time on a necro, I’m still not doing any damage… yay! I can have 30,000 HP and I can get one shot by that ele who spec’d into power, prec./crit dmg. I should have DODGED it, I had plenty of time with that 1 sec. cast time.
There is no balance because all of the weapon sets aren’t useful. There are good sets for PVE and there are good sets for WvW and there are good sets for PvP and you have to spec differently for each one to be truly useful. That isn’t something you can balance without destroying one of the other play modes. Which is why I have a problem with Anet. GW1 finally separated PvE and PvP to their own modes and I could have a powerful character in PVE while having a competitive character in PVP. They somehow forgot the lesson they learned in the nearly decade of GW1 and tossed all their eggs into the same basket to start all over again.
You want to be an e-sport? STOP combining the play modes and thinking you can balance them all the same way!
Anyway, I’m all for diversity and as a jeweler I would love to see this happen. I would also like the other suggestion of being able to craft things in the design I wanted, not just the one that was provided for that recipe. A true craftsman (hell, even a novice) always employs creative license, instead of the manufacturing process we have now…
Balance is always the counter argument to diversity. Everyone must be equal! Except that we’re not all equal in the first place. If you were asked what weapon combinations to use for each profession, what would you go for? One set for high dps and one for range right? Well, that eliminates several other sets of weapons which means that the balance doesn’t exist that you’re talking about.
So what if I can crit 110% of the time on a necro, I’m still not doing any damage… yay! I can have 30,000 HP and I can get one shot by that ele who spec’d into power, prec./crit dmg. I should have DODGED it, I had plenty of time with that 1 sec. cast time.
There is no balance because all of the weapon sets aren’t useful. There are good sets for PVE and there are good sets for WvW and there are good sets for PvP and you have to spec differently for each one to be truly useful. That isn’t something you can balance without destroying one of the other play modes. Which is why I have a problem with Anet. GW1 finally separated PvE and PvP to their own modes and I could have a powerful character in PVE while having a competitive character in PVP. They somehow forgot the lesson they learned in the nearly decade of GW1 and tossed all their eggs into the same basket to start all over again.
You want to be an e-sport? STOP combining the play modes and thinking you can balance them all the same way!
Anyway, I’m all for diversity and as a jeweler I would love to see this happen. I would also like the other suggestion of being able to craft things in the design I wanted, not just the one that was provided for that recipe. A true craftsman (hell, even a novice) always employs creative license, instead of the manufacturing process we have now…
^ This. But without the angry voice.
Balance is always the counter argument to diversity. Everyone must be equal! Except that we’re not all equal in the first place. If you were asked what weapon combinations to use for each profession, what would you go for? One set for high dps and one for range right? Well, that eliminates several other sets of weapons which means that the balance doesn’t exist that you’re talking about.
Here’s why balance is a counter argument to diversity: An excess of diversity creates a focus on Min vs Max game play and the end result is that you have stat combinations that are Optimal and get play vs stat combinations that are clearly sub-optimal and get zero play. In the end, you have not created Diversity. What you have created is an appearance of diversity while maintaining the same (or further reducing) the number of viable options for play.
GW1 is one example of this. Hundreds of skills, mix and match between multiple professions, and yet certain build / playstyles become a dominant factor in the ‘meta’ while the casual or unstudied player faces a barrier to entry because of system complexity. That was a huge part of why GW1 skills are more streamlined than GW2. Something that A-net has commented on several times.
For a non GW paralell, Magic the Gathering has tons of ‘diversity’ in the cards they print, and while some of the ‘bad’ cards serve a purpose in sealed play (draft tournaments and the like) those cards are completely ignored in constructed play.
You get the same thing here.
I would further argue that changing the existing stat combinations would not create new builds or archtypes but would instead allow greater optimization within existing builds.
Here’s why balance is a counter argument to diversity: An excess of diversity creates a focus on Min vs Max game play and the end result is that you have stat combinations that are Optimal and get play vs stat combinations that are clearly sub-optimal and get zero play. In the end, you have not created Diversity. What you have created is an appearance of diversity while maintaining the same (or further reducing) the number of viable options for play.
GW1 is one example of this. Hundreds of skills, mix and match between multiple professions, and yet certain build / playstyles become a dominant factor in the ‘meta’ while the casual or unstudied player faces a barrier to entry because of system complexity. That was a huge part of why GW1 skills are more streamlined than GW2. Something that A-net has commented on several times.
For a non GW paralell, Magic the Gathering has tons of ‘diversity’ in the cards they print, and while some of the ‘bad’ cards serve a purpose in sealed play (draft tournaments and the like) those cards are completely ignored in constructed play.
You get the same thing here.
I would further argue that changing the existing stat combinations would not create new builds or archtypes but would instead allow greater optimization within existing builds.
Very well said, personally I think they’re too worried about carebearing to the ever elusive ‘causual’ player.
Personally I would like to see this for armor and weapons as well. Use 3 inscriptions/insignias/jewels and a base to customize your stats. Keep it so you have to use different stat ingredients, and they can scale it back to lvl 1 from there (you unlock using 2 at lvl 30 and 3 and lvl 60)
Also in the rush for ascended they seem to have left crafting in the dust. I liked how you could craft the backpieces even if you had to grind your butt off in fractals.
In the last Q&A with Colin Johanson he made mention that he’d like to see more incentives for mastering a crafting dicipline, so I’m still keeping a shred of hope alive for crafting updates. It would make perfect sense that being able to make pieces with custom stats would be for master craftsmen.