Jeweller: What to craft?

Jeweller: What to craft?

in Crafting

Posted by: ShadowBlaze.2573


So I am told Jeweller is one of the cheaper crafts to level. But the craft guides out there wants me to craft earrings to level and they are quite expensive. Are there any cheaper way of doing this?

Jeweller: What to craft?

in Crafting

Posted by: ShadowBlaze.2573


Any inputs?

15 char

Jeweller: What to craft?

in Crafting

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

Jeweller: What to craft?

in Crafting

Posted by: Daulnay.4971


Ignore certain parts of the crafting guides. Many people want to craft up in a hurry, so they get a pile of ore and then craft basic parts. Then, they put those parts on the TP, at a big monetary loss. The crafting guides have you acquiring ore and making the parts.

You can generally buy all the basic jewelery parts for much less than it would cost to buy the ore and make them yourself. Save your ores for the parts that are not dumped, mainly the ring and necklace parts. Buy the cheapest stones, and make an earring and ring. with each. Sell to the vendor. Make filigreed gems, and save them for the next part. If you can get them from the TP at less than it costs to buy a filigree and gem, buy one more.

Always buy your ingredients with offers, unless the sale price is only one copper or so above the lowest offer. It takes more patience, but the savings are substantial.

Buy some of the rare recipes from the master craftsman, for karma. The jewelry you make from these recipes sometimes sell at a profit, so you can actually end with more money than you had at the start, if you choose what you make carefully.