Kits and Legendary effect's fixed yet?
“And to top it all off, many Legendaries are getting some aesthetic upgrades!”
We know for sure that Meteorlogicus is getting smth new. Other dunno, but! we know that it’s not only 1 legendary :P
He means the fact that as an engineer, you can’t see your legendary most of the time given that engineer kits replace your weapons. For example, let’s say you’re wielding a legendary pistol and shield. You’re da man! However, when you use the utility skill “flamethrower”, it will replace your 2 legendary weapons with a flamethrower, and give you 5 new skills on your skillbar. While using this flamethrower, the stats of your pistol and shield are used, but your two legendary weapons are no longer visible. Instead, you’re wielding the same flamethrower that a lvl 10 engineer is using. While this is cool at lvl 10, it no longer is that cool when you’re lvl 80 for months.
Exactly as you say Buttercup, and it is very lame and needs fixed especially since we put just as much work into are legendary as the other classes do. Its total inequality currently since we cant decide how are kits look and they remove these awesome effects we worked hard for.
I really hope they do fix this issue because it is a huge problem with end game for engineers. I’ve made legendaries for other classes even though my main and favorite class to play is Engineer. I know Colin said they know its an issue but until a change is made my main will sadly never get a Legendary.
1 year later and no fix for Engies and legendaries. No fix for Engies and hobo-sacks.
In a game where cosmetics are everything in the end game, Engies are sorely left out of the mix.
On this screen, I see the player doing a necro staff #1 animation, it least it looks like it.
Maybe no dark scythe figure on the end of bifrost for necros ?
On this screen, I see the player doing a necro staff #1 animation, it least it looks like it.
Maybe no dark scythe figure on the end of bifrost for necros ?https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/ab8b802-Clockwork-Chaos.jpg
The purpley stuff by the hand might indicate that is a mesmer.
In any case, I doubt anything will have changed regarding the kits. It would be similar to them making a change for warrior banners or elementalist conjured weapons, I just don’t see them ever doing that (although those two examples don’t hide the back slot item either).
The only thing I can think of as far as engineers are concerned is Predator having more effects on things, and The Flameseeker Prophecies causing you to actually throw it instead of the generic wooden shield. Not sure if there’s any issues with stuff from Quip, but most of the abilities aren’t “bullets”, per se.
i changed it but since your post is off topic should it not be removed also